Started at a new gym (PureGym) a month ago on a temporary basis.
Finally back over 90kg and comfortably benching 100+ for reps. Shoulders and pull-ups still feel a bit weak, but they'll get there
However, now I'm back in the gym every other day, I get a lot of time to people watch... and I don't know whether to be concerned or just disappointed. Full body movement "bicep" curls, deadlifts with more arch than the Arc De Triomphe, I'm not sure I've even seen a single full rep yet, and don't get me started on the people who seem to spend the entire time there just taking pictures in the mirror.
I've been to several different gyms and it's never been this bad before. It doesn't really bother me, and there's plenty of equipment for me to just do my own thing, so I'm happy, but I feel a bit guilty not intervening in case someone hurts themselves. I don't want to spend my entire workout teaching people how to lift, and don't want to be "that guy", but I'm just sat there wincing and shaking my head between sets.