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  1. Also the email address that should receive the reset email was receiving updates when i got PM's or a post i was following, so its not like it should be going somewhere else Frustrating as it just kept locking as i try n guess my forum password . sigh no 350z taptalk to get me thru day tomoz at work
  2. okay so thurs/ fri last week taptalk borked and would not let me view pages so i uninstalled reinstalled app on phone could not rember my password tried to reset it etc via 350z page in taptalk my user name was not recognised tried via safari(iphone) got no reply for resetting in my emails i tried allsorts. so on my pc im always logged in tried to change password via settings , so i could fix taptalk , you need to know your password to do this sigh , still couldnt rember mine so i signed out and did the forgot password on pc Im not recieving a email yet again to reset my password and now im obviously not logged in to post ive made a new account using a gmail so i could post i got creative with my new user name but im Brimstoneboy so my email is same for both accounts atm except ones Gmail.com other hotmail.co.uk could a admin please help me cheers stuart
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