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Posts posted by ChrisS

  1. have to say, what on earth is a 'Delinte D7'? I mean, I've heard of most brands of tyre, even the terrible ones, but have never heard of Delinte before! suggest immediate removal, especially now that cold and wet weather is coming!


    Bet there is a hell of a lot of google'ing going on right now. (I'm going too) :blush::lol:


    First to find them..............??? :lol:

  2. As above, the sensor has to be rock solid on the screen to work.

    Had a mate with a watering can on mine and tried always to get them to work. (on a 9 month old car)

    Back to the dealer and I think they glued on a new one. Worked fine after that.

  3. Seems a shame to throw it away. Maybe someone could come up with a club logo that'd fit in there :) .





    Was thinking along the same lines myself Pete

    A gentleman by the name of Ebized suggested this in the team area 6 or 7 weeks back.

    Not sure of the demand, but suggested twice on this thread. :thumbs:

  4. However, I digress. What really should be done is that VED is removed completely and put onto fuel, but that will never happen and would, in reality, be worse for most motorists so I'm keeping quiet on that front.


    Biggest users pay the most. Good idea,makes big sence.


    But what a big can of worms...............


    What shall we start with.....


    Smokers (I was one) NHS

    Drinkers (OK I'll ave some of that) NHS


    Over eaters....


    Even me putting those four will have "upset" someone in our politically correct society. We now have warnings on 1920's cartoons,it was a century ago for gods sake.

    Whoops.... I took the lords name in vane. That will have upset someone as well.


    Society, please accept my apology for not always being politically correct.


    Think I'll go and pull the legs off a spider................... ( JOKE )

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  5. Can't agree on that one.

    An indicator is an indication, it's not a commitment.


    If someone indicates they are turning and I want to pull out! I'll wait for them to turn thank you.




    That's what us old farts who can't drive do you see, we are just too slow, or is that careful or is it that we think.........


    Don't trust............................." the idiots who cannot drive properly." :lol:

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  6. Blame the idiots who cannot drive properly.


    Nah Dan, that doesn't stack up mate.


    99% of the drivers I've met in the last 42 years of driving are either. "THE" best drivers on British roads or the "GODS" of driving knowledge.


    Your area must have the other 1%. :lol:

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