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Everything posted by reeceybeaney

  1. Decided to buy these myself in the end Used the 15% ebay code as well...
  2. That's the only thing putting me off! Maybe they've had good batches and bad?
  3. Set of 4 braided lines from HEL. In the clearance for some reason, being sold by the hel ebay store. Kind of tempted to snatch these myself... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F332836973450
  4. Does your car ever get dirty? What's next on the mod list???
  5. Hope everyone had a smashing Christmas Got a few more of these left in stock, not likely to make anymore of these again. It's been a great process and I hope everyone has enjoyed the kits as much as I enjoyed making them and putting them together for everyone! As always, any queries about anything at all, PM me
  6. Awesome custom look with the obvious oem quality with the panel gaps etc! Spot on
  7. Exactly my thinking No messing about here
  8. I've seen the later revisions have a bracket between the two pipes which must take out a lot of stress! I've read American 350z forums and the Motordyne guy on there has said they added that bracket/revision for this reason I'm well aware they are a slightly older model but still shocked they would fail like this!
  9. Yeah not much of a crack Well I'm guessing they're the oldest versions of the art pipes because the newer ones look slightly different on the ends of the chambers! Other side looks fine
  10. Not sure where to start! Have had Motordyne ART Pipes fitted for nearly a year now and they have been the best aftermarket mod I have ever purchased... However... Driving along today and all of a sudden the exhaust tone massive depends and loudens significantly. It sounds as if the exhaust has literally fallen off! I pulled over to see that the silencer of the pipe is no more than an inch above the floor a careful, but noisy, drive home to jack the car up as quick as possible in the dark... ...Only to find that the silencer pipe has nearly completely come away from the main part of the exhaust pipe, revealing a huge hole! My presumption is that the weld has failed resulting in a crack. Just wanted to share my experience with these and hopefully nobody has this problem, I believe the art pipes may have been updated in previous years and I may have an old batch! The later image is borrowed from another forum, however the hole in my exhaust is about the size of the drawn orange circle around the welded circumference!
  11. Luckily I picked up the arts second hand so got them relatively cheap! A lot of people have told me that, it gives off a great sound rather than just noise
  12. I think you'll be a little bit disappointed butting standard cats back in, a lot more restrictive too. If budget allows... ART pipes everytime! Quieter than a lot of hfc, retain performance benefits all round too Love the sound of my cobra matches up with ART pipes, best thing I've bought
  13. Will be up for this too! Gutted for everyone to miss out last time. Happy Christmas
  14. Should go and start a thread under the member build projects section, so more people can read your posts and you can update easily Good to see a few tweaks being made
  15. More research just with the addition of a plenum spacer
  16. I was exactly the same when I fitted mine first time round! then I fitted Motordyne test pipes and that changed the game again
  17. So with the sales of plenum spacers going nice and smoothly, I should start to see a little pot of "Zed Spending Money" appear! I finally got round to binning the Bose and fitted the popular Pioneer SPH-DA120... Changed the interior massively and wish I did it ages ago! Potentially on the list: *Fit Stage 1 Exedy Clutch Kit and SMF (is there point if the original is still going?) *Uprev at Abbey Motorsport (possibly going with a few other cars for an arranged discount) *Possibly some new wheels... If I can find a decent set I like which aren't £2000 However I'm still a fan of the standard Rays even though many change them as their first mod! Already gathering bits for a BIG P3 service next spring... How sad I know Oh yeah 21st Birthday been and gone and the Zed has a new plate! So close to being perfect
  18. Anyone wanting to treat their zeds this Xmas to a little extra bhp? Come on get in the spirit, it's not far away now
  19. Very common for original z exhausts to corrode and fail, usually the flexis on the y pipe goes as well at some stage but yours may be fine! Use the opportunity to upgrade to something nice, you won't regret it!
  20. If your engine revs are climbing and you aren't accelerating like you should be... Then classic clutch slip symptoms My normal test is 4th or 5th gear and use the torque and you will likely experience slipping then if you're clutch is on its way out! I have an exedy stage 1 clutch and smf in the garage waiting for the day
  21. Yeah the old school stuff is quite different to what we have now! Weber carbs and all that good stuff fun to machine stuff and then build it too Sounds like a great plan to me! Looking forward to following your progress
  22. I have 10 of these available still Yes I have had feedback from 4 people that have fitted so far, mainly to do with ease of fitting. One owner @jdm2003 said he felt the extra power, but I will leave that to the individual to state! The plenum spacers have been proven many times to be the best bang for buck mod PM me if I can help further
  23. I'm loving the internals/engine block of the VQ, working with historic Jaguar D Type and E Type engines on a daily basis, these are much more interesting Looks like you're going to have a beast of a N/A VQ
  24. Only the special people got haribos
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