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Ant master

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Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Hi guys can you give me some advice please , very happy with me car that I recently purchased drives awesome but I've got this annoying squeak from the back suspension passenger-side it's inly done 25000 miles , no knocking just squeaks over rough ground took it Nissan they couldn't find anything wrong but there is , Going to take it cougar store in Leicester in the next week or so , any idea what it could be thanks .
  2. Hey thanks I'm great full , im going to change the oil and add some moly slip and adapt driving style , yh I'll get some pics of her up soon mint condition 😜
  3. Hi everyone, newbie . Just got Meself a 07 350z hr , loving it amazing car . Had a rx8 which was cool but glad I made the step up . Need advice please everything seems fine but 1st gear into 2nd seems bit rough and noisey but only below 3000 revs , I'm thinking it's my driving or they are just like this from what I've been told . 25000 on clock . Thanks
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