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  1. Wow thanks for all these replies guys, massively helpful, my main worry is engine health, I don't want to end up in the same boat as I did with my ST and spent X thousands on an engine re-build! Suspension and brake things don't worry me as I can do those myself!
  2. No it's a completely standard car, which is what's attracting me, it's a GT car up for £5750? Is that a decent price or am I paying over the odds?
  3. Hi guys, looking to gett myself a 350z in the coming weeks, I've spotted a car that I like the look of! It's a 54 plate, 84k, 9 stamps in the book, I'm going to see it next week but what should I look for? I currently have a track focused Fiesta ST, fully forged engine, polished and ported, race cams running around 200 bhp so I know my way around a spanner, no afraid of small jobs, just don't wanna get one with knackered piston rings/main bearings! Any advice or things to watch? Thanks! Edwin
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