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Everything posted by Strudul

  1. If it's a question of whether they are decent, reviews seem to say they are. It does say "HURRY, ONLY 1 LEFT AT THIS PRICE. " though, so better be quick.
  2. I haven't. A quick google brings up GTAV vids of people surfing ambulances... Am I on the right track?
  3. The Highway Code says: So as I was moving then indicating to indicate my intention of pulling over was the correct thing to do. If you don't look in your mirrors or use your other senses like hearing to be aware of upcoming emergency vehicles then you (that guy) really are a danger on the road. Not hearing the Ambulance though may have been down to him having headphones on for all I know. Another annoying and dangerous thing some people do nowadays. Ah, good to know Hard to miss the blue flashing in the mirrors though. Usually notice that before the siren. Probably on his phone rather than paying attention though.
  4. Maybe it's just me, but I've found that people of the female variety seem to be worse for this. Men seem to be more willing to let me pass or hold a door for me and give thanks / the nod for when i return the favour. Women on the other hand just seem to barge through and don't even acknowledge my presence. However, back to cars, I always give a wave, regardless of who let who through, but nobody has waved back for a few weeks now.
  5. I had a similar incident a while ago: I'm driving on an A road and look in my rear view mirror to see an Ambulance approaching quickly (lights on & siren on/off periodically), so I indicate left & pull up on the verge. The car behind me then slows, blasts their horn at me and gives me a stinking look while pulling out around my car almost forcing the approaching Ambulance into on coming traffic. I think the driver thought I was just pulling over in a stupid place to use my phone or something but how can you miss a bl**dy big Ambulance with blues & twos on?! Lot's of idiots on the road so you definitely have to keep your wits about you all the time. General question - would hazards be more appropriate than indicators? Doesn't give as much indication of your intentions, but your hazards are there to alert others of a hazard, which arguably is the case.
  6. 3rd, 8th & 7th according to the last few intros you've posted in. Na na na na na. ;) Should clarify... By 2nd, I mean 2nd welcome (so 3rd post). Also, I meant never higher than 2nd (not got a 1st yet). Beep Boop
  7. The children or the parents?
  8. Don't suppose I can be cheeky and take you up on this? Haven't had any problems yet, but better safe than sorry, and I'm in Huddersfield most days.
  9. Even if someone did have a £10k slush fund, I don't think they would want to be spending it on repairs...
  10. Well, as I say, the only way they're managing to overtake you is if you let them. I'm willing to bet that 9/10 cars that overtake you are slower than a Z. Obviously don't do anything dangerous, but as long as it's safe to do so, just put your foot down and overtake. If you're going faster than the car behind, they can't crash into you. If you're getting tailgated to a point where it's unsafe, just slow down until they back off or you reach a speed which is suitable for the gap they are leaving. (So if they wanna leave a 1m gap, you slow down to 5 mph.) Again, obviously don't make a dangerous situation more dangerous. If there's multiple lanes, then just switch until they bugger off.
  11. Thinking about tinting my lights. Specifically the tail lights (inc the reverse / indicator / fog lights in the bumper), but considering the head lights too. Spent a while looking around, but just going in circles and now I've got more questions than when i started. All my lights are OEM (except for new LED park light bulbs), so Xenons up front, LEDs in the back, and whatever is in the reverse / indicator assembly (normal bulbs?). Questions: - What actually are the laws on this. Google doesn't seem to bring up anything on tinting lights, just windows. Read stuff that says anything that reduces light output is an MOT fail, and other stuff that completely contradicts that. - How dark can I go while 1) staying legal and 2) not significantly reducing the functionality of my lights. - What's the best product / type of product to use (spray tint or tint film / vinyl)? Want it to be easily reversible, and not a bastard to apply. Also don't want to damage my lights (read stuff about certain products not being suitable for Xenons). - How easy / hard is it to apply products without first removing the lights. - Any recommendations or advice on anything I've missed would be appreciated. Cheers
  12. I hope you had strong words... Someone slams my doors into the wall, I'm doing the same with their face. See how they like it.
  13. You sure on your positioning? If you immediately indicate right and position yourself far right, there can be no question that you are intending to overtake. Depending on the circumstances, you shouldn't even have to brake, just go right round them. Unless the cars behind you are going significantly faster than you, there's no way they can overtake before you unless you slow down and let them. Considering you've got a 3.5L V6, chances are they can't outpace you.
  14. Should be using child lock and opening the door for them
  15. Not sure if it will be specific enough for you, but might give an idea. Prospects let's you search for jobs, tells you about them, the qualifications required, and the entry paths.
  16. Just gotta be faster on your overtakes...
  17. Yeah, a couple of years ago IIRC. Watched a load of his stuff in the past. Gotta admit, the guy can drive.
  18. I have no idea wtf happened. It was fine when I submitted it. Gimme a min.
  19. So it sounds like clickbait or advertising, but hear me out. Booked my car in for an interim service through Servicing Stop as it was significantly cheaper than I was quoted everywhere else. They allowed me to provide my own oil and filter as I requested, which gave me a further discount on an already very low price. They offer to collect & return your car (which is inclusive in the price I think), but I chose to drive there and back myself as I wanted to be present during the service, which they had no issues with. Everything went smoothly, was done in an hour. It wasn't really a proper service, but the guy changed the oil + filter, topped up fluids, had a look around for any potential problems underneath (pointed out a worn drop link), and gave me my service stamp, which is all i really wanted - don't see the point in paying someone to see if the lights etc work or not. (I'd be doing the service myself if I didn't need that silly stamp.) Total was £38.05 (inc card surcharge), but then I got a couple of emails saying that they'd knock £10 if I left a Trustpilot review and another £10 for a Google review (no requirement for it to be a good review), which brought it down to £18.05. Oil cost me ~£24 from Opie, and the filter was <£9 (plus ~£4 in fuel to get to the garage and back). So okay, it was more like £55, but that's still seriously cheap. They just contract the work to the cheapest nearby garage, so prices and quality of work may vary massively, but I'm pretty happy.
  20. Well the industry is massive and covers a massive array of jobs. Might want to start by narrowing it down a little bit by the type of role you are after - driver, conductor, engineer, maintenance etc? My understanding is that it's bloody hard to become a driver. Super competitive, but really good pay for a relatively easy job once you get there.
  21. Yeh, these can be cool to watch, until you see ones like this (0:57): Aftermath can be found by following the link below. Hint: It ain't pretty. There's a warning and an age restriction on the site for a reason. (Apologies if this breaks any rules or is inappropriate).
  22. I bought my 9.5 year old MY07 Z from the forecourt of a main dealer...
  23. Here's a selection of alternatives you may appreciate that I've come across on my travels through the internets:
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