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Everything posted by Strudul

  1. Noticed a clicking sound coming from my clutch pedal about half way down. Not sure if it was always there, but now I can't un-hear it. Apart from that it feels fine; goes all the way down and comes back up. Is this normal? Is it bad? Here's 13 seconds of me pumping the clutch (may need to turn up your volume to hear it):
  2. More importantly, whose is the Murcielago?
  3. Is that supposed to be a bad time? I probably take that long if I can't swing the door open fully, and I'm a third the age of a good portion of the guys on here.
  4. So for starters, I'm probably the calmest person I know, and that includes on the road. I don't road rage, but there is a strong feeling of bewilderment. Fair enough if you don't feel comfortable going the speed limit when the conditions aren't ideal (road, weather etc). It's quite often ridiculously foggy round here on my commute and we all crawl through the 50 zones at 25-30, and that's cool, I'm okay with that. Another example would be a stretch of road which is a 40, but it's crazy tight and there's some really sharp corners. Again, I wouldn't really mind if you drop down to 10 through there. However, when it's dry, clear, and a straight, wide road with no traffic, you have no real excuse for feeling uncomfortable going the speed limit. Even the really slow people manage 50 on the motorway, and that's usually in narrower lanes than A roads and there's traffic moving about all around you. Also wish people would learn how the different speed cameras work. If it's one of these: Then you only need to worry about them if they are facing you, and even then, only when you get to the 3 black lines in the road right in front of them.
  5. I'm calm until they are going 30 in a 50 and still stomping on the brakes for every camera. Learn maths ffs.
  6. My tush generates enough heat all by itself thank you very much :< Turned it once once and it was just uncomfortable. Any layer of clothes is enough to not feel the chill of the leather in a cold morning, and after a minute it's all warmed up anyway. So unless you're driving round naked,....
  7. Right place. He's referring to the value of his car. (From the £3k dealer offer comment).
  8. Do people actually like heated seats? I always thought they were just bragging rights cos they sound fancy. Who wants a sweaty arse????
  9. Is a Mustang really suited for twisty European roads? Surely that Maserati was more at home.
  10. Until it comes round to selling... Us car people may know that it's all about how the car was treated, but everyone else is after FSH and low mileage. Even though it'd be worse, a car that's been ragged about every day with FSH and low mileage would be worth much more than one that has been loved and cared for (including regular maintenance) with no service history and high mileage.
  11. You're looking at 9k+ for any HR with decent mileage. The one you linked is probably worth at least 10k. If you don't fancy coughing up that much, maybe look into a Rev-up DE instead? Quite a bit cheaper and you don't miss out on much at all.
  12. X100 or X150? Why'd you swap to a Z34? X150 I sold it because I wanted something newer with lower miles as my other half is gonna be piling on the miles,as we use the Z as a daily too.. I'm looking for a 5.0 XKR in the new year though I'm envious
  13. Never really have a problem with other cars getting right up my arse. Though that could be because I rarely drive on the motorway, and when I do, It for almost 3 hours at a time, so I just cruise in the slow lane (until I see a nice car, then I'll follow them for a bit and maybe have a play ) No, the problem I have is people in front of me driving 10-20mph below the speed limit or stomping on the brakes repeatedly for no apparent reason.
  14. Never listen to the radio, so it's purely for aesthetics. As long as it looks snazzy I'm happy Either way, ebay is pretty good when it comes to being sent the wrong stuff.
  15. But if you're on duty, just not in uniform (undercover or whatever)??
  16. Was referring more to the acceleration to reach those speeds. No denying it's a good sports car (handles well at decent speed), but sometimes I just want to put my foot down and go fast in a straight line.
  17. I think TC stops wheel spin and VSC keeps you straight.
  18. Gives you more time to plan and sort out another job though. I'd rather have secured somewhere and have a clean transition from one job to the next (unless you are wanting a break from everything for a bit). You must have some holiday left to take that you can use to go to job interviews and such?
  19. Had a quick bash, but to be perfectly honest, i'm just making it up. I can't show you exactly what it'll look like because I don't know. There will be a big difference depending on whether you go dip or powder coat. And they tone will vary massively depending on the angle and light. I'd say the video I linked of the guy with matte black plasti-dipped wheels is your best point of reference. Then powder coat should give you a much deeper black with less of a plasticy shine.
  20. Can anyone confirm that this is the right one? Part number #39151-STK-A01 Seems rather cheap at £5.99
  21. Love playing a bit of leapfrog
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