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Everything posted by Strudul

  1. Massive improvement over last time. (Edit: just realised the last video was squats instead - but your DL form vid > squat form vid ) Personally I drop the weight much faster than that and don't rate maintaining tension during the negative portion. As you point out, your hips drop and rotate at the last second, losing the arch you want to keep.
  2. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/50287-how-to-adjust-clutch-pedal/
  3. I'd agree for weights you use to do higher reps as they are much more manageable if something goes wrong. However for a weight you can only lift <5 times, and definitely if trying to set new PBs or 1rms, it's kinda risky to rely on adrenaline.
  4. If the clutch isn't slipping. it might be fine. There's a way to adjust the bite point, but I can't remember how off the top of my head. Will have a look later.
  5. Not a fan of CF, so unfortunately that's out of the question. Was considering something silver, but it'd have to match the pre-existing silver or I think it'd look gash. Also an issue of having a lot of silver on silver, so you lose the contrast. Tempted by orange as it'd go with the dial lighting, but don't want it to look tacky.
  6. Need to do something about my interior trim, so looking for inspiration. Trawled through a load of threads, but couldn't find anything central really showcasing what people have done. Would be helpful if you could add what was done (dip / wrap / hydro dip / paint / re-trim).
  7. Makes sense if you refer to the table in post #12
  8. Still a street legal production car, though no terms were actually stipulated. There are much faster road legal cars that have been modified too, but without having a criteria to adhere to it's impossible to make conclusions.
  9. Strudul

    What else?

    Lightweight flywheel Crank pulley Final drive NO2
  10. I think it's only really asked by the specialists. Comparison sites and big insurers don't care, but a lot of the ones who advertise on the forums will ask and have requirements on age and experience.
  11. It's a 14 year old car, and the sort of car people will often only own for a year or 2, so it's to be expected.
  12. Was gonna pick up one of these myself if / when I get round to it (or you can get them for half the price from China if you don't mind waiting a month for delivery).
  13. I assume the lift up flap is the bit marked with a blue cross and the bit circled in purple is the clip (or whatever that clips into). So whatever holds the back of the roof down and in place.
  14. Ahh, that sort of hood, my bad.
  15. http://apcmag.com/tu...eo-monitor.htm/ Might do the trick (and also gives you tablet functionality).
  16. Can't see how it could go anywhere else unless maybe it can tuck under the carpet?? http://www.ebay.com/...NBXWOn2&vxp=mtr
  17. Had a play, couldn't get the centre tunnel all the way out because the headunit and handbrake are in the way, but I managed to lift it enough to see what's going on.
  18. Do you mean this adjustment? It should cause the boot (read hood?) to be pulled closed tighter...
  19. I made a lot more progress when I had a spotter. Everyone's body reacts differently, but mine seems to relish grinding out one extra rep. I've only been trapped under a barbell once, but not in the way you would expect. I was trying to do some improvised seated barbell calf raises (see image below), but due to a combination of having long legs and using a high foot platform to maximise ROM, my knees were a lot higher than my hips and the barbell ended up rolling down my thighs. Due to the angles and balance in the situation, I couldn't stand up and it was digging in pretty hard. I probably could have got it off if I needed to, but I found it hilarious, so asked a guy near me to lend a hand and he came and deadlifted 100kg off me.
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