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Everything posted by Erni902

  1. Spotted a silver 350Z with black wheels and some kind of small rear spoiler (couldnt make out whether it was stock or aftermarket). It was just south of Brackley at around 1730hrs. You left the A43 taking the first exit on the roundabout onto the A422 toward Farthinghoe. I was sat at this exit going the opposite way waiting to join the A43 over the roundabout. Sounded nice as you accelerated away I was in the pumpkin Zed, not sure if you saw me as I only saw you last minute as a van of some sort got in my way.
  2. Spotted a blue (i think it was blue the light was fading and I ony caught a quick glimps) 350Z on the A422 just off the M40 Jct 11. Time was around 1715hrs. I was heading away from the M40 toward Brackley and you were heading in the opposite direction. I waved at the last minute but my window was up and dont think you wouldve seen through the windscreen with the light fading. If you remember spotting a pumpkin with 4 wheels then that was me
  3. As above saw you behind me on the M40 tonight at around 1700hrs. It was southbound just after Jct 12 I believe. I waved as you passed me and the woman in the passenger seat looked over. Not sure if your on here reg was 'SKP' very clean motor.
  4. Cheers for the advice guys I shall refrain from giving it a flush then in that case. As you can probably tell by the lack of swearing etc I just made it home perfectly fine. I know the gauge is not a great way of monitoring the situation but it did give me a warm fuzzy feeling as the pressure was back up to normal and fluctuated as it should in keeping with with the rpm and was consistent for all 184 miles. All parked up level so will check oil level in the morning and see whats what and go from there. Huge thanks for all the comments and advice here, its mych appreciated. I forgot to add that the car is a 2004 DE with 74,000 miles on the clock.
  5. Cheers guys, just about to set off. Its a 180 miles today hence I may decide to stop halfway just to double check. She is now at full and I seem to have a solid reading with a clear line across the dipstick. I have never known a dipstick that is exposed to the oil when filling? I may have just been lucky with the types of cars I have had that the dipstick doesnt get covered in oil when filling. Left it a couple of hours since filling and checked the level and its clear. (oil isnt clear, its clear where the level is haha). Due to these events I do plan to drop the entire lot out next week give it a good flush then fill it back up. That way I have a genuine benchmark as to how much I have put in and then checking weekly like has been mentioned until I get a good feel for what the consistent consumption is for mine. Luckily due to owning the VR-4 I am used to 5k mile services\oil changes anyway so wil probably just stick to this schedule with the zed but with extra confirmatory checks in between. Many thanks for the suggestions and advice guys. Hopefully my next post will be a positive one and not that of a Wanted thread for a new engine haha.
  6. Cheers for the comments guys. Oil light hadnt come (i shouldve mentioned that lol) Car is parked roughly the same place, there are no visible leaks under the vehicle or the undertray etc. I have covered 3-4k miles since buying it so looking at various threads some vehicles (mainly the revup and hr models??) That use more oil over this kind of range. So this may be down to me beong a newbie and slacking on the oil checks. Will check level before setting off and top up to what looks like max on this mickey mouse dipstick. Will keep you guys posted. Apologies if Ive missed any questions as Im on my phone and on an unsolicited break at work haha
  7. Right just checked oil level now (so car still warm) and the level is on minimum. I have a couple of hours before Im due to set off so will check it before I do. Is there a huge difference in cold and warm readings? Oil expands with temperature but is it significant enough to notice a huge difference with readings? Obviously with it being on minimum I shall put some more in before I drive it and shall stop off at various places along the way home, let it cool slightly then check the level. This journey is going to take me forever
  8. Right guys. Driving my zed has been fine since I bought it a couple of months ago. It had an oil change a week before I bought it (well it was serviced and oil and filter were part of it) Oil pressure gauge has been fine showing perfectly good readings. Over the last journey I did I noticed that the pressures were slightly lower but nothing to be concerned about. Until yesterday when I was driving her and the pressure seemed very low. At idle at traffic lights etc it would read around 10psi but fluctuated to just above zero every now and then. Now I know people have said the gauge isnt to be trusted 100%. I checked the oil level with the worlds most retarded dipstick and it seemed like the entire dipstick was dry as a bone barring the odd smidging up and down the dipstick. I promptly released my bowels before hitching a lift to get some fresh oil. I got the oil and topped her up with about 1L. I went to check the level and by this time it was dark and I couldnt see a thing on the dipstick so I left it. Checked it this morning and one side of the dipstick looked bone dry but the bottom of the side that has the marker showed it was below minimum. I have then topped it up some more and checked but again the one side seems dry and the marker side its really hard to get a reading as it looks like oil is all the way up the top of the dipstick. However there is no clear line where the oil level stops so this could be oil residue from the dipstick tube. I shall leave it for a bit. I have now topped up with around 2ltrs of oil but dont want to keep filling and end up overfilling it! I started the car for the first time after this and from cold pressure is sat around 90psi this then gradually tails off. I went for a quick spin (only about 1/2 mile and nothing over 25mph) the pressure rose with rpm as expected and when I parked back up she is now sat around 30-35psi at idle. Will check the oil level again shortly. Do I need to leave it a while for the oil to drip down to the sump? Well obviously yes I do but I mean is there any reason the dipstick would appear to have oil along the top of it if it wasnt overfilled? I have a long journey to do this afternoon to pick my daughter up but dont want to knacker the car in the process by having either too much or not enough oil in the car. Next question is when does the oil light come on in the zed? Is it pressure related or level related? I.E. if I genuinely had low pressure would I expect to see the light on or if the level was low would I also expect to see this? Any help appreciated.
  9. Cheers Bradders. These are now sold. Please lock.
  10. 4 people now have my paypal details. Due to limited contact from people the first to pay gets them. If there is no contact from this forum by close of play Friday then I will request the thread be closed and I will sell via other means.
  11. The only thing I will say about those particular ones is that the board style where the contacts are dont always fit perfectly in the factory holder. I fitted one of this style in the boot light and found it was very loose. It hasnt fallen out yet but may be a different story in the headlights as if it falls out it will then be stuck inside the headlight housing. Those particular ones might be thicker and you may npt have that issue but just going off my experience.
  12. Cheers guys, just messaged Kinabalu. Will bear everyone else in mind just in case.
  13. Not yet mate will message shortly just wanted to get the thread up while I remembered so its active otherwise Id only forget lol.
  14. Hey guys I am after a passenger interior door handle. Its the vertical grab handle attached to the door card not the lever to open the door. I only need the black plastic outer part I dont need the aluminium centre trim piece. Generic ebay pic linked below incase my explanation is pants. https://goo.gl/images/5klp3y
  15. Looks even more epic than I thought it would with the orange rim blades on!
  16. I use a Mitsubishi Legnum VR-4 jack. Nice and small so fits under my skirts and the jacking point is the same shape as the VR-4 with the same size lip so it sits perfectly. Also helps that I have VR-4 jacks come out of my ring piece.
  17. Nice set of easy to follow instructions there I did say a thick layer but what I actually meant was more coats. Youve explained it alot better than me haha
  18. Aha many a purchase has been made after some bevvies on my part. They should fit my laptop to a breathelyser and depending on the result all sites that could lead to purchases should be blocked haha
  19. Ok mate. I have had one other person PM me for my paypal to purchase them on Thursday evening. Although I haven't received any funds or heard anything back. I PM'd him again last night to see if he still wants them but had no reply. I will give him until 2359hrs tonight and if I haven't had any word from him then they are yours. Just makes it a bit fair all round. Either way I can get them in the post tomorrow as my village shop takes post the entire time they are open. So they will go out 1st thing Monday morning.
  20. Still unsure of whether I am going to keep my ZZZ plate on mine or get rid of it. Didnt like it to start with but kind of growing on me now.
  21. I got a cheap set from Halfrauds purely to see if I preferred the white colour to the old school orange filament colour. The idea was that if I liked them I would keep them in until they fail and then buy some pucker more expensive ones from a well known supplier. Had them on for the 3 months Ive had the car and they are still going strong.
  22. As said before build up a thick layer for easier removal. Although it can be fairly easy to peel off a body panel or bonnet for example it can be a right pain to get it off wheels, suppose it all depends on the spoke design. Thicker flatter spokes will be easier than thinner spokes I guess. If you dont mind spending the time removing it for the summer months then go for it but plan to spend at least a whole day on it.
  23. Spotted a ginger 350Z yesterday at around 1725 on the A5. Was just outside Towcester by the BP garage. You were heading south and I was heading north in my orange monstrosity I flashed, we both waved, nice looking motor just wondering if anyone from here. Didnt catch a glimpse of the driver or the reg but I thought I recognised the car
  24. My daily is my Zed and it averages the same mpg as my weekend toy but that is also my Zed so I realise this is absolutely no help to you whatsoever but you did ask
  25. Hi mate they are a cross between the 2 by the looks of it. They have a glossy finish but they arent mega shiny if that makes sense. I think they will go well with both gloss and matte wheels without standing out too much on either of them.
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