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    Weymouth Dorset

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Z Hopeful

Z Hopeful (2/7)



  1. Can I have the mud guards if still available please
  2. Been a while, so she’s looking a bit different,mines style lip and a new style ducktail spioler
  3. Next time your in Weymouth,,,,give us a shout there’s a few of us about,drop into the front skatepark for a cuppa and ask for Dean .....
  4. Haynes motor museum do a breakfast club on the first Sunday of each month,open to all and looks good
  5. If you guys wanted to a drive west,could always meet at the front skatepark Weymouth coastal drive back via Corfe castle perhaps,my mrs would do T coffee and bacon butties in the skatepark,we have sofas inside also,,,, just a thought
  6. Happy to meet up for breakfast and a good old run out
  7. Don’t suppose you know who made it by any chance,,,,,, could be interested
  8. Yeh.......Go low again,wheel spacers,front lip,darker window tint,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  9. Will miss my first 350......... My first dose of zeditus ..... For sale on pistoneheads if anyone is interested
  10. My original one is up for sale scobie.......Was going to start on engine mods on it But the HR took my fancy and I've always loved black........It's re mapped to 330bhp Also.....
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