Here's an interesting one. Checked my bank statement tonight and saw £330 had been paid to Hastings Direct.
As my Zed insurance doesn't renew for another couple of months I checked the insurance expiry for my wife's BMW and sure enough the date the money came out was the date of her renewal. BUT, the insurance for the last year was with Direct Line!
As far as I know Hastings aren't owned by Direct Line so at this point I have zero idea how personal details including credit card info has gone from one company to another.. The BMW has never been insured with Hastings, only Direct Line.
If we log in to Direct Line website theres no policy information, and after doing a chance password reset on Hastings website (because we've never had an account with them) we've logged in and can see the new policy certificate.
We've had nothing in the post or email from either company to tell us what the renewal price would be etc. or that we'd been passed to another insurer.
Luckily Direct Line have phones open on Sunday so I'll call tomorrow but in the mean time anyone had this before?