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Everything posted by Aashenfox

  1. The F Type is a car that makes me tingle since the first time I saw it. I must have one. I may even stop there and not bother with the Lamborghini. It would be especially fitting for me as a Brit over here. Have recently been thinking how hard I'd be prepared to work for it. Gonna have to time it right to get one for the right price but before I'm old enough to look ridiculous in it. I think with some subtle mods it can be right up there with the most beautiful cars of all time.
  2. Spent 400 smackers sorting out the abortion that was my stereo setup inherited from the previous owner. It's nothing special now, just a boggo single din bluetooth Sony jobby, but what they told me about what was going on behind the dash and doors was frankly scary. Ended up needing to replace the existing (Chinese) aftermarket amp with a nice focal unit, that's just driving the sub for the time being, I don't need mega power. The standard speaker outs are now going to what were (pleasantly surprisingly) a nice set of Focals behind the seats (the guys fitting the stuff couldn't believe it, suddenly in the middle of this debacle was a single pair of sweeeet speakers. Hey, my first bit of good news from this car), and some Chinese tat in the doors. Replaced the tweeters cos one wasn't working. apparently they were little better than a PC motherboard speaker, so thank god one of them wasn't working . Inherited aftermarket sub is Chinese but working fine (another pleasant surprise), and I have a listenable system in the car for the first time since getting the car in September and a new dash cubby! Yay!
  3. Little bit too lairy for me, the racy one. Maybe I'm getting old. Love to look at it and hear it though. I dream of an F Type stepping stone to my future lambo.
  4. Love that Jag. Loved it when the stig spanked it round a deserted Spanish holiday village. Great noise.
  5. Perhaps. In my case, the previous owner claims that the airbag light came on for no reason after a particularly deep dip in the road caused a significant bumper strike (but not enough to damage the bumper itself). I have since been able to verify as hogswash, 90% of the things he told me about the car, so as I say, we have to take it with a pinch, but when the Nissan dude who may or may not have been in the seller's pocket (that's what it's like over here) said that it could be bumper sensor related, I basically decided not to rule it out yet. As I say, my car's going to have to pay an official visit soon, it was in a horribly abused (sic: chavved up, cut springs, cut buckets, 19" China made 10 ton alloys, chrome lexus style taillights, nothing in the interior working (not even the heater controls or the gauge cluster,) etc) condition. I've fixed almost everything now, but haven't done a service yet. So I'll wait til then to find out what's what with the airbag light. I'll do my best to remember to report back, although I'm sure you will have solved your issue by then. Glad I could at least provide some ideas.
  6. You young whipper snappers and your new fangled techniques! I do it that way cos I've been using forums since they were just bulletin boards and this code (image tags) has been supported since then (at least 25 years!!). It;s a 100% reliable way on every bbcode using forum. But you're right, for this forum, that's an even easier way. Wouldn't work on some other forums I use though. Good to have all the techniques out there though!
  7. OK, you seem like you're on top of it. Just type 350z drivers airbag in ebay and you'll get loads, or support one of our excellent breaker traders who will surely have it in stock and give you an even better price! I've dealt with both Jon@Emperor and ZMANALEX on this forum for second hand spares, both are excellent, items always exactly as described at the best prices. P.S. (Again) I believe (important clarification there, as I was told this by someone who may or may not have known what he was talking about) that the impact sensor in the bumper can play up, causing this issue. It was suggested that this may be the issue with mine, since it's very rare for an airbag to fail for no reason. I mention it since you mention that it came back on while driving over cobbles.
  8. On photobucket you want to copy the middle link from your library view, that starts with the letters 'URL' in square brackets, paste it into a post and you should be golden. If for some reason that isn't working, reduce the link to just the web address of the image, i.e. make it start with http and finish with .jpg, removing all other prefix and suffix stuff, take just that part, and put the tags IMG and /IMG in SQUARE brackets at the beginning and end of the link respectively, and again you should be good. [img=http://www.websitename.com/imagename.jpg]
  9. Yeh, that's what I keep hearing (that the performance of modern air-ride systems has improved a lot), but you know what it's like when you want to hear something, its hard to be sure you're being objective, so thanks for that.
  10. Obviously its the transport spring spacers. P.S. And if it is... I'm not usually a compensation monkey, too many frivolous claims ruining everything, but I would definitely accuse the dealer of dropping the ball in a major and dangerous way, and ask if he's prepared to offer some kind of compensation. People screw up, it happens to even the best of us, but how we respond to those screw ups defines us.
  11. Not as redundant as you might think for me. I already have HSD Monopro coilovers, set very close to stock ride height since I have a 1 in 5 incline as a ramp in and out of my garage as well as a right angle turn at the bottom. Keeping the car somewhere else is impossible. Even at stock height minus about 12mm I rub as I cross the threshold of the garage. I would love to be able to fit air ride just to be able to raise and lower it as I get in and out of the garage (and also drop it to the floor for meets, etc) but I do care about performance, I do drive the car hard, but don't go on trackdays, so don't need 'ultimate' performance, I need a good balance though. For me the whole question is 'how much of a compromise is it, really?' If it's too much of a compromise, I'll stay at my current height and enjoy my coilovers, but if not, it's something I would think about.
  12. Just as I was leaving e90post.com after my BMW got stolen, there were a whole bunch of discussions about the performance potential of air ride, with of course the old school crew saying things like 'why fit air to a sports car, it's not a low rider, it'll be dangerous in the corners, etc etc.' Of course the other side popped up, citing various manufacturer g pad figures that showed that the performance of a good air system was just as good as stock shocks and in some cases cheap coilovers too, as long as the car was run with an appropriate ride height that didn't mess with the geo too much. Anyone got anything to say about that as far as the Zed is concerned? Do you you think it's possible to improve on the stock suspension with air-ride? Would anyone go as far as to say that a well setup air system CAN be as good as coilovers? Thoughts?
  13. If you had the error before you changed the clock spring, and you haven't either reset the ecu yourself (not a simple reset, a clearing reset, I'm not actually sure to what extent you can do this in the Zed yet, maybe someone else will know more) or asked Nissan to do it, it is completely normal that the light is still on. Once the light comes on, no matter if the system is later repaired, the light does not EVER go off until turned off by special method (I believe this is a security feature to prevent mere mortals from hiding the fact that the airbags have been deployed). If the airbag itself is ok, and the clock spring is definitely now ok, your airbag system is working and will deploy in an accident, even with the light flashing. The light is just the ecu error code, which is a special hard type of error code that needs a special reset. I'm sorry I can't help with details for a diy, but I felt it important to point out that changing the clock spring is only half the job. I know this becuase I also have a fully functioning airbag system, but still a flashing light, and not currently a priority to reset, since I'll be visiting Nissan for a service soon anyway, I will ask them then. Good luck. P.S. In the (unlikely) event that the airbag does have a problem, you'll be looking at around 40 quid for a second hand replacement, PM ZMANALEX or Jon@emperor, or dive into ebay.
  14. Beast. I don't approve of course, but then I don't road trip and have a passionate hate for giant vehicles, so my input is invalid. I would have got a G wagon (its the only 4x4 I love the look of) and slept uncomfortably. I even think the Z is a big car.
  15. Well it doesn't look like the wheels have been refurbished, if they have it's been done well at least. A hit that could affect the geometry of the car (specifically the front TOE setting) might not necessarily have been hard enough to damage a rim. I'm willing to bet it's a geometry issue and if it isn't you should definitely hand it back under warranty and ask them to sort it.
  16. Sounds like you have a bunch of toe out in the front if it even feels unstable in a straight line. Hit any kerbs a bit harder than intended with the front wheels recently? Anyway, I'd go with alignment first.
  17. Exactly like this one? Awesome (adds to car related wishlist*).
  18. Oh come on, I'd wear it to meets. You'd have to, it's not just a logo on a jacket, it's a piece of Z artwork you can wear!!
  19. Tres cool, if I ever do air, I will definitely do this.
  20. Cool shirt though (to own, not to wear, lol) eh? Any members ever seen one anywhere else?
  21. Do you often spell your client's names wrong in communications? Over the 4 times including the subject that the name of this site is typed in the OP, 2 different ways have been attempted, both wrong! P.S.. Don't mind me, just taking up my apprenticeship handed to me by ATTAK Z as assistant to the grammatical liaison officer, nothing to see here.
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