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Everything posted by Olly350z

  1. It was about a month after I'd bought the Z, and I was travelling back from Eastbourne having covered a 12H shift at the hotel. It had gone midnight and I was absolutely starving so decided to grab a cheeky maccies. The duel carriageway I was on ends in a big set of traffic lights, and a gradually reducing speed limit from 70MPH - 50MPH and then 40MPH. So for a good stretch of this duel carriageway I am well aware of a marked traffic unit sat in front of me, doing dead on 70mph. Thats fine as I'm sat behind him with the cruise control set at 70mph too, and its just me and him. Approaching the first drop in the speed limit, in almost one manoeuvre he moves over to the right, brakes hard and obviously where ive got the CC on I sail straight past. Almost instantly I realise whats about to happen, whip the CC off and start coasting. But no, he moves behind me, gets right up my ass and then the blues and twos come on So we drive into the maccies, and obviously I pull over, put the window down and switch off. He comes over and asks if I know why Ive been palled over. I reply with I believe it to be because of what happened back on the duel carriageway but making it clear that it wasnt intentional, and why did he brake when there was nothing about? Oh no. He was trying to say Id undertaken him in an aggressive manor to which I asked to see the video footage. Funnily he didnt want to show me! So at this point we've hit an impass, im refuting what hes saying but he wont show me the footage either, so we start with checks. Now I'll be the first to admit ive not always been a saint, nothing horrific but I have had several brushes with the law and around here that sticks. So he's doing his checks and looking at my license and leans in and says "How does a lad like you afford a car like this around here" Now I wont lie, i said something pretty dumb. Im sat in my car at 1am by this point tired, hungry and in my work suit. And being berated by a police officer who is as fat as he is short. So naturally I ask the question of, how did a dunking doughnut wedge like yourself become a police officer when if he ran his legs would chafe. Long story short, having been detained for another hour, multiple checks in which I turned up squeaky clean, breath tested etc he decided to let me go with a severe verbal bashing and a warning that he'd be "keeping his eye out for me" Not been pulled since, and that was only my third time being pulled. 26 this year, no points, full NCBs and have an awesome 350z. Im happy
  2. BoltsBolts sell those dude, either in normal orange or chrome finish (Still flashes orange, just stealthier) Ben and Aaron are top lads to deal with too
  3. Would be awesome for proper review on here dude! Wont be ordering them anytime soon as still recovering from the bodyshop bill. But there up there on my modifications list lol
  4. Not really haha. Did have to warm mine up for it too work LOL
  5. That latest symptom is well known with a stuck thermostat. Have to be honest at 1am my brains too cooked to say whether its open or closed though so not much help there im afraid. I want to say its stuck open though. Safe to say a trip down the Z shop to check her over The fan trick is pretty simple, even on a cold start if you start the car with AC on then at least one of the fans if not both should come on almost straight away.
  6. I voted for E as I feel its better to have pink nuts than blue balls. Nobody likes blue balls
  7. I really want a set of these depo headlights.
  8. You're not the only one who has had trouble identifying all the models and you won't be the last fella! As far as a time line goes its a little like this, 03-05 PREFACELIFT 350z DE (lower tax 286BHP) This is the first addition of the 350z, and what a car! They are known for a couple issues, flaking wheels, compression arms, clicky axels so on and fourth. Nothing world ending 05-06 FACELIFT 350z DE REVUP (lower tax but tweaked engine at 296BHP) This version comes with all the benefits of the facelifted car while retaining the lower tax bracket with a bit more humpf. They are known for oil consumption issues so be weary of them 07-0+ FACELIFT 350z HR (Higher tax but newer engine at 313BHP) This is the facelifted version of our Z and sits in the higher tax bracket. All of the issues with previous models have been addressed and fixed, however they have there own issues, gallery gaskets causing low oil pressure is fairly common. To further confuse things, there are varying options and trim specs for all of the models above. Im not going to list them all but ill say this, JDM fairladys are missing all the toys that the UK GT has. So aim for a GT with the seats, wheels, brakes and so on and youll ve onto a winner! And Welcome to the forum!
  9. Will stress that, IF the space becomes available. He's brought in extra help. Hate when everythings up in the air!
  10. Right, putting this out there now, it looks highly unlikely that I'll be able to make this as I popped down the shop today. So on that Basis I am offering my space provisionally to someone on here, obviously with Paycos blessing. Its not 100% for definite as a miracle may happen, but it's not looking great. So first come first serve. Im so sorry to be a monumental flop again Payco
  11. Thats really difficult to say to be honest. Id go out on a limb here and say a small amount of swarf is normal, especially if the vehicles being driven hard regularly. Like your picture is very reminiscent of my old Honda which got tracked and it was still pulling well with 130K on the engine. This is why whenever I do an oil change I strain the oil through a pair of tights to keep an eye on any nuggets that may appear. Im with you on the oil not being thick enough though, and am definitely thinking about a slightly thicker oil with the summer coming
  12. That road looks fiarly open with clear visibility in either direction unless theres some sweeping corner thats not shown? Im not denying that was a extremely nobbish thing of the morgan to do, but from my own driving style I would've thought the Peugeot could have been more aware at what was happening? Theŕs a road so similar to me and everytime I approach that even if Im speeding, my heads on a swivel
  13. My K2 fits ok, wouldnt say its fantastic though. I enjoyed how it sounded until I fitted sports cats, in which at WOT its become so raspy. A new exhaust is on the cards to be fair, may try the K1 now as the bigger exhaust will also look better with my chargespeed rear bumper
  14. Sorry to hear about the pupper fella Its never easy is it, they become so integral to our lives and then one day they're not here anymore. Be watching over you from the doggie rainbow keeping an eye out! Pleased to hear you're happy with the suspension, Im looking forward to gettibg mine more settled. Looks cracking in those last pictures!
  15. T51? Tsk tsk. We run at least T60 or XF-01 here boyo. You'll have to make a cake for sentinel prime now.
  16. Dan, we need cake. The lone sniper approves
  17. Yeeeeeess thats ten! Im looking forward to this modification, why Nissan didn't do it from OEM surprises me!
  18. Reports on the news are saying NK have conducted a missle launch, however it has failed. Sure to say this wont help tensions at all, having given Trump all the chest puffing ammunition he needed
  19. Id go off the beaten path here and suggest you have an earthing Issue as well. What makes me suggest this is the symptoms you're having are identical to my Honda. Everything from half lights to one crank starting. Whats happening is that the voltage on starting is causing it to ark out, essentially breaking the circuit. My issue got so bad that I actually ended up locked inside the car outside my tescos one night and had to wait for someone who had parked near so I could get them to wiggle wires! Id recommend identifying the earthing points and buying new straps, they're not expensive or difficult to do and cleaning up contact areas for a good connection. This cured my issue and also helped with diming lights under load
  20. That video was pretty awesome to watch!
  21. Interesting, I didnt think Hiroshima or Nagasaki were that strong in terms of yield (Im a history nut especially WW2 and the Pacific so love a good chat). From the quick research I did Hiroshima was a yield of 16KT, possibly even less due to as you it being atom and not hydrogen. The Russian TSAR bomb has a reported yield of 50KT, thats 50 thousand sticks of dynamite. The blast radius is reported to be effectively 30 miles. I honestly think Id rather be incinerated in an instant then suffer radiation poisoning
  22. To be honest I cant think of many more awful ways to go then radiation poisoning. Effectively being melted from the inside out as your cells multiply exponentially... Still, theres no man like Dan the ninja axe wielding man
  23. Wont lie, that emergency public broadcast spooked me a little. Essentially hearing that its already too late. Doing some research if the russian TSAR warhead was to be used and dropped on Portsmouth I'd be outside the effect blast radius (not by much, a matter of ten miles) Interestingly enough Brightons not a target so Id hazard a guess at trying to make my way that way
  24. Still no word from the bodyshop (Insert scared face here)
  25. Looks absolutely perfect bud, literally what I have pictured for mine. How do you find rear visibility now?
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