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Everything posted by Aashenfox

  1. Bravo to the owner, as if it was done by a hollywood prop design team for some kind of road warrior movie. I'm impressed. The little details are perfect, nothing overdone, it's genius.
  2. I also had similar symptoms, and it was some bearing or other in the belt system, sorry I can't be more specific than that. Mine was worse when cold, but always there, slightly.
  3. If you want a deep concave with a beautiful wheel style to boot, one of the best is the XXR 530 in the right fitment. Looks great on the Zed too. If it's a hundred dollar lip you're after, JR15s will get you close and also look good on the Z, imo... JR15 on an S2000...(sorry about the size of this image)
  4. I couldn't agree more. Call me a perfectionist (or a pedant if you want, I don't care ) I could never get over it. I'd even prefer them if they were asymmetrical; i.e. both sides read as a Z
  5. Will a set of china bling 350Z taillights blend? Let's see!!! #Idbuyaticket
  6. You're not going to get them by the 4th...but I fitted these and they are flawless... Can't beat that price, about 45 quid for the pair shipped including customs!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/311653580807
  7. It's curious someone would spend so much on the external appearance and not change those awful pre facelift headlights (referring to both cars). Great looking cars apart from that, even if that kind of extreme isn't my cup of tea.
  8. These have brake clearance issues on many cars. I wouldn't expect them to at this size on a zed even with Brembos, but it might be worth allaying any fears by confirming. Cheers, I'll be considering a set at this price!
  9. Coupe, and I live in Greece where we would be top down 9 months of the year. Still the coupe though.
  10. Thanks Snjur, based on that and a bit of googling, I found these...is this the same shop? In any case, best price currently, yay! http://fullcartuning.com/56464-depo-facelift-headlights-black-nissan-350z
  11. Thanks man, yeh, the prices are way off at the mo, I'll just have to wait. Not getting cheap crap and can't afford originals, so just have to hold out for the Depos at the price you bought yours one day. Fingers crossed.
  12. You could have shared that critical piece of information earlier!
  13. I'll bear it in mind, thanks for the tip, I hadn't heard that. I already have an aftermarket HID system (and can think of a few choice Greek words to describe the awful thing, fitted by previous owner), so I've got some extra high current wiring mucking up my engine bay already, might be time to recycle it.
  14. Yeh, I turn 40 in exactly 8 days, and that's about right on the budget for a pressie request from wifey. Then I'll finally have to figure out how to replug the loom on the lights (I have a base halogen model, to make things more fun. I've seen that US thread with the pinouts, I'll figure it out). Will get new ballasts and bulbs too just because I'm slowly replacing everything on this car. Cheers again lads, that certainly helped me out. I've noticed in the past I just don't see certain auctions for no apparent reason, it must have to do with location.
  15. What an odd thing to nick...that's weird. I concur it's the only possible conclusion taking the data at face value.
  16. ^ True good point. Not sure why i said foil, I was planning on using some aluminium heat tape (used for ducting and the like). I couldnt get enough access via the bulb opening but if you are planning on baking the headlights open Ashenfox you wouldnt have this issue I bought these Depo for <£400, wheres the 1 grand price tag coming from Ashenfox? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302090514994 That's weird, I've been trawling ebay for weeks and never seen that set so cheap, normally they are asking 700E plus delivery. A grand was a slight exaggeration. Thanks for the link. edit: Here ya go...this was previously the cheapest I had found this set... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/112155512431 edit2: Can see the pics now I'm home, very nice, thanks again.
  17. Thanks for the warning, I'm still thinking. But what it comes down to is if I can find someone selling an old set in the UK for lets say 400 quid, that would be worth it for me, as I can't find ANY facelift models in Greece (the car is rare here anyway, but I have to assume now that the facelift never came here, such is the lack of ANY facelift parts anywhere). There's no shortage of breakers here, as manual labour is still highly valued, nothing is written off, and none of them have a facelift model. So next thought was germany, but things are expensive there, will cost a grand even for the DEPOs (the good ones, that are almost identical to OEM) delivered. Then there's the US...screw that. Due to draconian capital controls and customs on importing luxury goods into Greece right now, it would be at best unpredictable how much it would cost, at worst I'd pay the value of the item again in tax and fees (recent example, cost me 400E by the time an exhaust that cost me $237 was in my house. Almost double. In that case it was worth it, but the lights would have to be $250 or less to make it worth the risk, that ain't gonna happen.) Rock and a hard place as they say...
  18. That's great, I can't currently see the pics, but that's ok I'll see them later. What I'm thinking now is to cut the flaps entirely across the width and turn the bottom part around, but I guess when I see the pics I might change my mind about that?
  19. Hey guys (and gals!), I'm aware, or at least, I believe, that there is a physical difference between a headlight intended for RHD and one intended for LHD. Assuming this is true, does anyone know EXACTLY what that difference is, or rather, what part actually affects precisely in which direction the light is cast? And more importantly, if I'm willing to open the lights, can I convert them from RHD to LHD? You might be wondering why I don't just buy a pair of facelift lights in EU, since I'm already here, but that is not as easy as it sounds, and buying from the US has insane import duties, and I'm planning to open whichever lights I buy anyway.
  20. This is all perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. The HKS filters are supposed to be good, but I have no personal experience. Everything else is as you stated. No clue what those holes might be for, though. Don't recognise the reg either, but I've only been around since August last year.
  21. Scotzman, if it turns out they are LHD and not suitable for you, let me know how much you want for them. Cheers!
  22. Let me know when you do that, I might have it off you. No rush for you though, graphics cards to power 4k headsets don't exist yet and won't for at least another year, probably 2 or 3.
  23. I do play elite dangerous in vr. It's awesome but the truth is the resolution is still not quite there, even in the recent generation of headsets (I have a DK2 but I've tried Vive as well) and distant targets are little more than pixels. It's amazing for combat though, really, it's such a huge advantage I feel like I'm cheating sometimes. I would recommend to others to wait for the next generation of headsets which will be 4k and accompanied by the next generation of graphics cards.
  24. They (Charles Hurst Nissan) charged £200 all-in in the end; which was actually slightly less than they said it would be on the phone, and they also did a 29-point traffic-light style check on the car into the bargain. The key itself is expensive for them to order. They then have to cut it to match, and reprogram the two keys and the car all to the same frequency (which apparently involved removing part of the underside of the drivers dash). Then add VAT. Thanks for the quick response
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