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Everything posted by Aashenfox

  1. Perfect if you ever get bored of your current profession and fancy some mini-cabbing. P.S. Needs rims and a drop.
  2. Which is frankly, hilarious, given that construction of such cars requires all kinds of technology to be shipped from all over the world contributing to marine and air pollution. Some say that the emissions just resulting from the transport of the various components to make and sell a Prius is already more than the average american manufactured v8 over its lifetime, before the Prius has even done a mile. I don't know if that's true or not, take it with a pinch of salt, but there's no smoke without fire, as they say. EDIT: P.S. Not to mention the horrendously hazardous by-products of the creation and disposal of the batteries that power electric cars.
  3. I know you were just trolling Dan, but I'm gonna make a little point on that, I can't help it. Harsh, but semi-fair. To be fair to the Greeks, buying a 200 euro pair of sunglasses for 150 and not getting a receipt is not what is responsible for the crisis. What is funny though is the consistently 'opposite-to-what-is-required' reactions from our child government. Need more money? Tax bigger cars more. Sounds fair right? And in many cases it is, however, people have the option to take their cars off the road by handing in their plates, avoiding paying any tax relating to the car. A LOT of people have done this and revenues have actually gone DOWN since the huge tax increases 5 years ago. They're idiots, they need help. They should halve the taxes, then they'd colelct doube as people put their big engined cars back on the road.
  4. Be careful what you guys wish for. It's like that in Greece (proportional to the car) and works like this... If your car is younger than 10 years old, the first hurdle is justifying ownership. In order to be in the 'normal' tax bracket, you have to have recorded earnings over the amount considered reasonable to own such a car. For example, if you get paid 50 grand a year and buy a 150 grand car, you're going to pay a MASSIVE extra tax, as the government figures you must be getting money from somewhere else to own a car like that. If your car is older than 10 years, this tax is not applied regardless of circumstances. Then there's luxury tax. Again if your car is under 10 years old you will pay an additional luxury tax based on the size of the engine. The bigger the engine the more the tax. This starts at 2 liter at about 600 euros, and goes up fast, 3.0 is 1250 euros, 4.0+ is 3650 euros. Then there's good old regular road tax. If your car is older than 2010, you pay based on the cubic capacity of the engine, if your car is newer than 2010, you pay based on its CO2 emissions, those paying based on CO2 are paying considerably less than us with older cars. So, my road tax for a 3.5l is 1150 euro a year, that's all I have to pay. But if it was newer than 10 years old that annual figure would rise to about 2800. Now bear in mind the average wage here is HALF the UK, it's pretty nuts.
  5. You'll see this often, womanisers and misogynists have a huge advantage, their view of women gives them unfaltering confidence which is the key to success.
  6. I wasnt being like anything Bro, but you cant say all your doing is putting the correct info for other readers because its all conflicting, in the internet conflicts itself, there is truth in what everyone is saying, all im saying is its a grey area, one person might have lots of issues with spacers, another might have absolutely none, so many variables to consider, is 80mm safe, some say no, id say yes if december spacers are used and monitoered and looked after. as for criticising, there was criticising of the kit, which is fine, its all personal opinion, but there is a lot of hate, just accept people like stuff others may not, would be boring if we were all the same Not sure why you thought I was talking to you there...but anyway... I see what you mean, but it's not conflicting from my point of view, nor a grey area. There's a simple right or wrong, optimal and sub-optimal, and it's all down to physics and mathematics. More weight on the hub is bad, more points of failure on the hub is bad, spacers and wide wheels are bad. There, that's the correct info on the forum. Now all we need to do is temper it with 'do whatever you want as long as you accept the consequences', another universal truth.
  7. With the greatest of respect, you're doing something wrong (it could be anything, the smallest thing you wrote that might set off alarm bells in the fairer sex). Ask a female friend to check out your profile and tell you what. I only tried online dating once and had the opposite problem, they all wanted a date and wouldn't easily take no for an answer, then got pissy "is there something wrong with me then? Not up to your standards?". I expect men do this as well (get pissy), which is possibly also why if they are not interested they choose not to reply at all.
  8. Come on mate, don't be like that, nobody's criticising, just making sure the right info is on the forum for other readers. Obviously its preferable to use a low offset wheel than a spacer, a spacer introduces no less than SIX additional points of failure to your hub that a low offset wheel would not, plus the look is not the same (the reason you and most others do this, including me, I have some spacers on my car, not huge, which is what we're talking about here, but still, I also choose to compromise ever so slightly the handling of my car to achieve a certain look, same reason you went for a low offset wheel and most importantly, same physical effect). It's all good bro. P.S. The truth is that a spacer is better for performance though, for one reason and one alone...going to bigger rims adds mass which is not only rotating but also unsprung, adding spacers adds negligible rotating mass, as it is focused at the center of the hub and considerably less unsprung weight.
  9. Actually looking at some prices now, maybe I was wrong about £35, more like £50 ish. It's a shame that I can't remember which dealer it was from and I don't have a receipt. And yes I'm sure we did install it correctly, me and my friend we both have been around the spanner for years on our own cars and bikes, but you never know, maybe we did something wrong, but what..? I did watch few Youtube videos and forum threads before doing the job, but wheel bearing is not a big job in my eyes, sort of self explanatory. I will do. Wheel balance shouldn't be the problem, as it feels all fine, no vibrations coming through. Toe or camber, not sure, but from what I know when buying the car, it did say in the description - "New Meister R Zeta S coilovers and a pair of adjustable Camber arms, and FULL Geo sorted by Sly at Kaiser Motorsport in 2014". So I expect it to be OK. Echoing what Dan said, you have some proper nice suspension on there, make sure you're getting it adjusted regularly.
  10. I recently bought a pair brand new for 35 quid each as well. China made for sure, guess we'll see. I won't be surprised if one fails prematurely, I went in with the idea it would be a cheap experiment and if it works out fine all the better. But I do about 1000 miles a year tops in the Zed so I expect it will be some time before I get to find out if they are crap or not.
  11. Instinct says bad bearing, try another first, since it's the current path of least resistance, and if that fails, you know its something to do with the car, but I can't imagine what...excessive toe or camber, bad wheel balance, but you'd know if it was any of those...
  12. My one and only clutch change (OEM) on the S cost me 1200 euro, 400 euro of that was parts, so about 600 quid in labour and was performed by an official dealer. That was about 7 years ago, and at teh time it felt ridiculously expensive, but I don't know how long it took them or actually what's really involved in changing the S clutch. I remember it being a much more expensive car to own than the Z (so far) in terms of cost of spares and labour, but much cheaper by miles in tax.
  13. Time for a new stereo. The code would have been on a little credit card type thing. If you don't have it, you're screwed basically, as you've seen nissan can do it. I'm surprised they were able to do it without removing the unit from the car, I had heard that would be required in the past (or at least console removal to get at codes on back of stereo), I guess these are stored after all. Just get a new one mate.
  14. Really? I didn't get it apparently... Ah, now I did
  15. Valentines is a day I fear. I've been with the missus 16 years, she insists on as lavish a celebration as possible for every event to do with our relationship including valentine's, wedding anniversary AND the day we met. :/ For the first time in MANY years we actually stayed in, mainly because the Greek version of Survivor is on tv right now and she's right into it (notice how when it suits her, the romance is dead ), but we each ordered the other's favorite food, so she bought me a curry and I bought her sushi. Oh, as well as a mille feuille dessert (her fave) from a nationally famous shop, famous particularly for their mille feuille, it's a real posh place, has a dude playing piano in the corner! As well as the obligatory bouquet of roses. I spent nearly a hundred quid and we stayed in. :/ Mercy.
  16. Nobody noticed my bday on the 4th either There were LOADS of forum birthdays on the 4th, you'd have had to click the link to see 'all' the birthdays to see mine. So I'm not bitter.
  17. Entertainment. Let's face it, the S2000 is a rude boy as a car. It's in yer face, loud (even stock, comparatively) and shaped like a giant penis (see pic) for raping the road.
  18. And I'd agree with you. It all comes down to how you want to drive. If you are a naturally aggressive driver, you won't lose anything from the S, in fact it's the perfect car for aggressive drivers, you'll rag it everywhere and arrive everywhere you go with a big grin on your face, you'll never miss the torque and power because you'll always be in vtec anyway. But If you're a conservative driver naturally, you will soon get pretty tired of having to drop 2 gears to do anything interesting, horses for courses. Same reason the yanks didn't like it. As they say 'if the S isn't fast enough for you, you ain't driving it right', it's an anecdote of course, but it has 'some' truth in it.
  19. Sorry mate, I didn't mean it to come across that I was disagreeing with you, I just wanted to elaborate on a few of your points, it's all good, I don't have any issue with the points you made, it's just that I know the S and the Civic well. I almost bought a Frankie FN2 before I bought the Z, it had a tuned NA 2.4 from an RSX and 350z brembos on it, it was a total maniac 310 crank. I made the mistake of asking the guy to reduce it a grand, and he sold it to someone for the asking price the next day without even telling me. Serves me right, it was already a bargain. Glad I got the Zed now though, cos I've been Hondaboy for a long time, it was time to feel some torque below 6k.
  20. The best thing about the S2000 is that it's an adventure EVERY time you get in it. The worst thing about the S2000 is that it's an adventure EVERY time you get in it.
  21. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/114129-sts-turbo-kit/
  22. I don't think it's fair to say they're not in the same league, since they are playing totally different sports. One's a muscle car, one's a race car on the road. As a sports car, the 370z cannot compete with an S2000, the S2000 is far lighter, nimbler, quicker in the corners and quicker to change direction. The 370 has almost twice the engine size (but nowhere NEAR twice the power), and is far less agile, even witht he S2k having the compromise of being a cabrio (stiffening and roof motors added a lot of weight, if you can dispense at least with the motors, you can save another 80kg in roof mech parts. This is the main reason to permanently fit a hard top, which does improve the look of the car compared to soft top up, but not with the top down. The AP2 revisions were made for 1 reason only, the Americans. They were crashing them left and right, so Honda added traction control, and of course they were selling poorly because the Americans had no idea how to drive a high revving 4 banger and everyone thought it had no power, hence torque increase and redline decrease. Thank GOD the European models did not undergo this bastardisation. Coilovers, MPSS and a supercharger and you have a real weapon. Comparing an S2000 to a civic is equally inappropriate. One was purpose built by Honda to show off what race car technology they could put on the road for reasonable money, the other is a granny's shopping trolley with a quick engine (and I say that as a proud ex-EP3 owner, it's got nothing on the S2k. Absolutely nothing). Neither the engines, nor handling characteristics are remotely similar or comparable, despite having similar internals. Yes, it is controversial to turbo an S2000, most would say you retain the car's character with a supercharger, if you really must go FI. You can get 300 at the crank NA from an F20C, but it ain't cheap AT ALL. 350whp supercharged cars are notoriously difficult to drive, a friend of mine had one. Fun, but omg scary. I also forgot to mention in my original post Dan, the brakes need a major upgrade before the power, they're pretty rubbish, classic Honda weakness.
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