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Everything posted by Aashenfox

  1. This is dependent on whether you prefer the old ways or the new. Up until the mid 19th century most words with H but not all, we're used with an. In modern English we have slowly switched to A for words where the H is pronounced, like horrible, and an for words where the H is not pronounced, such as heir. The H of hotel was not pronounced by the well spoken, back in the day, hence the predisposition I and others have for using an in some cases.
  2. If you're British it's the slurry mess. If you're American you will more commonly hear skedule. Neither are technically incorrect in speech, and obviously both are written the same way so no issue
  3. Doesn't need a poll, there';s a right way, though neither is actually 'wrong'. In the original post, it's not an acronym, it's a colloquialism, which is read as the full word christmas. Number 2 is correct, number 1 is wrong. You can say what you like, but that's it. Nobody says 'Exmass' as someone else pointed out. Therefore A Xmas Hamper, not An xmas hamper. Although, nobody will give you a problem, as I say, it's not technically wrong, as it's a modernisation, who's to say it will not later be adopted fully and then be the more correct way. If that happens at any time in the future, it renders this discussion moot. For the HSBC example, 'AN' HSBC account, the AN is correct, as it's an acronym and acronyms go by sound of the first character. The fact that H is a semi vowel does not play a role as it does in words like hotel. (An Hotel is correct, A Hotel is wrong). For interest value, another one which is counter intuitive like these, is the word judgment. I just spelled it correctly. It is wrong to use an E after the G. Another one is fish vs fishes, many believe that fishes is not a word and wrong. They are wrong. Fishes is actually correct, but using just 'fish' for the plural has become commonplace. The best usage example of this is 'little johnny brought some fish back from the shop for his aquarium' is fine in all but the most formal English, but more correct would be 'there were several species of fishes in the aquarium'. I could go on all day, I really love this stuff... I am a grammar nazi supreme, of all my many talents including being an arrogant ass, this is my superpower. (Modesty is for the average) Sources: Never ever made an English spelling mistake that wasn't a typo, IN MY LIFE. And...learned Greek fluently in 3 years. Seriously, I'm a super weirdo when it comes to spelling and grammar, I can look at an A4 word document with 600 words plus, and the spelling and grammar errors might as well be highlighted in red, I can spot them straight away with jut an eye scan, I'm almost the Rain Man. I will write sci fi books when I retire.
  4. Silver is THE worst colour for the RB kit, just doesn't make the lines look nice, or rather, it doesn't hide enough of the lines to make it look decent and not totally ruinous of the existing great lines of the car. Even with right rims, low, etc, it still wouldn't look right in silver. There's a reason why black is the best colour for this kit imo, it hides da ugleee. lol
  5. I like the looks, would look mean as hell with a drop, some black details and some more aggressive rims. Is the fast one going to be available manual?
  6. On the last time I was stopped, the chummy one asked me if it was a Ferrari.
  7. It goes hand in hand with the belief that to drive more conservatively is to drive 'better' which is frankly, bollocks.
  8. I failed my first driving test for driving too slowly, been trying to compensate ever since. Though Coldel, I don't agree with what you say about the speeds they feel safe at. There is no reason in a modern car that you should feel unsafe at or just under the speed limit on any road in daylight with clear weather. People doing 30 in a 50 are simply causing a rolling hazard and at best, slowing everyone else on the road. i don't rage at first, but I get rather annoyed if I know they've noticed me, and just carry on like it's perfectly normal. I also don't tailgate, but I will just get into another car's 'personal space' (let's say within 5 meters), to get a message across, then back off again straight away, I'll even flash if I think it's necessary. Conservative drivers have to deal with more aggressive drivers with respect also, there's no right or wrong as long as you are obeying the rules of the road, some people will always be a bit 'quicker' than others. It's subjective though, I won't criticise you for being patient, I'm just less forgiving about it.
  9. Yes, it is particularly evident when I'm driving the Up! It has 3 cylinders and I'm still shouting 'ffs, MOVE it!' to everyone on the road. /shrug
  10. Can confirm it's the same over here. Last 5 cars have been an S2000, an EP3 Type R, an E92 335i, a Mini Cooper S and the Z... All attracted knobs that wanted to race. Such is life. I don't mind. When I'm in the mood, let's go! By the way, none attracted the police like the Z does. I've had it out three times so far and been stopped twice (to be fair to the coppers, first time I had a low rear tyre). I actually think it's the Sunset Orange that's responsible for that mainly.
  11. It's not exactly original or particularly cheap, but I think it looks pretty good... I've been watching it forever, go ahead and take it if you like, I have other priorities right now... http://www.ebay.co.u...=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
  12. Damn! And for only 10 quid! My 350 quid smartwatch doesn't have a fag lighter. That's it, my money back!! EDIT: But I bet I could cobble together a 350z themed watch face for my Gear S3....hm...
  13. This is a must-buy for the Z owner who is also a watch lover! ROFL http://www.ebay.co.u...BIAAOSwMVdYEXnP
  14. I don't know what to say to that. I think you were right initially; your local dealer will definitely be able to help you pay more for less. lol Alpine and Pioneer are both good brands, you can't go wrong with their stuff, it's the speakers that will make the difference between a good or bad stereo anyway. If you want to buy Alpine over brand X because you think their hardware is potentially 10% better quality than the Chinese ones (which it won't be, I'm just saying), then you want to make sure you have speakers that can translate that 10% hardware quality into sound quality. A head unit is a very simple item, at the end of the day it just outputs an audio stream to an amp and then to the speakers. All head units will do that to an acceptable quality (which is why you should get the Android ones for the features, sound quality will not be compromised). What your setup sounds like, depends far more on what amp and speakers you have, and in that area I would not recommend cheap Chinese stuff. Let me put it another way, the sound quality of your car stereo will have more to do with the cable that you use to feed the amp from the head unit than the brand of head unit you choose OR the price you pay for the head unit. Basically, the head unit is one of the very last items that plays a role in your overall sound quality (assuming a certain level, I don't mean the 20 quid argos jobbies obviously). Lastly, don't forget that Pioneer and Apline head units have their own software which is sometimes rather shite (the user interface, the way it handles playlists, whatever), at least with an Android system, you can use whatever app you want as a music player, it really is a no-brainer. Bottom line: Don't waste money on an expensive head unit, unless you are able to spend more on the speakers, cabling and amps AS WELL to match that investment, otherwise it is literally money that you will never 'hear'.
  15. Here ya go... http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/111623-android-head-unit/
  16. The best double din headunits (value-wise) are actually the Chinese unbranded Android ones that you can pick up on ebay, there was a thread recently, I'll dig it up for you in a minute, where a couple of suggestions were put forward from ebay and other members said they had good experiences with these as well and that not only were they just as good quality as Alpine/Clarion double Dins, they actually had MORE features, since they were just plain android so you could load up any app from the store you want. Play Angry Birds while driving anyone? lol. Anyway, beyond that, one real bonus of them is that you can install the Anroid App Torque (which connects via a dongle purchased separately) which allows you to see a variety of stuff in real time via bluetooth connection. 0-60, true speed, fault codes and resetting them, etc. A pure android unit is quite a boon, it's like having a tablet in your center console.
  17. I am afraid to say, there isnt a chance in hell i would spend 20k on a 350z. That's absolutely fair, but what could you, or would you get for 20k instead? I really can't think of anything I'd prefer until you get up to £40k to be honest. E92 335i with just 2 grand in bolt ons is almost 400 crank, and not expensive to take further. Get a N54 rather than an N55 if you can. Beautiful car with the right rims, and by the right rims, you know I mean BBS CH-R in gunmetal or black. I bought the Zed after mine was stolen...its a better car in every way except one, it's not quite as tight as the Zed out of the box in the handling department, but that's easily sorted with good coilovers and some bushes, then it's basically an M3 only with more power potential per dollar. And 2 usable seats behind. Gearboxes and internals on the N54 are good for silly power, around 600 I think. Mine was the 4wd version (xi)...
  18. It's the same in some other countries including Russia I believe, and I understand it has to do with counterfeiting (I assume they sell the genuine article cheaper to discourage people from buying fakes), but that's just something I heard, it may be more to do with economic factors.
  19. What about a watch from a car maker like Porsche for example? That way if you do decide to sell in the future you'll have two markets that you can aim it towards. E.g. Watch collectors & car brand fans. Just an idea ~ maybe not a good one. Its rare that a fashion brand will have a superior mechanism, sometimes even the price is not an indicator (you can pay a grand for the same quartz mech found in a Casio if you aren't careful), if I was buying from a fashion brand, is want to pay more than 2 grand to be sure I was getting a first class automatic. That chanel I linked above for example. But like another poster said, buy watches you like the look of, even that 20 dollar Chinese quartz mechanism will be accurate as long as it works and has a battery (technically will be much more reliable for much longer than even the best automatic). One should only buy an expensive watch if one has a fetish.
  20. Would be awesome. Won't she want a car of her own as well though? We'll probably have a runaround car as well, never know might even still have the polo then! But for now we're going to enjoy the freedom of 2-seater driving That was my plan too, was planning on a V10 RS6 for the family wagon. Was convinced she would like it (wife loves cars) but she hated it and said no way was she having an estate! Needless to say I was gutted. Really wanted a V10 Simple! Tell her the alternative is a Carrera GT!
  21. She's a beauty, nice one mate. Don't be too afraid to wear it, you'd be STUNNED just how tough they are, promise!
  22. There are very few mathematical and sure ways to tell, but there are things which are good indicators. One good indicator is how strong the flourescent paint (on TAG Heuer its a special brnad called Luminova) is on the parts that have it. Even after 14 years, my aquaracer can almost be used as a torch after a quick shot in sunlight, it has not weakened a jot. Fakes will never glow as strongly. Another is any sign of dust, glue or paint under the glass or on the face. Everything should move smoothly (though ratchet problems in the rotary dial are common in older examples). Automatics are easier to tell because there isn't a cheap way to make a reliable automatic mechanism. A fake automatic usually 'isn't' automatic. A genuine automatic when held up to the ear and rocked back and forth should make an audible (just barely!!) swoosh as the pendulum that drives the mechanism is moved. Other ways involve comparison with a known genuine example, for example, most watch makers give their second hand specific characteristics, many know that Rolex second hands do not tick, they swish smoothly, for example. Lastly, look out for this catchphrase 'tags and certs', make sure they have any relevant. I still have mine from my aquaracer, in the original box. I wouldn't buy a watch, genuine or not from someone who did not keep this stuff. EDIT: oh, and another good one for Rolexes and TAGs at least (as well as some other brands), is the 'swiss made' print on the face at the bottom. It's very subtle, on TAGs you really have to look for it in photos.
  23. Rolex AND a BMW driver. Don't worry Dan, I still love ya!
  24. P.S. If I was going to buy another formal watch, it'd be this...Chanel J12 automatic in black with ceramic band. Little over budget (lol), but what a thing of beauty http://www.ebay.co.u...tcAAOSwj85YRuvP
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