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Everything posted by Olly350z

  1. As Ekona says, Id not trust that at all. All thats waiting to happen is a rise in pressure and thats going to dump the contents quicker then a case of ghandis revenge after a vindaloo. If its that tight that you've had to splice it then id say youve been supplied the wrong hose
  2. And my phone has lost its marbles too. Sorry for the duplicate postings team, mods feel free to delete multiple replies for thread cleanliness
  3. I faced this issue late November on the 350z and last month on a 16 year old prelude. When it came to the 350z having insured it no problem in my first year i struggled on second year massively. Despite having 5 years on a completely clean licence, 5 years NCB and being the right side of 25, I couldn't get much less then £750 depsite paying £600 in my first year on the Z. The woman at prestige, Tim is a poster here said that 28 is the new 25. Last month my renewal came up on the daily Honda prelude. A simple 16 year old car valued at £500 with a painfully slow 2.0 L engine. My renewal quote was £425 with a £45 pound admin fee (which I refused to pay on the basis of being a continuing customer) I went looking on comparison websites and to my horror the cheapest I could get was £1000. Even ringing around proved useless. Insurance seems to have royally lost its marbles
  4. 1) Zippypooz - N44SSN (PAYCO too) 2. Stuggerz - S7UG V (Plus Mrs) 3. Panman - P44AAN (Plus josh) 4. Chippychip123 - UK04 ZED 5. Dunks - PHZ 4136 6. Paul_B FG05GJK 7. Darkside - DK 51DEZ (plus son) 8. Punisher - DG07 XKA (plus Jelena) 9. Nismoandy - WP06 FNX 10. Rs2oo - X5 HPL (plus 1) 11. xxx180 - WNZ 3507 12. Amyzed FA51 AMY 13. Rich260 OG04LEX 14. JackJ1312 JA57 JCK + Lauren 15. Olly350z - KD53 DGZ plus 1
  5. That looks so good with the wheels and spacer combo. OEM goodness Checking meet thread now
  6. Adrian, Its been asked and I can't see a reply, the DRLs+Indicators for the 350z, are they for DE or HR bumpers? Because if they fit DEs id love to purchase a set
  7. How are you so local yet we've not crossed paths!
  8. O2 spacers may fix it, they may not. Its literally 50/50. Ive fitted them and the 02 light came on. The only real way to cure it is to get the uprev map done and have them switched off
  9. I was under the impression that parcel Force and the like really didn't like taking bumpers due to the size and awkwardness of them? Maybe times have changed from when I worked with them! As I said Chap its very much last resort Im afraid, there are a few members closer who are interested in collection which is better for everyone. See how things go
  10. A question for Mark, could you not clear coat the plenum to help it maintain its shine? Or would it not adhere for various reasons?
  11. As an absolute last ditch effort then maybe, but I cant stress how much Im against it. I travelled to Bristol for it, around 3 and a half hours each way. Id rather that then trusting into to get damaged and go through the hassle of claiming etc
  12. Yeah Im aware of that dude, just wo dered why Chris said it was plug and play when I was asking about the 350 lol
  13. Not sure what happened to Swiftyy but bumper is still for sale guys.
  14. Plug and play in a Gt 350z? Put me down for one when they come back in
  15. Sorry to hijack your thread Stephanie and its probably going to be a extremely novice question but how important is the W brace? Can you run without one? Its just mines pretty rusty and I wonder if I can run without one
  16. AMAZING IM SURE HE'LL BE ABLE TO HEAR YOU ON THE FORUM ABOVE ALL THE SHOUTING THAT IS HAPPENING IN THIS VERY LOUD ENVIRONMENT and breath. Jheez I've seen some wiring fails but that wins hands down. Make sure you cover each join, thats a short circuit waiting to happen
  17. I have washers APOC124 but unfortunately my make shift bung leaks loool. Just want to go back to a more OEM setup
  18. All PMs received and read. Saif7799 ill take yours into consideration but ideally need the N1 that has the headlight washers, as you can see mine are leaking! Apoc same situation as above, but its looking like swiftyy will be collecting at the weekend. Will keep you updated
  19. I had mine refurbished by my bodyshop, rubbed down and then clear coated. Cost me £50 all in and done but I did remove them myself. Well worth it imo. Check my build thread for pictures dude or message me!
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