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Everything posted by Aashenfox

  1. A fast road setup is what we in vehicle dynamics class as a "Tarmac Rally" setup. So why not call it a tarmac rally setup? And I can absolutely promise you a road car DOESN'T want the same dynamics as a Tarmac rally car. This is before owner profiling has entered the equation. Stop confusing these people with your psuedo science. It's you who is confusing everyone with your pedantic techno babble, accurate or not, it's you that's muddying the waters of what are already clearly defined terms in the car world, because they don't fit your vision of the perfect car setup, or allow you to pedantically pick apart other members whose comments you don't agree with or appreciate. Everyone knows what a fast road setup is except you it seems. Yes, it is obvious why they call it that rather than a rally setup which WOULD be confusing. Both terms are equally accurate, but the layman will get a better impression from 'fast road' setup, as that's what he thinks he is, fast on the road. A slightly stiffer setup usually with a little less understeer is what everyone calls a fast road setup, however that is achieved. Secondly, are you REALLY suggesting to people that drive their cars only on the road, that A. any set of coilovers is really worth the expense unles you are lowering a good amount (which you are doing for looks not handling and therefore matters not a jot which coilovers you choose) and B. that if one is going to that expense, that KW v3 is the minimum satisfactory spec? Rubbish. I had V3s on my 400hp e92 335xi, I now have HSD monopros on my Z and can't tell the difference. I drive quite well for an amateur and on slippery greek roads too, but I DO NOT test the limits of my setups, nor even close, I'm not THAT good, and neither are 99.9% of people on this forum. Imagine if you ran a bakery... You: "Hello, what can I do for you?" Customer: "I'd like a chocolate cake please" You: "a what?" Customer: "A chocolate cake please" You: "'a chocolate cake' covers such a wide range of possibilities and variables, I still don't know what you want" Customer: "er, ok, well what have you got that fits the description of a chocolate cake?" You: "I have this cake, with chocolate sponge, and chocolate icing" Customer: "so, it's a chocolate cake then" You: "well, yes and no. There are chocolate cakes and chocolate cakes" Customer: "ok, I'll take it anyway" You: "that's 50 pounds please" Customer: "What? 50 pounds for a cake?" You: "Yes, it's the very best example of its kind" Customer: "But I only need it for my daughter's 8th birthday, we're not having the Queen for tea" You: "Ah but now you'll have the best under all circumstances! What if the Queen DID pop in for tea?" Customer: "..."
  2. Hahahaha! You do realise that's all copy and paste from other sites. It's been doing the rounds for years! You need to qualify that statement or apologise.
  3. I remember these kinds of conversations in the RC industry about 15 years ago. Electric was starting to see some technical advancement with the first brushless motors, and of course, I and many other serious RC hobbyists were like 'electric, meh, I'll stick with combustion, it's got soul, not characterless like those electrics. What would the hobby be without the noise and the unique smell of burning nitromethane (top fuel to the layman)?'... Time went by, combustion engine technology stood still (has nowhere to go, is already as mature as it will get), and electric continued progress apace. We still held on...Yes, electric is faster, but you have to change your battery, with combustion I jut fill up and go again! And still, electric has no soul! Then came the really serious lithium polymer batteries and further advances in multi-pole electric motor technology. Power densities and torque figures that had never been seen before and were starting to be FACTORS higher than combustion figures. In the space of 5 years, electric RC had gone from 30mph, 5 mins per battery, 15 mins to charge, to 70mph, half hour per battery, 15 mins to charge. Us combustion advocates were left only with 'yeh, but without the sound and smell, where's the joy, where's the character, where's the tuning, everything that makes them great?'...but it was a fallacy, we were just trying to justify to ourselves why we should hang on to the past, what we knew. The truth? The joy is still there, but instead of an impressive 40k redline, it's from the MASSIVE torque, the new abilities a truck has to do wheelies and backflips on demand at a blip of the throttle, the ability to out accelerate pretty much any real car on the road and a few bikes too. The ability to accelerate from 0 to top speed in only 10 meters in order to make jumps. Eventually, you had to realise that the massive performance gains had given it a soul of it;s own, an electric soul. A soul buzzing with insane power density and pent up rage, just waiting for you to pull the trigger and release those electrons straining at the (logic) gates. The rooster tails thrown out by the torque to the wheels, spraying 90% more bystanders with wet dirt than ever before. Eventually, the conclusion was inescapable, electric is better, it's no longer a debate. Combustion is the past (unless used as an electric generator). And the only reason to dwell in the past is nostalgia. Yes, I will miss the sound of a nice engine, but there will be other tricks and advantages that will replace that, such that in a few years, you may still miss the noise and even the smell, but would NEVER give up what you've gained to have them back. Here we are, 15 years later, and few would be luddite enough to try to claim that electric RC 'has no soul', it's just a different soul. Nitro still holds on, and has a strong market share, if that's any consolation to anyone. There certainly is a certain something that you can only get from combustion and many feel that the mess and dirt and oil are worth it.
  4. Hey hey! As I've mentioned a couple of times, I review RC gear professionally and I've been in the hobby for 30 years. It;s time to sell some stuff off to fund further projects on the Zed. This is pretty specialised stuff, I'd be surprised if there's much interest, but I figured I'd post here before I put them up on ebay, you never know. Particularly the tools are a bargain. With this stuff and equivalent ancillaries, you are ready to go to the World Championships. Some would argue (I would) that this is some of the finest RC gear available. So here's a group shot, in the pic you can see a brand new Xray T4 2015 specs pro touring car, and a set of Hudy Setup Tools for adjusting the chassis, including the flat board with measurements. Here's a shot of the car box open, showing everything brand new, and a few extras. This kit is not supplied with wheels and tyres, but I'm supplying it with some. Likewise there is a pinion gear included which normally there wouldn't be, and also a 64 pitch (fine gear pitch) spur gear, which is a very small one for stock racing with very large pinion gears. The pinion and spur gears pictured are not compatible, but the car can be built running with the kit supplied spur and supplied pinion gear, or with the separate purchase of a 64pitch pinion gear (ideally around 35 tooth) and use of the aftermarket spur gear supplied. And lastly a shot of the tools, however, rather than explaining what these do and including a load of pictures, please see the review of these that I wrote earlier in the year for RC Tech. - http://www.rctech.ne...-in-refinement/ I'm asking 320GBP for the car kit and extras, and another 320GBP for the tools and setup board (quite the bargain). If anyone takes the lot, 600GBP is fine. Near offers will be entertained as will exchanges for 350z items. I will probably take on shipping cost to the uk, depending, we'll see, in any case, if I need a contribution, it won't be outrageous.
  5. Hm... I like the Grey idea. Strudul, many thanks for the pses, I was also thinking about the blue (like the blue of the s2000 spoon calipers). I think I'm decided. Lamborghini Grigio Telesto, high gloss. Will go really nice with both colours. Black brembo logo. Or maybe white... Hm...
  6. Thanks guys! Yeh, black is a bit too dark, Green, well, not with the orange I think, but maybe with the blue. I'm probably not that brave. Silver or purple I think so far. Brown might work too (think dark bronze, but who wants brownbos by choice.
  7. Purple is definitely interesting. Cheers, good thought!
  8. Here's one... I have a sunset orange zed, I'm going to wrap it in mariana blue vinyl by arlon, eventually. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon....ish. I also have a set of brembo calipers waiting to go on and the opportunity to paint them. What colour should I paint them that will go with both colours in the case that I take my time to get the wrap done, or it doesn't last... I can only think of silver really, but I really wanted yellow calipers with the mariana blue. Reckon sunset orange can pull off yellow calipers (behind black rays touring wheels)? Here's the arlon color I'm talking about...you all know what sunset orange is like.
  9. Hi all, so, as title really, I'm changing my open base model diff for an LSD from a touring model, I've got a guy who will do it for, me, but apart from weight involved, it's a straight forward job right? Is there anything else I should consider doing at the same time? The diff's out of an extremely low mileage car and includes stock bushings, so I won't be changing those. Anything else?
  10. You've seen AvP right? Sorry if I misunderstood what you were getting at.
  11. The resulting alien depends on which species hosted it. For example, the alien in alien 3 was from a dog and had a clear doggy genetic predisposition, also, the alien spawned from a predator had predator type jaws as well as alien type jaws. Lastly, the face hugger in Prometheus was obviously not exactly the same species as the face huggers produced by queens bred with humans. The predators had realised that to get the greatest challenge, the alien must be hosted by humans (hence the Queen in AvP is clearly a human bred alien). I liked prometheus, and thought that as a prototype alien, they did really well (look at prototype dinosaurs, all pointy headed and awkward looking, far removed from the svelte velociraptors and T-Rexes). I find it a very believeable and appropriate evolution. A LOT of years passed between the end of Prometheus and the beginning of Alien, more than enough time for such a rapidly adapting species to evolve.
  12. Spacers are a highly sought after item, as they are outrageously expensive for what they are, second hand ones when they pop up are usually gone in hours. I got my genuine Eibachs for a very good price from this seller... These are the 25s for the rear, the 20s for the front are a touch cheaper, naturally. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/391389474831
  13. Never really crossed my mind the fact that it will flick stones & crud up onto the paintwork, good point. Not 100% what to do, also read up that it's not advised for trackdays which does not inspire a lot of confidence ! That's because they have to allow for a wide variety of quality and they don't want people's Chinese wheel spacer studs failing and flinging alloy wheels all over the track. If you buy a quality set (Eibach or similar) you won't have to worry about that, many people on this board drift on spacers with no issues (as I learned myself when asking a similar question some months ago).
  14. I got boxers from the Missus. We usually exchange fairly expensive items, so that was a surprise. Not very impressed. Told her she'll have to do better come birthday (4th Feb), hopefully I've applied enough guilt that she'll pay for the vinyl wrap.
  15. I almost bought one of these, I remember being totally put off by the interior. Nice looking motor on the outside though.
  16. He purely wants to know why he is experiencing the wheel slip at 4k RPM. This is with a constant throttle position (3/4 depressed), and presumably in a straight line. As such, gear and a heavy right foot should make no difference, it's purely a matter of there being a larger increase in power / wheel speed at 4k RPM. Right then boys, if I'm missing the point, find me a dyno plot with a surge at 4000rpm. http://www.350z-uk.c...ts-info-thread/ I'm looking PAST the OP's question, because it's not a valid question, in the same way 'why do pigs fly south in winter?' is not a valid question...because they don't!
  17. Thanks for every ones concern about my right foot lol This is not your answer. 350zs are not 'sudden' in the same way that a turbo car or a Honda VTEC systme is, they are smooth all the way up. Either you ARE doing something wrong with your foot, or your car has a problem. Go for an alignment. While I'm not going to immediately suggest that you are the problem like some of the other members, I have to ask...is this your first (fast) rear wheel drive car? If not, fair play, but I gotta ask before I send you down to your dealer for a checkup. Once again, so we're clear and to answer your original question...no, this is not a peaky car, no there is no natural reason why you should feel a surge of power at 4k rpm, and CERTAINLY not enough to make the car twitchy. Now, if you floor it, in any gear, at any revs, with the front wheels anything but straight, you're going to do some snaking around, that IS normal, and is why I asked if it's your first RWD car with more than 200hp That cam thing is a red herring. YOu want aggressive cam timing? Go try an S2000, there's a MASSIVE surge at 6400 rpm when the cams switch. The Z also does this, but is not even remotely comparable in terms of a 'kick', the Z is usually as smooth as butter (that's why you would buy an NA big capacity car).
  18. Put them on, the visual improvement is worth the extra stone chips. Promise.
  19. Fitted my spacers a week ago, does 'feel' slightly different, but hard to put finger on how, if anything a little more stable through the corners, but a little more tramlining (wheels want to follow camber and bumps a bit more, nothing extreme). I think my guy gave me an aggressive geometry as well though, so could be down to that (I did ask for fast road setup at the same time, I have HSD coilovers).
  20. I doubt you've seen worse. Fake wheels, fake exhaust, fake bodykit, budget basement tires, bad fitment, bad paint, bad offsets, cheap spacers, monster truck stance. I mean what else could possibly be worse that you have seen?
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