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Everything posted by Erni902

  1. Yeah I suppose it comes down to personal preference etc. I have tried lifting both in socks/barefoot and with thinner soled shoes such as plimsolls but I find my heels start to lift off the floor slightly and then my knee starts to bend inwards as the load is shifted forward and my form went to sh!t. Used the weights to start with and found it helpful so spent some money on shoes and now my heels stay planted and my knees are more easily forced outward and in line with the toes as opposed to collapsing inward or in front of the toes. If I squat clean fatigue then it doesnt matter what footwear I am wearing my form is perfect. As soon as I add any weight (even just a 20kg bar) then I need my heels raised.
  2. Due to a ton of recent lower limb injuries I am now beasting myself on lower body strength. I do a little on the other key areas but not looking for huge strength anywhere other than my legs due to my line of work so do enough to keep myself ticking over. My leg strength has improved somewhat and I am now back squatting 160kg (1rep max) and this is also the same for front squat. My split squats are at 140kg (1 rep max). Hoping to improve these weights over the next few weeks which shouldnt be too hard. Deadlifts and RDL's are also coming coming along with drastic improvements on weight. Not quite as high as I want the weights as I have a glass back and so dont tend to lift the frequency I probably should. What kind of footwear are people using for lifting? Ive currently got some Innovate Fastlifts and they have really improved my ability to lift. I use to have to chock my heels up with some 0.5kg weights to get the load more onto my heels to stop me loading through the knees. Form has majorly increased with these which has led to me being more efficient with my power on the lift up. Any body have experience with any other kind of lifting shoes? Only supplements I use are CNP's recovery shakes that come pre-measured (just add water/milk) and they are fantastic. If I drop the ball and run out of these before Ive placed my next order I feel my recovery drastically affected so have to change my training to take this into account.
  3. Mr V6 if you want a set then I have a set you can have. Only issue being they are still attached to my car and its my daily. Is your Zed your daily? If not and you can do without it for a day or 2 then we can do a straight swap for your standard caps, just post them down to me Ill swap and post mine back to you. If it is also your daily then I will get some new caps from Nissan and send them to you once Ive swapped. The caps are however out of UK stock and need to be ordered from Japan so could take up to 14 days. Apologies for the hijack Juke. Great effort, especially on the engine bay Looks great with top down!
  4. The Caldecotte Arms (The windmill pub) at Caldecotte Lake is a lovely place and could make for some decent pictures and food is good too. Plus its just off the A5 so easily accessible without getting lost...well thats the theory lol. Although it looks like whatever day this turns out to be I wont be able to make it I think the only day I can possibly make it in Dec is Thursday 15th and thats only a slight possibility. So dont plan things around me lads.
  5. Cheers for the info Rick, do you have a site/link for the ones you sell or any pics? Not going to lie, that last bit went over my head haha. Any chance you can let me know your price for the item finished in the best way to enable me (well someone else) to apply paint to?
  6. Hi guys, Been looking for a while now and cant seem to find any slam panel/cooling panel covers for my Zed. The only ones I can find are the carbon fibre ones but I have never been keen on carbon fibre and was looking at either plain black or maybe orange. In the past I have seen the aluminum (i think) ones the club used to sell but ideally just lookking for some kind of plastic one. Does anyone know of any sellers of any other material panels other than meral or carbon or am I going to have to fork out £100 for the panel and then £30 odd for someone to paint it? If thats the case Ill probably leave it. Thanks in advance.
  7. Had the same with mine mate, put several litres in and finally got a reading on the dipstick after being left overnight. Been fine since. I would suggest dropping the entire lot of oil out so you know exactly how much came out. If its only the 2 litres you have put in then you know its not enough to register on the dipstick. If its 5 litres that comes out then maybe your dipstick has been cut in half lol. This way when you replace the oil you will know exactly how much you have put in. Cant remember off the top of my head the capacity so double check but for some reason 4.8l rings a bell but please check this first.
  8. Yup I realised as I submitted it and didnt know what mod to message to edit it. On my phone at mo and it wont let me edit post so will update when I get back to laptop but asking £105 delivered. 1st post updated.
  9. Up for sale is a BRAND NEW and UNUSED MSR Windburner. Bought from Cotswold Outdoor store for £110 only 1 week ago as a gift but unwanted as they already have one. Tried to take it back but have misplaced the receipt so they wouldn't refund me. This has not even been opened so is in the same condition as when it left the store so asking for £105 delivered. 1.0L capacity and boils in just 2:30 minutes when full. I have used one of these in the past and they are fantastic bits of kit especially if you want a quick brew etc. No need to get a large gas bottle out and hook it up to your double camping hob and get the kettle out and wait 10 minutes before getting bored and having a mildly warm brew! Due to this being small in size its very portable and can easily be packed in any daysack if your off out for the day on a walk etc. Any questions just ask
  10. Stunning wheels, if the colour went with my car id have them. Good luck with the sale
  11. Welcome mate, not far from me. I do like the new motor, I saw it up for sale and if I didnt already have a zed I definitely wouldve gone to take a look at this one. Hope you enjoy and hopefully see you at one of the MK meets over the next few months
  12. Yeah I totally get that. I now know what 911 owners feel like when I dust them in the VR4 lol. This can mean but one thing, turbo or supercharger is on the horizon for the zed haha
  13. Came off a roundabout earlier with one if these up my backside, it just would not drop back!! Never looked like overtaking me but matched me for acceleration all the way up to XXmph Googled it and its a 1.6 Turbo producing 202bhp and 206lbft Torque. Needless to say I was shocked at what I saw. Let him past me on the next roundabout to see what it was and I dont think Ive ever said this about a renault but it did look rather nice especially in blue.
  14. On my Zed when I bought it and cant complain but dont have anything to compare it to Zed wise.
  15. Ok mate no dramas I will take a look at it and let you know if I sort it out. If you PM me your paypal details Ill let you know once payment is sent.
  16. Haha will do mate, once its apart I shall take a look, so its only the speedo needle and not the rpm needle etc?
  17. Cheers mate, I will only be using it to play around with for now so as long as it all lights up Im happy.
  18. Can I dibs the speedo please mate if you can wait until Monday for the funds?
  19. Ill take the bolts if you can wait until Monday for the cash?
  20. I must say I was expecting worse. Being in NYC I would definitely expect it to have dings especially if its kept on the street. The fact it looks like the owner has just had some damage repaired would indicate a certain amount of care. Although of course there is no guarantee how long its been like it for. Hopefully it is actually being looked after properly especially under the bonnet.
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