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Everything posted by Olly350z

  1. ETA 7:10 traffics been naff on5nthe A27. Wait for meeeee!
  2. More pictures are needed for this! Looks a very neat way to guarantee a direct cold air flow!
  3. That shadown chroming looks amazing!! And I laughed alot at the 350z wheel. It looks like it forgot leg day haha
  4. You could always take the sensor out and clean it with brake cleaner as in theory it could get gunked up, but id issue a strong word of warning. In the states it appears that this area of the block is a weak point, with people cracking the block when undoing or redoing it up. You could purchase a new sensor from Nissan which is circa £90, but it still might not answer your worries!
  5. Id be inclined to agree with Dicky, when warm and pootling around town my guage indicates 30psi, and sat at 70mph in 6th (2500rpm) its around 50-55psi. On a hot idle it'll sit around the 20 mark. It has been said though that the oil guage is more a paranoia guage, with often inaccurate readings. If you want peace of mind, take it to a garage and get them to plug a independent pressure guage directly for a true reading. This will tell you straight away whether you can relax or worry Do be careful with the dipsticks, theyre a real pain in the ass to check. I check mine every single time before a long drive. But then Im an ex Honda owner so high consumption is something im acutely aware of
  6. Loved chappie, especially the scene with Hugh Jackman near the end. "You're a very badman, and now chappies going to teach you a lesson!" Machines that could lift a car or truck, scale a wall, with human emotions. Yeah thats not going to end well when you've got a half ton machine throwing a paddy. I like the idea of augmentation, Id happily have a terminator body if it meant I could retain my human mind inside! But that presents another set of issues! Humans, the most complicated creatures.
  7. What is the forcast? My phone is saying it will be cloudy with patches of sun!
  8. 1. jbrougham 2. 14N - Requires bacon (if my ticket arrives in time) 3. Justthejedi 4. Davey-83 5. Olly350z - Bacon and tea X2 6. Allenhill350z 7. Blocko - Requires bacon x2 8. Nso93 9. Karl92Â 10. LewisH - Requires much bacon (2 people)Â 11. RoxZ - Bacon for 2 please!
  9. Yeah Ill be able to murder a cuppa and a bacon sarnie when we get there. Apologies in advance as Ill have only finished work 5 hours before, so if I seem disinterested its literally tiredness 😂
  10. And quickly which postcode are we actually using? Google does have it listed as SN14 7BG?
  11. Holy mother Ill have only finished work 5 hours before 😂 The things we do!
  12. If Ian has one and you still have the other, can you put one by as I know someone who may want one! Ok well at least we have some times now. Have we decided on a meeting point so we can all roll in together?
  13. You're blocked before you start Strudul
  14. A remap does nothing? With other supporting modifications a remap makes a pretty clear difference to how the car feels when running. Many say a much smoother drive with improved power and torque delivery. No you're not going to see a jump in BHP of 50 nor will you start smoking lambos, but a quality map on these is very much worth it. And any mapper, will be able to get it running perfectly with any of the normal modifications so no harm is being done to your engine, like running lean with decats
  15. Who's meant to be organising this? There was a reply along the line that that particular Morrisons is well used and will be chaos. Im travelling a fair distance so ideally Id like to have a plan
  16. Have I missed something here? The show is 4 days away and there is very little chatter about any convoys, what time we're supposed to arrive, what the general plan is? Is there a thread that Ive missed? If not Ill just head up with the local Honda boys and play it by ear when I grt there
  17. Black eyed peas singing where is the love, nostalgia overload! Depsite what people say we need more of this so the world can realise that we are one, regardless of skin, creed or religion.
  18. Actually Martin, MikeyM gave his space to MDMetal, not the other way round Is there any update to this and who we're waiting on?
  19. As the weather was beautiful yesterday and the car is sparkling ready for JDMcoombe, myself and my brother thought we'd whip the DLSR out and go looking for some picture locations. A Little bit of shameless picture spamming on behalf here but they came out so good! Modifications are a little slow right now as I'm back to work today after being a tad ill, but it'll pick up again next month
  20. Still no mention of times... we want to be early surely to avoid the huge ques that have been seen every single time?
  21. That would be great, we really need to sort out what times and convoys there are unless ive misses a topic? Its not long to go!
  22. My ticket turned up today! Double checking that we're on the B20 stand? Any convoys heading up the A27 from Chichester?
  23. The only thing that has changed since my last one is I have more experience and more NCB, which should make it come down not go up! And sadly in that time many more have been stolen, crashed etc. Prices dropping on these have seen alot younger people buying them and sticking them through hedges! Id say im of the opinion the majority of people on here have seen a rise, know I did. First year was easy however the second year I struggled!
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