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Everything posted by Olly350z

  1. Pete must spend an awful amount of time shaking hands with everyone 🤣
  2. Michilan PS5's are considered probably one of, if not the best tyre on the market, which is good if you feel like dropping a large amount of cash on them. Personally? I rate Falkens, which are a very good midrange tyre and i sell alot of them through work, Hankooks another's. To be honest it's all very subjective, some will want the best of the best to do a 1000 miles a year, others will settle for budgets on a daily driven rear wheel drive car. Its up to you
  3. Sorry bud, was feeling a little green around the gills yesterday. Serves me right for a Saturday night out
  4. On cold start, there is a considerable difference, it's a deep rumble with a lovely clear tone. When up to temperature and idling, I'd go as far to say its louder then OEM, but not by much. Under throttle you get that distinctive nissan sound, and I've been told from behind it sounds amazing, really compliments the style and looks of the car. Is it worth buying? Absolutely, the quality, the fitment, the brand Vs cost effectiveness are all major buying points. Is it going tickle that loud itch? Maybe not, but then I've passed the age of wanting obscenely loud exhausts
  5. I posted this back in February of this year, which was my review of the Invidia on my MK2 Nismo. It's definitely gotten louder with miles on the car. I've been told that from behind It's reasonably loud with an amazing tone so can only assume its not as clear in the cabin. I won't lie, I probably will be chaning it out at somepoint for something slightly more but time will tell. I would post the link to the thread but it did get ruined by certain members "So an update for those who are in a similar boat as me with a MK2 Nismo On Monday the Invidia Gemini that I ordered from Tarmac Sportz turned up, perfectly packaged and right on time. Today after work I decided to make use of the workshop and fit the exhaust myself, as why have a dog and bark yourself. I want to say a massive thank you to Bob and Chris at Tarmac sportz for first class service, information and options I will say the Invidia Gemini was not my first choice, which was the ARK grip V2 however out of the box these do not fit MK2 nismo's and require welding to fit, which I couldn't bring myself to do on a £2100 pound system out the box. The welding and design on the invidia is gorgeous, and a credit to them. Removing the old system was a breeze part due to a workshop full of tools and a relatively low mileage exhaust system. Total time for removal and fitting the Invidia was an hour and a half. Fitment is perfect in terms of not hitting the chassis or differential clearing sections including the lower chassis brace and the rear bumper. It's not perfect cosmetically as due to the longer rear on the Nismos the tail pipes do sit shorter in the bumper then ideally liked, however I have been since able to realign them for a better fit. They are on the smaller side for Nismos so could ideally benefit from 5 inches tips in the future. Sound wise it's borderline perfect, with a deep rumble at cruising speed and a love tone under throttle. As others have said its everything the Nismo should have been from the factory. Personally, I'd have liked a touch louder so in the future I'll be looking to get the Y pipe baffles removed. Overall I'm very very happy considering the battle us Nismos owners have getting an exhaust. Hopefully with time it'll get a little louder"
  6. Your friend should offer his services, I'd pay for that, definitely!
  7. Glad you're happy with them dude, not bad for in storage! Always disliked those aftermarket rear lights, OEM is much nicer. Keep the updates coming!
  8. Cheeky I know but if your son wants to find a new home for those LMGT4s prior then look no further, just let me know
  9. Get yourself a bottle of the Maguires odour neutraliser bud, think it's white if I remember correctly. Used to have a TypeR that had all the alcanentara seats which I smoked in, when I first met my mrs she never new I smoked it was that effective 😂
  10. Get those arches cleaned out! I bet they're full of crud! I do have a set of DE rear taillamps if you're interested, don't want much for them other then clearing out the spare room!
  11. Forgot Paul was selling his Nismo 350z. If you want as good as it gets, and an investment that's the way to go...
  12. Jon, have a look through the forsale section. There's a lovely blue HR with low miles and LMGT4S for sale. You need to see it but can't remember the link for it
  13. Welcome to the madhouse, that was me you met today at JDM Combe. Glad you found the forum alright, any questions fire them at us. Get a few pictures up of your Nismo
  14. Well done to Andy for organising JDM Combe, the man the legend himself
  15. Got you, I got mine a few days back too but hadn't actually opened the letter yet. I'll aim for 8 ish
  16. What's the arrival time for this to be parked up and open to the public? Booked a hotel 4 miles away so no early start
  17. 1. Angelsanzbriz 1 PLEASE PLAIN IS FINE 2. Buptaboy - Nismo version please 3. Olly350z - MK2 Nismo Version please
  18. Are you absolutely sure you've not mixed up the firing order on the last two spark plugs by connecting the coilpacks the wrong way round? It's super easy to do and many, myself included have made the same mistake ?
  19. Dubious about that report, weather report I watched this morning said 27 degrees so we'll have to wait and see.. I will only be there if its dry though..
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