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Everything posted by Strudul

  1. They do look good, but I can't help but think it should be easy to replicate for a fraction of the price. - Buy a few sheets of white rubber - Print off some stencils in the correct size (may take a few attempts) - Trace around the letters and cut them out (should only take an hour or 2) - Stick them on with some special tyre / rubber glue
  2. Always assumed it was because other colours would show dirt quicker / easier and look crap. You get bicycle tyres in loads of colours though.
  3. 1 day hire for the other one (dreamcarhire) is £345 per day, it's only £255 per day if renting for 8-14 days. There's loads of options though if you just search "GTR hire" in Google and set the country to UK.
  4. Dunno where you're based, but you can rent a GT-R from Hertz for £375 per day with pick up from Manchester Airport. Or there's this place with a few all over the UK for less?
  5. I should buy a GTR and rent it out... Will have my money back in a few months...
  6. FI works too, you should do that after
  7. Bonnet vents are badass, but does require the rest of the car to match. Can't tell me you don't like the XKR bonnet? Pirate black is like midnight purple?
  8. I think that massively depends on which wrap (brand and type) you go for. There are high gloss CF wraps and matt CF wraps. Just save up some more and get a real CF bonnet with cool vents.
  9. Custom, but it's not finished yet and is on hold until exams are over.
  10. Personally not a fan of CF, looks tacky, but it's the best option if you don't want a respray or full car wrap.
  11. Tyres make a big difference, but they have been a constant. I've had the same crappy tyres with and without the boot stripped and noticed a significant difference. I think changes we make don't necessarily screw up Nissans work, but do waste it. Yes, changing stuff might mess with the aero etc, but the negatives are (usually and hopefully) offset by a bunch of benefits from the upgrade carried out that Nissan have overlooked or not been able to implement due to constraints.
  12. Hate Android UI and can never work out where anything is or how to do stuff, plus there seems to be a lot more compatibility issues. iOS UI used to be amazing, but they keep making it worse. Plus the crackdown on jailbreaking has ruined iOS. Jailbroken iOS is (or was) the best because you get all the customisation and additional features.
  13. Well it's a 350 coupe not a 370, but they have similar distributions (53:47, 54:46). When I say stripped out boot, I'm talking everything, including boot weight and rear wiper. By itself it probably doesn't make a noticeable difference, but combined with me being on the heavier side, usually running with 1/4 tank, having crappy tyres, and driving in a spirited fashion, it seems to add up to some exciting tail action.
  14. If only guessing the name was the hard part
  15. Condition? Included accessories? Locked / unlocked? If locked - to which network? Have a look on ebay for what similar is selling for.
  16. 5S will become outdated and need replacing in a couple of years, but they aren't worth much. 7 is overpriced and over sized. Recommendation: Sell both and buy an SE* Can't price check without a capacity. *Assuming you want to remain on iOS.
  17. Was referring to the OP, not myself, but okay...
  18. It's called an assumption and is used to isolate the problem and aid diagnosis. As someone with a Honda Blackbird and history of going fast in fast cars, we can deduce that there is a reasonable amount of past experience, understanding of road conditions, and the affect they have on car stability. But sure, let's just pretend the OP was driving on a sloped, icy road, with bald tyres, in a gale, with half a tonne of lead in the passenger seat and treating the throttle like a kick drum.
  19. Does road surface affect how stable a car feels? Yes. Have people reported a 350Z feeling stable on imperfect non-track roads at 140mph? Yes Therefore, assuming the OP hasn't just driven over a load of potholes and come to the conclusion his car is unstable from that, yes, road surface doesn't play a significant part in diagnosing OP's issue.
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