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Everything posted by Strudul

  1. I'm also considering the same GT86 / BRZ / FR-S is too slow from what I've heard. Maybe if they ever do an STI... I'm looking at the same alternatives as you though, with the XKR being the current favourite (won't be for a couple of years at least though). Go try all those and report back with which is best
  2. Of the last 3 images: First one is from - black plasti dip, but from watching the vid, it's usually darker, but looks paler because of how the light is hitting it at the time. 2nd is from here - powdercoated, 80pct gloss, 20pct matte black 3rd Is the 1st, but I made them darker.
  3. Can do, just don't go looking for my nudes
  4. Strudul

    370z exhaust

    accept even :lol: OoOoOOoOooOooOOOohhh
  5. Should be in bed, which means I'm procrastinating and doing anything to stay up...
  6. Could just dip your rays matte black? See if you like it. (Or I can probs photoshop you some matte black Volk CE28Ns if you like).
  7. Loved Tron Legacy and funnily enough I was looking for a sequel just the other week. Got hyped for it (Legacy) after seeing these 2 vids: (6:20 is one of my favourite songs)
  8. Not particularly. It's only a starting bid, and similar cars go for £6k. btw.
  9. Some guy on the 300ZX forums made them, and they were only $33, but that was 5 years ago
  10. Or there's these: Quite fond of the 2nd one actually.
  11. Can't go wrong with white on black rims.
  12. I'm rather fond of it. Anything that distracts from that bangle butt is a good thing.
  13. Still haven't gotten the hang of this forum layout. One day
  14. I'd feel worse if I held it in. Usually organised breaks while waiting for something to load (yup, sometimes that genuinely takes 5+ minutes). At least I was only refilling a water bottle (usually whilst passing anyway), everyone else wasted 5 minutes making / buying coffee several times a day. We had a flexi-time system though, so as long as you put in enough hours (accounting for breaks), they weren't particularly strict.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f86I6W6A7BU That guy's reaction was spot on though
  16. Dat AM tho... Wouldn't mind having bigger pads. The current ones aren't big enough, or are at the wrong angle or something, and I just can't get any use out of them.
  17. When I was working I'd take at least a couple of 5+ minute and a few 1 minute toilet breaks per day... You can't eat and drink as much as me and not have to go... Would also be refilling my water bottle every hour or so.
  18. No way, not even close. The first movie has by far the best.
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