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Everything posted by Strudul

  1. Don't think any 350Zs came with cameras from factory...
  2. FYI, keeping your car in a locked garage etc will usually return a higher insurance premium than if you keep it on a driveway or roadside.
  3. It's all about that Time Under Tension. Think of all the gains from that rep.
  4. If it we're that easy I would. To be fair, I drop the barbell quite quickly (but in a controlled manner) when doing DLs and it clanks, though I usually try minimise this by using mats etc. Was taught that way and don't like to let it go down too slow as it causes a lot of stress. Also tend to drop dumbbells after pressing. Don't throw them across the room like some people, but drop that last bit because there's a lot of stress and chance for injury. Will never understand people's justification for dropping machine weights though. 1) They miss out on a full negative rep 2) They look like an attention seeking idiot who can't gym Conversely, I'm like a gym machine ninja. Big fan of structure, with the occasional drop set thrown in every few weeks if I'm feeling particularly bold. Best part about PureGym is it's open 24/7, so I can just go when it's quiet and it's like having my own gym (apart from a few Polish people who insist on shouting every sentence). I'm not gonna complain about girls squatting, especially the ones in yoga pants. Gives me something nice to look at between sets, though I have been known t get distracted admiring their... form....
  5. Sequentials make me all tingly in my special place, regardless of the car. Sounds like a plan
  6. Do this: As for whether to DIY, personally I would. The mods themselves are very easy, the only scary part is taking the headlight assembly apart and resealing it properly. Though it might be worth getting it doing professionally just for a warranty on the resealing bit, especially considering that Z headlights aren't cheap to replace
  7. Started at a new gym (PureGym) a month ago on a temporary basis. Finally back over 90kg and comfortably benching 100+ for reps. Shoulders and pull-ups still feel a bit weak, but they'll get there However, now I'm back in the gym every other day, I get a lot of time to people watch... and I don't know whether to be concerned or just disappointed. Full body movement "bicep" curls, deadlifts with more arch than the Arc De Triomphe, I'm not sure I've even seen a single full rep yet, and don't get me started on the people who seem to spend the entire time there just taking pictures in the mirror. I've been to several different gyms and it's never been this bad before. It doesn't really bother me, and there's plenty of equipment for me to just do my own thing, so I'm happy, but I feel a bit guilty not intervening in case someone hurts themselves. I don't want to spend my entire workout teaching people how to lift, and don't want to be "that guy", but I'm just sat there wincing and shaking my head between sets.
  8. I use Fuchs Titan GT1 Pro Flex. Would I recommend it? Sure, It seems to have worked fine. Is it better / worse than any other? Not a clue.
  9. They use different additives and will perform slightly differently, but you won't really notice a difference. As I say, no right or wrong answer.
  10. Most go for 5w30, but it doesn't make much difference and people successfully run either. You can mix brands of oil no problem. There's no right or wrong and everyone has preferences. Molyslip you can pick up off ebay here, but some of the traders might sell it too.
  11. 5w30 is thinner when hot. They are the same thickness when cold.
  12. *If you collaborate with an REO, you can tell them it's an OC meet and not just a load of yobs in fancy, loud cars. *Not trying to enforce rules, but just a heads up.
  13. Yeah, wouldn't want to keep adding to emblems since they've already lost a significant amount of detail from the dip, but wheels (or at least my RAYS) don't really have any intricate bits to worry about. Some people do extra layers anyway (7+), so one way to look at it is just a delay before bringing it up to the same level. As for the dirt etc, you give it a decent clean beforehand to give the dip a good surface to stick to and get rid of anything that might cause imperfections. However, dip sticks pretty well, so it doesn't need to be immaculate, and any dirt / brake dust isn't gonna cause a problem. The wheel itself is protected by a layer of dip and unless you leave big chunks of stuff on, you're not going to see it through the dip.
  14. Sure you can. Adding more dip on top will make it easier to remove when the time comes and only requires a couple of layers rather than 5+. When you dip over dip, the dip melts the dip a bit and the dip layers fuse together to make one thick dip layer, so it's not like a dip onion or dip Shrek, but a dip dip.
  15. Hence my recommendation for the iPhone SE... Same size as the 5S, but with the power of the 6, which should keep it relevant for longer.
  16. Was nice out and my car was covered in bird shite...
  17. Just a thought, but wouldn't it make more sense to pay £20 for SXOC membership and then pay the £182 member price instead of the £202 non-member price? Cost of the event is £20 less, so you instantly get your moneys worth, but it means you also get the other benefits (discounts etc).
  18. 1000hp 370Z should be quite a bit cheaper than a 1000hp GT-R I'd think.
  19. Probably easier to just go over with another layer or 2 of dip
  20. I'm imagining it should only require primary school level cutting and sticking Wonder if toothpaste works on dip too. My wheels are brown rather than black these days.
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