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Everything posted by Olly350z

  1. What's up everyone, Looking for recommendations and places to buy tried and tested LED bulbs for my Nismo. I recently fitted Cannibus LED rear numberplate units which I love However it wasn't all good news, I fitted led indicators which hyperflash unfortunately. So what I'm after are Interior map lights Indicators Reverse lights Can anyone help?
  2. I want this so badly, just wrong timing !
  3. Out of all my previous cars, this is the one that got away. Owned it before I even passed my driving test, and modified the life out of it. I practically rebuilt every nut and bolt. Started life as a little 1.4L, ended life with a B18 swap and full Type R interior. 6 years of work ended in probably 5 seconds of stupidity when I wrote it off racing a R33 skyline on a twisty B road
  4. Ahh, what I'd give for a brand new 300zx. Id argue one of the best 'z' cars as they really threw caution to the wind
  5. Funny I had the same thought. Can only assume the reasoning was as visibility isn't great as it is, it would only make it worse. But then again its already noticeable how little I'm being dazzled by cars behind, so its a win in my books
  6. So an update, and the mods are starting slowly but surely. Took a trip down to twilight tint in Chichester today to get my rear three windows tinted, this is my 3rd car they've done as their work is simply superb. Such courteous friendly people and very good at what they do. Speaks volumes that I've been going back and they remember me! No other pictures for now as the car is beyond filthy... but more to come
  7. Difficulty is Nissan say first coolant change should be done at 96 months, then every 48 there after. And no mention of changing the gearbox / Diff oil at all unless under severe conditions (UK is not severe by any stretch)
  8. Went into town yesterday and parked up, making sure to stay well away from anyone else and couldn't not take a photo when I looked back And Facebook memories strikes, probably at my 350's prime
  9. Have you noticed any difference with fresh gearbox oil? I'm not entirely sure on the service intervals for changing it but I think it could be due on my Nismo. I absolutely would not sell your MK1 wheels though, unless they are for something very, very cool. They're rare was hens teeth and such a good looking wheel. I instantly regretted selling my LMGT4's, I wish they did a same size option for the the Nismos
  10. Glad you've seen a car can be way more then just a tool! Where about are you located, I saw a black roadster with black wheels in Findon (Worthing) a few weeks back. I was in my nismo
  11. Down on the South Coast mate, Worthing. So Incarnation was a jolly trip up the road for me Well if you find yourself down my way let me know, I'm about most weekends would be good to catch up
  12. My man, how you doing? Me an Louis still chat about you an the ace day we had. Have to arrange another meet up now we both have Nismo's haha
  13. Have you had your oil gallery gaskets checked as well, just to be on the safe side? Probably the only other "known" issue that could cause you grief down the road Good to see they appear to be looking after you, let's hope it continues
  14. Neyee? Or Londoncity Z on IG? Big guy came up to me an louis and we then spent the whole day wandering around incarnation?
  15. If you don't turn back and look, you bought the wrong car
  16. Nismo skirts would set it off a treat and you know it would
  17. That photo is one of the best I've seen in a while for a 350z, pretty spot on to what one should look like. But my lord is she crying out for a set of side skirts!!
  18. Have we met at one of the incarnation events? Cryptic message is Cryptic Yeah I've been looking at various LED bulbs, but they not festoon bulbs like I thought they were, they're 501's! Ideally I'd like to get the LED rear indicator and reverse bulbs as well but the first set ive fitted hyperflash In the long run I'm thinking Nismo V1 spoiler, Ark grip V2, tinted windows and subtle carbon fibre interior upgrades. Not rushing into modifications yet though I spent the whole of last weekend detailing the car. Regretted it Monday morning when I couldn't bloody move
  19. Danng, talk about doing it right! A nismo 350 in Japan. Is it the video or are the majority of those cars on the lot in great condition for the respective ages? Especially the 300zx's I really hope you do bring it back, wherever back may be as thats one hell of a story to tell
  20. Ignore I worked it out. Im a donkey and had switched it off
  21. Hey everyone, It's probably me doing something wrong or different, but normally as we know the nismo dials and gauges normally "spin" on a first startup, where they go to max and back again. Mine have done this several times but it doesn't always do it, they just go straight to the normal positions. Is this a quirk or am I doing something wrong?
  22. Not updates as such, but I did fit LED rear numberplate units which update it no end, they're so bright and crystal white And then today I was able to give it it's first proper wash. Why does a car finally feel like yours when you're able to give it a wash
  23. Evening boys and girl's! So some of you may remember my 350z. I let her go a couple weeks ago which was pretty gutting but I knew something bigger and better was on the way So with that being said, I'd been saving for the last year and a half and what with 2020 being such a drip, I decided to treat myself. Which lead me to find this, my 2016 Nismo. It's a one owner car with 34K on the clock and full nissan service history. It has been lowered already and has wheel spacers fitted, but other then that is a bone standard immaculate car. Its easy to say I'm thrilled with it Collection day, at the Dealership Had to travel down to Exeter for it, the 200 mile drive back was great fun. Honestly, I'm still terrified of her and feel very protective haha. Let's be honest, we all know I'm going to modify it, but not just yet. Im after just enjoying the car for now. Heres a few photos of the night I got her home
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