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Everything posted by Erni902

  1. Yeah I was a little like that when I had mine done as they were going on a dark purple vr4 but they worked well. I then put them on my Silver VR4 when I got that and they go well with that I think. You can find pics of the wheels on both VR4's on THIS thread.
  2. Those wheels look sweet mate. I am partial to anthracite and have wheels in the same colour on my VR4
  3. Hmmm thats interesting. Mine came direct from Nismo in the US. Didnt know there were different JDM versions
  4. At risk of this being a pointless comment I shall add this: I currently have Standard cats with full Nismo catback including Nismo Y Pipe. This setup gives a really deep sporty note without being too antisocial on idle and light throttle but as soon as you put your foot down it is loud as anything but a really nice deep grunty kinda noise with little to no rasp. Burps ever so slightly on overrun too which I like. On WOT through a tunnel your head will pound when you come out the other end if your window is down. Sounds great Not too much drone on the motorway but then droney exhausts have never really bothered me anyway. Now I say this is at risk of being pointless because the Nismo system is no longer available for the 350Z. You may come across a 2nd hand one but A - They are like rocking horse poo so youll be waiting a while and B - It wont be cheap even 2nd hand.
  5. I am only aware of 2 around that sort of area. The first is called Copsley Green Bodyshop and is on the outskirts of Ely The 2nd is in Peterborough and is called Paul Ince Bodyshop. Not sure either of them are specialist Jap bodywork but these are the only 2 I know of in that area. Probably doesnt help much but thought Id post on the off chance.
  6. Yeah Ive ended up leaving them inside now. I was only going to nip to the shop for a snack run so no major dramas. Cleared a few little odd jobs up while the bumper was off such as removing the headlamp washer bottle and associated pipework/hoses and blanking off the hoses from the main bottle. (I dont have headlamp washers fitted and I have plans for the space ) Also ripped out all the ridiculous wiring that was powering the thousand distasteful LED's littered around the car especially seen as most of them dont work anymore anyway. Also re-fitted the mesh grille to the back of the bumper as it had fallen off when I bought the car. Will post some pics of the headlights shortly.
  7. Haha you are not taking into consideration my utter laziness and poor paint skills lol
  8. Right guys, after a while my headlights clouded over again. This was to be expected as I did nothing to actually protect them, no clear coat etc etc so I did expect to be doing this agin soon. Now this time I bit the bullet and purchased the Meguiars 2 Step Headlight Restoration Kit. Now I got this from Halfords as I have a trade card and saved £10 so it only cost me £20. Its very simple to do: Step 1 - Wet sand/clean with the supplied pad and cleaner. Wipe residue off with microfibre towel. Do this as many times as it takes to get an even smooth and cloudy effect on the headlight unit Step 2 - Spray with the clear coat supplied. Let dry for 5-10 minutes then apply a second coat. Et Voila...Done So I set about doing this yesterday. Took about an hour masking up the car and covering the paintwork and engine bay so as not to get covered in clear coat. (Did this as I didnt want to take the bumper off) The only issue with this is that it was actually too cold for the clear coat to dry properly and it looked horrendous and as it dried it started to crack. So.... This brings me to today when I decided to remove the bummper and the headlights and carry out the job inside. Set to it and all is good. Fantastic difference and now it should hopefully stay this way for some time. Now I do have a question for you guys. As I have removed the headlights and restored them they are obviously sat inside. Now they have dried and have been inside for well over an hour now and the clear coat is dry to touch. The question is it has started raining slightly here now and I was wondering if any of you detailing guru's knew if it would matter if I put the lights back on the car now or if the cold weather and rain would damage it again before it has had sufficient time to properly cure? Meguiars say that it can take up to 24hrs for the clear coat to cure properly so should I leave the lights off and inside overnight or will I be okay to put them back on as it is dry? Just conscious of the lack of light these days and was hoping to use the car tonight although its no biggie if I cant. Thanks in advance for any advice and I will be sure to get some pics up of the finished look and the product I used.
  9. Oh and quick question for the OP, does this include things like the switchable maps or 'pops n bangs' for those of us with cruise control or is this extra? If it is extra do we get the 15% off the extra bit aswell or is it just valid for the base tune/uprev without customisation? Hope that makes sense.
  10. Ideally you would carry out any mods such as plenum spacer, exhaust, HFC's, headers etc etc and then have the car mapped at the end for those mods. Otherwise you will be remapping every time you add something new. Again the gains depend on so many variables such as the mods you have done and the overall health of the vehicle. Different days, different dynos, different atmospheric conditions and the general condition of any service parts will all play a role when it comes t the numbers game. Being new to Zeds Im not entirely sure of the expected gains but from what I have picked up on so far, around 300bhp seems the be the average for a healthy car with all the relevant mods. Im sure someone will be along in time to confirm whether the gain above is accurate or if Ive just made it up as Ive typed lol.
  11. Ok so this is a long shot....Are you able to supply these with the entire knob having been painted? In an ideal world I would be after a gloss black knob with orange lettering. I know my chances are slim to none but hey, if you don't ask you don't get right?!
  12. Im also interested if its going to be Feb time but I can only attend if its at the weekend.
  13. Really depends on the bodyshop you use. You tend to get what you pay for bodywork wise. I would not be looking to spend any less than £300 on a spoiler of that size to be painted to a good standard and fitted, especially if there is a little prep that needs doing as the quality really starts with the prep.
  14. Cheers mate, purchased been after these for a while but never got round to it.
  15. Just out of curiosity the height you currently get out of your dampers...is it lower than when stock without the dampers? I know people who have installed the dampers and the bonnet doesnt open up nearly as much as without them. However mine opens up to the same height as stock. If this is what you are after I will pop my bonnet open tomorrow and try find the manufacturer of mine.
  16. I must say I have had all sorts of cars, modified for looks or performance in their own way (most of them standing out a mile) and the Zed is the worst one Ive had for this kind of thing. From the moment I picked it up I had a BMW 118d up my chuff along with all manner of other cars, I just pulled over to let each one go past. In the Zed I have even had Zafira's, Galaxy's and other such vehicles sit up my chuff trying to push me on. Along with the usual spotty, Burberry capped, kappa tracksuit wearing, pre-pubescent teenagers in their stereotypical chav-mobiles. I tend to just pull over and let people past me now as I really can't be bothered getting mixed up in all that. Although you can tell the difference between a real car enthusiast that enjoys his car and driving and those that have gone out and bought a car 'coz its rapid bruv'. Its the true enthusiasts that drive more sensibly and just enjoy the drive rather than the race that I like to get amongst. I was heading down the A46 a couple of months ago and a gorgeously modified RX-8 went past, we played leapfrog for around 15 miles and we were both deliberately staying in low gears keeping the revs slightly higher than usual to drown the surrounding environment with our hideously loud, deep toned exhaust notes. As soon as we caught up with traffic we simply slowed down and waited for appropriate over taking opportunities, where we took it in turns to take the lead. Was an enjoyable drive and we gave a smile and a wave to each other before drowning the environment once again with our exhaust notes as we took separate exits at the . At no point did we race or were aggressive and dangerous etc and was enjoyable for the 2 of us. Agree thats its not just the Zed but the fact mine is bright friggin' orange I suppose I should expect a little bit of attention from other road users haha.
  17. Haha that I have no doubt about mate, I will be after a core strut brace at some point but will be a few months yet. Will probably be after a bonnet catch in a couple of weeks though
  18. Cheers mate I think it looks great. Yes I did come across that link and noticed that they are in Inch and not Foot lol. Dont fancy sheering bolts in the plenum due to over tightening or having vacuum leaks due to under tightening haha so played it safe for now and left as is.
  19. Done a couple of bits today. First off was the interior passenger door handle. (the plastic bit that used to pull the door shut) When I bought my zed this handle was cracked where the bottom bolts in. This meant that the handle nearly came off when people closed the door. Not been in a rush because the only passenger I have really is my daughter and I always close the door after making sure she is strapped in. Finally got round to it though and now its solid. The old one had snapped and been plastic welded at some point but had cracked again. So thats 1 more niggly bit sorted out. Next up was removing the Rare JDM harness cover that was on mine when I got it. Personally I dont like the look of the engine bay with this on so sourced a stock cover (thanks to Irn Bru) then had it painted up to better match the theme I will be going for under the bonnet. The harness cover came off and the painted cover went on. Whilst I was under there I also swapped some of the engine bay bolts I had sourced from a member on here. Personally I think these couple of bits have made a big improvement under the bonnet: Before: After: Next up will be getting rid of the caps on the washer bottle etc and replacing them with stock items, maybe painted but not decided yet. Havent done the plenum bolts as I am unsure of any torque settings for these so will have to do a bit of digging unless one of you guys know off the top of your head?
  20. Really looks good against those wheels mate, thumbs up from me.
  21. Just got this back from the paint shop: I shouldve taken a before and after as the paint job before was...erm...special hahaha. Looks alot better and will get it fitted at the weekend and take some more snaps. Huge thanks to Irn Bru for the cover
  22. He could well be a car enthusiast and this is his daily, therefore knowing how much a car can mean to someone and has genuinely 'done me a solid' by making sure noone else hits it. Of course like you say if its a woman then she has blatantly parked there out of sheer ignorance of her surroundings haha Not going to lie, I am stealing this and using it!! lmao
  23. Unfortunately, it doesnt matter how far away we park our cars or what efforts we go to to ensure people dont park next to us. You will always get some tw@t that decides to park right next to you! I got to this car park dead early on a Sunday morning. Saw the empty car park and parked right in the end space to ensure that no car would possibly park next to me because of the ample spaces available. I was gone for 20 minutes before I return to the car and find this: The stairs to the shopping centre are at the top left of this picture!
  24. Recently the trusty old boot popper has been failing with me having to either press it a couple of times or help it on its way to get it open. Not a major inconvenience but I ended up buying THESE tap washers from ebay for a grand total of £1.79. Took a total of about 3 minutes from start to finish, now I have a boot that pops open well above the latch on the first button press. I only had to use 1 washer in each side and I got a pack of 15 assorted washers with 5 being the correct size for the cup (1/2") Now means I have 3 spares should I need them,
  25. Yeah to be honest with deadlift I do prefer to be flat, its more for the squats. Up until I got injured I didnt squat nearly enough to justify it, hell I think I squatted like a handful of times in my entire life. But during my rehab I had to build up my strength again so pretty much lived in the gym. Oh and a black Friday deal on the shoes made it worth it too haha.
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