I have a confession, today on the way home I almost binned it.
I've been playing around with the ESP off for the past few weeks and only had the slightest of tail slippage. Was beginning to wonder what all the fuss was about with regards to TC... and RWD in general for that matter.
So anyway, slowed down coming up to a roundabout, into 2nd, foot down, next thing I know I'm going sideways, missing my exit and heading right for this island:
Tried steering into the turn, but I think I was either too late or didn't counter steer enough and was just going to hit the island, so instead I ended up just turning to keep going round the roundabout. Luckily I managed to save it and nobody pulled out, I went full circle and was on my way (ESP back on). I'm sure everyone thought I was a complete idiot ( and rightly so ).
Not entirely sure how it happened, whether there was something slippy on the road, or I used a hint more throttle than usual at just the wrong time. Wasn't going particularly fast, maybe only 30, but yeah, enough to give a little scare.
Anyway, moving on from this, having seen them mentioned multiple times round here, I think an airfield track day would be beneficial. Somewhere I can safely learn the cars limits and how to better handle it when they are surpassed.
Which brings me onto my questions:
- Who's been on one? What are they like? Are they worth it?
- Would you be allowed to purposefully try lose the rear end, or would a skid pan experience be better suited for that?
- Can anyone recommend places in / near West Yorkshire?
- The closest I could find was in Elvington, York. Anyone been here specifically and can give some insight?