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Everything posted by Erni902

  1. Evening guys. Just getting used to the new layout etc and was wondering if there is any plan to add the 'First Unread Post' functionality at all? Its a nightmare going to large 18 page threads and having to sift through the posts to find the last post that you read so you can catch up. Especially if its a very active and popular thread topic and you haven't been online for a few days. I noticed that prior to the upgrade some threads would allow me to skip to the 'First Unread Post' but others wouldn't. It didn't seem particularly consistent and there seemed to be no reason why one thread would give me this option and another wouldn't. Is this the reason the functionality was removed completely? Any direction on this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance guys.
  2. Anyone have a picture of the purple wire to splice into behind the speaker? I removed the speaker but have a couple lots of wiring harnesses but they are all insulated so don't want to cut through all the wiring harnesses to find the right one especially seen as its susceptible to water ingress. Thanks in advance
  3. Mirror Mod received this morning, many thanks mate
  4. Can I get 1st dibs on the headlights please? Can you wait until Thursday for confirmation?
  5. Just settled up mate Many thanks for sorting
  6. Yes I do like the look of yours, I also have the Chargespeed rear and really think it goes well. This is ideally what I am hoping to end up doing but I fear I will be waiting a long time. All depends how much my VR-4 engine swap ends up costing me, if its not too bad then I will have some spare cash to throw at my bodyshop to make a cheap ebay special fit.
  7. I agree but the odd thing is that it doesnt matter how the car is driven. Once below 70 miles if I thrash it, then it drops accordingly, however on the exact same journey and exact same road with exact same reading at exact same point of the journey if I drive like miss daisy (or more accurately get stuck behind her) the reading acts exactly the same. Just seems alot more erratic when below 70 odd miles. Anything above that and it behaves exactly as I would expect according to driving style. Ill try to remember to give that a go, I used to do that too back in the day but kind of got out of the habit and I keep forgetting until I've been driving for an hour or so haha. Need to remember to take my remembering pills! Cheers Pete, when I switch off and on again the reading stays at pretty much what it finished on but then where I park is pretty damn flat and the road into the village does have a slight hill but its nothing steep and not too long. Maybe the Zed's tank is just designed in such a way that its more sensitive to movement and gradients than other cars?! Maybe I should've worded it differently the light doesnt actually flash, it simply comes on when the reading is low and goes off when the reading is higher but the fluctuation in readings I get makes the light come on a go off. So the mileage will drop and the light will come on then 1 or 2 minutes later the mileage goes back up and the light goes off. Its just I dont spend my time looking at the light so one minute Ill look down and its on the next it will be off. I didnt know that about the ---DTE reading not changing until you switch off and on again, that's interesting. My Cayenne sits at 000DTE for a worryingly long time then all of a sudden jumps up to 15 miles.
  8. No worries buddy, fire me a PM and we will sort something out
  9. If your in MK I can hook up my UpRev cable and read the ECU to see if its got a license
  10. Evening guys, I don't particularly have an issue just something that bugs me. Basically when I have a full tank and I drive for hundreds of miles the gauge and the DTE reading both display as expected and correctly. The problem arises when Im coming toward the end of a tank or long journey. When the DTE reading gets to about 70 miles it seems to drop very quickly indeed regardless of my driving style or the gradient on the roads etc. I can do just 10 miles and lose 30 miles of fuel. The other day I was be 15 miles away from home with 77 miles on the display but by the time I got home the DTE was sat at 32 miles. I hadnt changed my driving style and certainly hadnt driven in such a manner that would reduce my fuel by that much. Skip to today and I fire the car up to go into the village only 3 miles away, when I set off DTE reads around 30 odd. When I get to the village, pick up what I need and drive the 3 miles back I then end up with 41 miles in the tank. The gauge also reacts in a similar fashion showing 1 minute on the red line then the next at 1/4 tank. The petrol lights looks almost like a disco light the rate it turns on and off. (slight exxageration, the light doesnt flash it just comes on and off again in tune with the 2 displays). As I say the gauges all behave perfectly fine with no fluctuation when above around 70 miles, anything below this and its erratic and I have no idea if I genuinely have the displayed miles left in the tank or not. Its not a huge drama as I always plan my journeys around Shell garages and I rarely let it drop low as she mostly does long journeys so gets the tank filled every 250 miles. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a known issue with the Zed and just something to live with or do I have a fuel sender on its way out? Any advice appreciated.
  11. Will fire my payment over 1st thing Friday morning, Ive kind of abused my bank account this month
  12. Ah right fair enough. I have located the only genuine ones left on the planet but at £1,182.35 before shipping, taxes and paint it might be worth chancing my arm with an ebay special haha. Cheers for the feedback mate
  13. Evening guys, so I am in the market for a Nismo V2 rear spoiler to replace my genuine Blitz half carbon spoiler. I do like the look of the Blitz but its time for a change. Im after the Nismo V2 but Im not sure Im going to be able to source a genuine one, to that end I am reaching out to any of you guys that have the V2 replica on your cars and if you would be so kind as to advise me on where you sourced yours from and what the fitment was like. I would much rather pay more for a better/perfect fitment than buy cheap and have to spend a fortune getting it to fit right. Now I am very much aware that unless you buy genuine there will most likely be at least some work needed for proper fitment. I have a bodyshop that will be able to make it fit but want to make their job as easy as possible. Also if anyone has one that has previously been fitted to a car and they are wanting to either change or get rid then let me know as I would be very interested. Any help much appreciated.
  14. I know its not a Zed but the reason I post this is because a I was in my Zed and was heading into Houghton Regis and a black Vauxhall Insignia went past in the opposite direction, toward Dunstable, and the driver starting waving frantically at me. I waved back but had no idea who it was and I don't know anyone with an Insignia so thought it may have been someone from here maybe? Worth a shot. Was around lunchtime today.
  15. I've had this recently. First off the codes that were thrown were the P0011 and P0021 but further down the line were the cam position sensor codes you have. I changed the timing chain and the codes remained. Swapped out all the same sensors as you did, no change. I swapped out the VVT solenoids, no change. Mark at Abbey was a massive help for me and after the chain was replaced I got an UpRev cable and sent him some logs that he analysed for me. Top bloke especially seen as he was just about to head off on holiday. Got the car up in the air, (well the garage did) dropped the gearbox and found out the flywheel (which had been fitted for nearly 2yrs) was fitted incorrectly. Personally if your car has EVER had a clutch or flywheel replaced then I would get a garage to take it off and check. You can check with a bore cam without removing the box but its quite hard to know what to look for if your not familiar with the Zeds. My garage spoke to Horsham for advice and determined that it was fitted incorrectly. They refitted it and all was fine, no more error codes and the car drives like a dream. This fix cost me £275 for labour however this would've been alot cheaper if they had just dropped the box first rather than try to do research and get in there with a bore cam to inspect. Much cheaper than the £1500 that I spent on the timing chain, sensors etc etc.
  16. I thought I saw you drive past and I wondered where you disappeared to!
  17. May aswell pop down, what time are people aiming to get there?
  18. A good turnout tonight guys. Good to make it to another one after so long. Good to see some new faces aswell. Took a few snaps, not the best quality as taken with my phone, hopefully I got everyone in:
  19. Weather should be drying up around 1700hrs with little chance of rain for the rest of the night so we may be ok
  20. Saw you as you pulled out behind me onto the A5 just outside Towcester town centre. You turned off the other side of town in toward Tesco. Lovely looking car
  21. I left at about 1100hrs and I got back about 1630hrs so roughly 5 1/2hrs but I did stop for lunch, a quick check nav at the beginning of each leg and got slowed down both leaving town and entering town. If the route in and out of town were clear and if you take off the time spent at lunch then it wouldve taken roughly 4hrs. Fuel wise I had 90 miles range before I filled her up, put £35 V-Power in and when I got back she was sat about 100 miles range so basically cost me £35. Again this was helped by getting stuck behind slow yocals along the way so if it was clear I wouldve knocked a few more miles off the range Im sure.
  22. Spotted the very front end of a 370Z whilst watching Baywatch tonight. Cant say exactly how far through the movie it is but when they are chasing the bad guys out of the hospital its parked out front. Got to be pretty beady eyed to spot it but it is there. At this point I would normally add a clip or a still but I was in the cinema at the time and if I was to source an illegitimate copy online and post on here it would probably be frowned upon.
  23. Yeah, kind of hoping I can start a trend really. This would be a great library to start. It would mean that people could do more spur of the moment runs out etc without having to plan a great deal. Maybe the mods could start a relevant forum for documented drives out I have another tunnel run type trip planned out that I want to do sometime soon. Nearly double the distance but hits some great roads and a fair few tunnels. Had to plan this one around a Shell station toward the middle just for reassurance. Once Ive been out and tested the route Ill do another write up. It certainly is mate and to be fair I didn't need to finish at the petrol station but I only put £30 in her in the morning and I was driving past it anyway.
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