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Everything posted by Aashenfox

  1. If it came with scissors and tin of hairspray instead of a toolkit...
  2. What size tyres are you running? It could be an ABS (aka wheel speed) sensor, but tyres can also be responsible for that kind of strangeness.
  3. Swift has received many awards and honors, including 10 Grammy Awards,[301] 19 American Music Awards,[302] 23 Billboard Music Awards, 11 Country Music Association Awards, 8 Academy of Country Music Awards,[303] one Brit Award[142] and one Emmy.[304] As a songwriter, she has been honored by the Nashville Songwriters Association[46][305] and the Songwriters Hall of Fame.[306] I'd say if that were true, she's earned the right to say she belonged there in the first place.
  4. Ah well, never mind, next time. I can hardly hear any rattle at all on mine fwiw, literally, I have to park next to a wall and strain to hear it, it makes me wonder why people talk about it at all, or if some flywheels are worse than others. :/
  5. You don't need to worry about a standard flywheel matching up to a standard disc. Is the disc standard? In any case, fate has presented you with an opportunity here, don't put that dual mass crap back in. Get yourself a lightweight flywheel, the car feels so much more alive. If you're a safe quality kind of person, go for a Fidanza from one of the vendors on here. If you're a cheapskate pioneer like myself, I got this one, and I'm extremely happy with it. It was cheaper still when I bought it a few months ago, he's put the price up. I paid $127. It;s a great flywheel, not too heavy, not too light, nicely in the middle, and almost no chatter. This mated perfectly to my oem replacement exedy 350z clutch disc which was also installed new at the same time. My clutch is pure awesomeness now. While you have the gearbox off, you are going to replace the disc, too, right? Here';s the flywheel I bought, exact same one from exact same seller, just more expensive now for some reason, but still the cheapest anywhere. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/282113077794 And this is the clutch I bought in case you wanted a cheap one of those as well that will definitely work 100% with the flywheel. These are for stock power of course, you didn't say if you had a turbo or something... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261870422161 Less than 500 quid total brand new clutch and flywheel replacement that will give BETTER performance than the oem. Not bad.
  6. Personally, it's got nothing to do with her being pretty, I mentioned her and Jessica because they are people I feel I could have an interesting conversation with based on what I've read about them (and the eye candy while I'm having it wouldn't hurt). Is that really all you think she is? A vapid celebrity? History will record her as one of the brightest. most astute and most talented people of her generation.
  7. No we can't, that's what capital controls are. Every citizen is limited to about 750 quid in cash a fortnight. Same with paying for things from other countries, same limit per fortnight. This has been going on for 2 years now.
  8. I know you're not serious, but the pedant in me cannot help pointing out that it takes a LOT more power density to get 1.5 tons of metal to 100mph than it does to turn over a cold engine.
  9. I paid 190e for a very swish lightweight battery for my S2000, I can't imagine it being more than 300 quid, and if it is, WHY?? edit: Just saw the link, and question remains...WHY?? (yes, I realise it's li-ion, I know all about these kinds of batteries, I use the most advanced kind for my hobby, this doesn't justify a grand!!)
  10. ah...that does explain it, get an R53, equal length driveshafts, very minimal torque steer (but still there of course)
  11. ha! I was actually thinking the same about me the other day. Drives a Porsche 911 Turbo as his daily whilst wearing a £4 Primark shirt. I'm sitting here with my Rado on my wrist, my 911 on the drive, and I'm wearing a 10 year old Primark £1 tee shirt ... living the dream I swear primark clothes are not intended for human use. I'm a lucky dude, I'm exactly the shape the fashion companies make clothes for, 6'2" and slim, but NOTHING my wife ever bought me from primark (tees, boxers, even track pants) fitted properly! I bet your t-shirt is weird, dimensionally, it must be either broad and short or thin and long, plus made for people who hunch (and therefore if you walk straight with shoulders back the material bunches up under your armpits and makes it look like you stole someone else's clothes)...I'm ranting...sorry. God I hate primark.
  12. What Mini was it? My cooper S was one of the most epic cars to drive I've ever had (pre 05).
  13. My favourite modern bug bear, usual response is to ask how else do you intend to pay, magic beans Its Mike Brewers fault, always talking CASH How nice it must be to live in the UK... For me to collect 8 grand in cash legally, would take 20 weeks, withdrawing my cash limit every fortnight and not spending cash on anything else. Cash here is king. Capital Controls for the win. But like I said earlier, it was the same before the crisis, I guess it's the sheer volume of fraud, since cash is almost anonymous it has always been desirable. Banker's cheques is the usual way of doing things here, or direct electronic transfer (since the crisis).
  14. Interlagos fire of course! Come on, you're not trying to tell me that's not an awesome colour are you? It's incredible even in photos, think what it must be like in the flesh (obviously I've never seen one myself).
  15. That's one of the better car listings I've seen on ebay to be fair. The idiotic payment terms are something else though, pay within 2 hours? wtf? What if I work nights? Stupid. And 2 days to collect? Mercy. That's what would make me run away. There's no reserve apparently, so it'll probably go for a tenner.
  16. USDM and subsequently left hooker only though? ikr?
  17. Midnight Blue is the second best colour after Interlagos Fire.
  18. What is it? What does it do? Does it use power 24/7? Excuse my ignorance, I've obviously been away too long...
  19. Good call, one of very few people who I originally thought was a total ****, then changed my mind about as time went by. Indeed, he seems like he would be a laugh. When I'm not supporting the Sky Blues, I'm a bit of a closet Liverpool fan.
  20. I work for a big well known global firm, and naturally, the benefits are good. Most importantly, we get a little booklet of 'Ticket Restaurant Vouchers', with 100 euros of coupons in it every month, this is lunch allowance. You can spend them in almost any restaurant, or at the supermarket, and they are not 1 euro off this or 20% off that, they are usable as cash. I can hand over as many as needed to pay a bill. This fits in very nicely with what I believe is the best idea so far from Dan, a classy night out for two, each. There are two bonuses in this for the employer...one, if you're clever, they are tax free to the business and to the employee, and I believe the vouchers themselves are slightly cheaper than face value, but that may be a volume thing. Just thought I'd mention it, as it;s less crude than cash, but almost as useful.
  21. I've done quite a lot of this, mainly cryptographic currency mining (bitcoin and litecoin) for profit, but the principles are roughly the same. I have participated in folding@home as well, but my pc is a beast and I don't need the extra heat when the system is idle.
  22. Clarkson though would rock up late shout at the chef then punch you in the face mate! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Exactly! Legend!
  23. Adam Sandler can be forgiven any and all bad performances ever, because he's Happy Gilmore, period. "I eat pieces of sh*t like you for breakfast!" "You eat pieces of sh*t for breakfast?"
  24. Rowan Atkinson Morgan Freeman Roy Jones Jr Jeremy Clarkson That'll do or I'll be going all night. As for females who I think would be interesting, Taylor Swift and Jessica Alba.
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