Read something somewhere about rust on the wheel arches and how dirt get's trapped under the lip, so thought I'd check my Z and see what's what.
Had a look and found some very minor surface rust on 1 side, nothing to worry about I think(?). Anyway, while I was there I had a fondle to see how much crap (if any) was stuck under the lips...
Turns out there was an entire farm in there. Not just mud, but stones and all sorts. I was scooping it out by the handful...
Threw most of it over the wall, but you can see the bits that fell on the floor below. Some nice weight-saving there though, must be a a few kilograms lighter now...
Also got round to sorting my fuel cap cable. It snapped the other month so I've reconnected it with a terminal. No idea how long it will hold, but it seems to work quite well.
Next job is definitely a good clean, cos it's looking filthy. Have delayed it thus far as the weather's been awful recently, but will get on it this weekend as it's supposed to be nice and sunny on Saturday (fingers crossed).