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Everything posted by Olly350z

  1. Would you like me to get some decent close up pictures for you too?
  2. Sorry for the slow reply Jay, actually only gotten out of hospital! He said that he used a 25mm hole saw before finishing the rest by hand so it was a crisp tight fit (ohh errr misses) Unless Im not picturing it properly I cant see it being 54mm?
  3. Nope, thats the total price. Martin has asked for a deposit to cover his own back in getting all the bits in so hes not out of pocket, then we pay the rest once he's built them. Have to admit Id like to get the ball rolling on this!
  4. I think they're my favorite along with the rear bumper! Well my 3rd exhaust turned up today, Japspeed K1! Not entirely sure when it'll get fitted though as Im actually in Hospital writing this! Not sure it's quite as bad as Dan and his squirty bottom although it may be later
  5. Recently had these fitted on mine so Ill drop my bodyshop guy a message. Really surprised out of the whoke job this is what they've found fault with..
  6. Now this was built by me and Ray Spooner when I was around 16! Only two of in the country at the time, I wonder if Mark1 or Armortek ever made any? The forum wouldnt let me embed the third video so sorry to thread jack! But do check it out! Scary how far video equipment has come
  7. Awesome video buddy! Finally gotten round to watching it, really does show the weight of these vehicles Thought Id dig out the old youtube collection, really scary to think some of these were 10 years ago! This was my 1/8th scale panther which was litterally rescued from Marks field! And my 1/16th king tiger which was built by my myself and weathered by a chap up in Scotland! Parcel force lost it in the post for two weeks
  8. 1. Nso93 - paid 2. Buster - booked and paid. 3. KPowell-paid 4. Blocko-paid 5. andy james booked,paid + Track time (10.00,12.00,14.00) 6. 350_Jer - Booked, paid, track time (11.15, 14.00) 7. low IQ - paid 8. 14N - paid 9. MattRweb-paid 10. Humpy 11. Short Paul 12. davey_83 - paid 13. SHEZZA - paid 14. Stuggerz 15. Huw (Zclub) - paid 16. Farmer42 (Zclub)- paid 17. Luddy (Zclub) - paid 18. simonb_350z - paid 19. AbiiPow - booked/paid 20. Tomb - Paid + 10:45 Tracktime 21. Cloud1440 22. Richie94gts - booked/paid 23. Z370Z-paid 24. Harryjax - paid. 25. zebedy-club pass 26. Science_GT 27. Allenhill350z paid 28. Chris 08 - paid 29.WwZed- paid + 2 track time 30. Dunks - paid 31.Justthejedi - Paid 32. Garaculas (zclub) paid 32. Karl92 - Paid 33. LewisH - Paid 34. ROK46 35. Olly350z - Paid
  9. Maybe I do see it Strudul and just enjoy poking you with that stick as its oh so easy. Oh look, a bite!
  10. You did a Strudul and didnt read. I meant the civic, not the Z... The facepalm is real :/
  11. The hyper black is a lovely colour. What are these like fitment wise for Zs out the box?
  12. Well done on dodging that bullet chap, can only imagine that it was a difficult conversation where despite your best interests you still looked the bad guy! Id look at it this way, in a years time one of two things will have happened. 1.) She'll have defaulted on paying and still be acting like its someone elses fault, this distant aunt will be jumping up and down wishing she'd perhaps thought it through more and not gotten involved, and you can say I told you so... 2.) She wont have defaulted on the rent however I doubt it will have been plain sailing and the aunt will still be stressing over it and wishing she hasn't stuck her neck on the line, and you'll be saying I told you so haha. Either way, you'll be sorted knowing you did the right thing
  13. Easier to go off a 12V live, like the ciggy lighter.
  14. Can safely say I've done 140mph in the Z once, and once only. And never again. Was approaching an ever so slight bend in the duel carriageway and the Z began to twitch terribly. It was honestly one of those moments where it was 50/50 between surviving it, or dying. If I'd let off, dead. If I'd braked, dead. Just kept the power level and held on. My brother who was following me said it was beyond how evident the twitching was and I got the telling off of a lifetime when I got home and to be honest I deserved it. Had a very large whiskey to calm the nerves Id recommend geo and tyres before perhos some tired bushings or shocks. Certainly wont be doing it again myself, they were good boxers
  15. Dont panic boys, the armotek models are made completely from scaled steel armor. If memory serves there 1/6th king tiger weights about 200kg
  16. It can do but its rare, you're more likely to damage them by cleaning them with chemicals or contamination. My particular windows tinters say dont use the demister for two weeks to let it properly adhere. Not had any issues either and I use it regularly
  17. Thanks Dan, was just always brought up that its not a dumb question if you learn from it. Guess thats how we built my old engine and why it took so long with me fannying around lol. Just this is the one thing I dont enjoy is when it throws up issues because I dont have the knowledge of VQs to understand them fully. Like just where this low idle has come out of nowhere
  18. Where in W Sussex are you Olly? Littlehampton bud, right on the coast. But happy to travel for some Zed days with fellow petrol heads!
  19. I could try and tie it in with the fitting of the plenum spacer... Would make sense for both to be off and then could look to getting it remapped the following month, would give a good indication of the engine health...
  20. Thanks everyone, especially TrickyRicky and Dan for putting up with my dumb questions, do wish some of you were more local to supervise me haha. I love learning but this thing has bitten me everytime So Im going to look for another MAF sensor, change the plugs and lastly a new battery in that order and see if that cures my low idle, how does that sound?
  21. Given my current track record with this car and how its bitten me every time with engine lights when Ive attempted something, how much of a DIY job would you say this is along with cleaning the PVC? Have to be honest Im rather embarrassed by how this car has kicked my backside everytime compared to the old Hondas...
  22. So I think I hadnt plugged the MAF back in properly from looking through the pictures I took before hand. So this morning I took it apart again, tripple checked everything then did the pedal dance to clear codes. Started it up and now no lights at all... So does that mean ive cleared them and its not detecting an error? If thats the case then its good but Im still left with this lower RPM idle, going to attempt idle reset tomorrow. What else could cause a low idle?
  23. I thought a dodgy thermostat only caused overheating, not underheating? However for the sake of £50 maybe I'll just get it done anyway It can do either depending on which way its stuck, either open or closed. Easiest way to check if a thermostat is goosed is dangle it with some string in boiling water. Youll see if it opens or closes
  24. Its never dropped that low before with a shake to it thats the issue for cleaning the MAF. I only used carburettor cleaner as advised on the forums and no metal wires were touched :l Will get the code reader in the week and see what it says
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