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Everything posted by Aashenfox

  1. I did, and waited 3 days for a response. It was at that time that I decided I couldn't wait and would have to work it out later. Let's be clear about what's happening here...The guy is screwing people on delivery, period, that's not really in question. If you're suggesting that I should have let him get away with it, because I didn't exactly follow the rulebook myself, well, again I don't agree. The way I see it is that he'll definitely think again before doing this to someone else, so for me, mission accomplished.
  2. I did try, several times, but was ignored (I admitted my mistake was accepting the offer, but I had a shop deadline to meet or lose my slot for my car for a month). I appreciate you playing devil's advocate, but it's about reasonableness. If you think that is reasonable, then we won't ever agree.
  3. Fair enough. I don't completely agree, but I can see where you're coming from. In this particular case, it was not stated whether delivery would be combined or not, but I think on a 30g item, it's fair to expect that it would be, especially 4 of those items not equalling 4 times delivery cost. 20 quid for a 150g packet inside eu, without tracking or insurance, is out-fking-rageous. He could have sent it DHL same day for that (it took the usual 2 weeks to arrive, typical economy service). I also think that if it happened to you, you'd see it differently.
  4. By the way, since this feller is in our circle, I should name him...I'm not saying don't do business with him, just agree everything beforehand, and make sure you get a response from him... It's nissan_parts_international My wife thinks I was harsh on him, but she's a bit soft generally. I think I could have been harsher.
  5. I didn't know that, thanks for the info. I remember a time when you were guaranteed a revenge negative.
  6. So after about 13 years on ebay, I just gave my first negative feedback in response to my first ever dispute (I was once robbed straight, but that wasn't a dispute, lol, the seller took the money and disappeared off the face of the planet). Here's how the recent incident went... I wanted 4 items each weighing about 30g from Latvia to Greece. The Latvian seller was offering these (as many as I needed) at 14 quid each plus 5 quid delivery. I sent him an offer of 12 quid each for 4 off, whilst referring in the offer to the fact that I expected delivery to be combined for all 4 items at the 5 quid delivery cost, since the weight would go from 30g to 120g, still less than the weight of the jiffy bag they would be sent in. He responds to the offer offering me 50p of each item (13.5GBP), but he had not amended the delivery cost, it still showed 4 times 5 quid, 20 quid. I thought, ok, he just forgot to amend it, so I accepted the offer of the goods at 13.5 each then immediately sent a 'request for total', expecting that I would get a new total with 4x13.5 plus 5 delivery. I waited a day, 2 days, 3 days...no reply. Here's where I made my only mistake... I decided I would pay the offer in full, because I needed the parts, and we would work out the delivery later, so I sent the payment, with a note that specifically and clearly stated 'Please send refund for 15GBP excess delivery'. Two days later the goods were dispatched, no refund yet. I figured I'll wait til they arrive, then ask the guy what's happening before leaving feedback. After the goods arrived, all good, I sent the guy a message saying I was very happy with the items and my purchase, thank you, but I am still waiting for the delivery refund. I also mentioned, perhaps unnecessarily, that if the refund was prompt I would be leaving a glowing feedback. He responded straight away accusing me of exaction (first contact, he had ignored all attempts at communication to this point), of making him pay for my feedback, and stated that the extra delivery cost was part of the price of the items. As many of you probably know, this is against ebay policies. The item price and delivery cost are supposed to be totally separate costs and billed as such, for many reasons. I got rather annoyed at being first ignored, then cheated and then finally accused of fraud! So I sent him a detailed message explaining how what he was doing was wrong and against ebay policy, and if he really need the extra money for the items, he should have replied to one of my previous messages, and that I probably would have still proceeded with the order. I was a bit lecturey to tell you the truth, I told him that by ignoring people he allows them to set their own expectations, etc etc. and at the end I pointed out that what he was doing is against policy, but that I wouldn't report him, as long as I get my refund, and that 10GBP would be ok in the end. I felt like this was quite generous-spirited of me, after the rudeness I had received from him. I also added a PS that I did not like being accused of fraud in asking only for what I felt was right and that if he accused me of that again, I would give him a negative feedback immediately. He made the fatal mistake of opening his reply with another accusation... "Looks like you have experience in this (intimating that I try to extort money from people for feedback regularly). I have never had to pay for feedback before, but is first time for everything I guess. I give you 5GBP". when I read that I started fuming. I don't know about you guys, but I tend to be a stickler for people doing what they say they will do, so I felt that after that he had left me no choice. I immediately gave him a negative feedback as I had promised him I would, stating 'Does not combine shipping, ignores communications, then accuses YOU of fraud', word for word quote, I had only 1 character left!! They really should provide more space for negative feedback to explain the situation... I then sent the asshat the following message, word for word. Again I got on my high horse, but I don't care. 2 days have now passed, and he has not replied, nor given me any feedback of any kind.
  7. Provisionally, yes, I can't see anything going wrong at this point, I've agreed the shipping quote. Sorry bro For what it's worth the cheapest ones I've seen are the StopTech ones at tarmacsportz.co.uk for 71.5 quid.
  8. I'll take them please, I'll pay the extra to get them shipped over here, no problem, pm on the way!
  9. Someone works in Sales at a Honda dealer. Fair play to you man, I'd do it.
  10. Imagine how it smells inside... <sniff> <sniff> Aaaaaaah, Bisto! Nismo!
  11. Welcome from an expat in sunny (at the moment) Greece. Very jelly of the day job and the brand new nismo! Good stuff!
  12. Ah I see what you mean. I naturally assumed you had huge brakes. It's very hard for me to remember that this forum isn't just for the 350Z...
  13. That won't work! his problem is that no 18 inch wheel will go over them, the caliper extends more than 9" from the centre of the hub. I expect he has 16" or bigger discs. :O
  14. But if the manufacturer states 15hp gains (even if it's bullshit), wouldn't that be grounds enough to void the policy? Yeh, you could go to court and argue that the marketing is wrong and you are right, if you had dyno run sheets, etc, but the courts aren't usually very friendly to the 'boy racer' modders in these types of cases, especially, I would imagine, if the marketing said it increases power, and you told your insurer it didn't. Surely you'd have to go with whatever the manufacturer claimed?
  15. Those are great, lovely wheels. As per pm, I'll let someone in the UK take first shout, but if they don't sell for any reason, let me know and we'll see if we can work something out.
  16. As per pm the other day, if you're willing to split from the tyres, I'd be interested. If it comes to that, let me know. Have you got any pics on the car please?
  17. Those Haggis are bastards to catch, I spent all day running clockwise round the mountain, didn't even see one, let alone run into one. *For anyone who doesn't know, Haggis are shy Highland roaming creatures with three legs, one much shorter than the other two. The females have the short leg on the right and the males on the left. It's just as well that they are this way, as to stay upright, naturally, the male Haggis must always move anti-clockwise round the mountain (hence I was hunting male haggis by walking clockwise, thought for sure I'd run into one) and the females clockwise, since they aren;t the fastest of movers, moving in one direction would make mating a somewhat slower process. In the Spring you can see the males running quite fast looking for females, anti-clockwise, naturally.
  18. Do you think these would be an easy conversion from RHD to LHD? Just a thought, I'm not seriously considering it Alex. Nice car though.
  19. Interestingly, historically, only one form of government has been overwhelmingly beneficial to an entire society, the dictatorship (lest any should forget, the period of Roman rule was one of the most beneficial periods in British history). Unfortunately, it also comes with a disclaimer: You must be benevolent and not evil. So I guess that's Dan out.
  20. Yeh, so really another case of a leader serving her own interests before those of the people. One of the main things that is wrong with the world. Nothing to see here folks, move along. When democracy was invented (by the Greeks, as they so proudly point out at every opportunity), it was well envisioned. Only educated men who knew what they were voting for got the right to vote, and all was well, the government was always chosen by society's most valuable minds. Sure, that often (but not always) resulted in a crappy deal for the poor, which is how we find ourself where we are today. Unfortunately though, the sheer number of people on this planet has now increased to a point where the unwashed and uneducated masses are now higher in influence than the educated elite who have become decadent and complacent that the status quo will persist, and the same poorer and ultimately unhappy element is easily manipulated by greedy politicians who no longer have the people's best interest at heart, as they spoon feed them bullshit, which the sheeple later cast votes based upon. This is why the world is going down the toilet, plain and simple. Democracy doesn't work in a society that has a majority self destructive element, it reduces that society to the lowest common denominator. We need a new model of government boys and girls, anyone got any bright ideas?
  21. ^He's lost it again Too much Irn Bru probably. All I can say Dan is, you lucky bastard. And yeh, strangely I too can confirm seeing the most exotic car I've ever seen in my life in the flesh (it was a new lambo, I was so gobsmacked I forget which one) being driven hard near Warwick university at the new year, and to be fair, we do have good (and wide) roads around there, but there ain't much else to do, except maybe warwick castle, which is seriously cool, as castles go. My Nan's house used to be down the road from the tradesman's gate.
  22. I cannot blame the people for wanting one, if they want one, however, I would advise that now is simply not the ideal time for that.
  23. I'd say fit the suspension first, on the grounds that... 1) when you are doing that you are likely to find out what is making the noise anyway, and 2) You may inadvertently solve it simply by fitting the new shocks (if for example it was a loose top mount or something like that).
  24. Ha, and I was going to say about 250 quid but was afraid I would be ridiculed for being out of touch (to be fair, I haven't had any work done on a car in the UK for 15 years!) Over here I wouldn't pay more than 200 euro for all that, but labour is cheaper.
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