I'm at my wits end with my 350z. recently it's developed a problem where it literally looses all it power come 3.5-4k RPM.
First and second gear it pulls hard and hits around 3-4k RPM and there a drop in power for a second as if you have taken your foot off the accelerator and planted it again.
Sometimes you loose all power, your foot is on the floor and your not really going anywhere, the revs very slowly creep up as well as your speed.
I've tried plugging it in and all that comes up is fault codes for my decat - I bought the car decatted and it's been fine untill now.
2003 350z GT Spec
103k Miles
theres 4 things on my list to try.
1 - Cam position sensor
2 - Crank position senor
3 - Knock sensor - Lead to belive 2003 engines don't have knock sensors?
4 - VVT Solenoid
If anyone could shed any light on this matter it would help me out a lot before i start beating around the bush and spend over £100 on sensors when they might not be the problem.