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Everything posted by Erni902

  1. That looks like the Drivers side rocker cover to me mate? The PCV Valve and the breather port that connects to the passenger rocker cover seem to indicate this to me. I could be wrong though. I am still deciding if I want to take the oem dials off your hands. I will let you know.
  2. Assuming as its on here its the correct thread for a 350? Excuse my ignorance Ive no reason to know what the thread size is lol. If it is Ill take it
  3. Got my brace delivered last week and dropped it straight off at my paint shop. Just picked it up this morning and fitted it as soon as I got back. All I can say is wow at this point haha. Makes a huge improvement to the engine bay and whilst Ive still got alot to do under there, to get it how I want it, this brace certainly helps draw attention away from the scabbier aluminium bits and pieces. Those with beady eyes will notice Ive had to 'unmount' the pop charger for it to fit but thats purely because of the carbon intake tube and rubber joiners Ive got and nothing to do with the product itself. I will be ripping the bumper off and changing the Induction kit tomorrow anyway so this wont be a problem. Anyway here is the pic of the brace fitted: Many thanks Mark for a top product and the service received
  4. As title, spotted a 53 plate 350Z Coupe in Red with what looked like black Nismo V1 spoiler and rear spats. I overtook a van and instantly recognised the Zed shape as I came up behind you. Im assuming you have decats as it sounded lovely when you overtook the car in front after Locks garage. Was about 1045-1100hrs this morning and we were both heading from Hereford toward Abergavenny.
  5. Guys just a quick question. For those in a 350Z next time you get in the car open up the cup holder and place a can of pop in it. Next just imagine your in an accident and picture the passenger airbag deploying. Now tell me whether or not you think yhe passenger will appreciate a can hitting them in the face with such force! Now having not crashed a zed before I dont know how the airbag deploys and what area it covers. It could be that it misses the area that the cup would cover. Just seems like a really poor design from Nissan and surely with their huge R&D budget they would have thought of this? I could be wrong and Im certainly not planning on crashing the Zed but just something I thought of whilst driving along earlier. Thoughts and experiences welcome
  6. If you are prepared to pay the extra £1k for the dealer car then I would go for the private one and use £1k saving to replace the pads and tyres. Also use this as a knockdown on price so you will end up saving over £1k anyway. You will then have the same mileage with brand new tyres and brakes for less than the dealer car twinned with the fact it has an extra 6 months on the MOT over the dealer car
  7. This is odd but its a bit of an effort just for some bolts dont you think? I mean unless you park on a set of ramps at night then the perps would have to jack the car up in the air then have the correct tools in their pockets to then climb under and get them off then jack the car back down. Are the jacking points still structurally sound? If so then they would have needed a jack that wouldve fitted the zed and this is unlikely that the generic scumbag robber has the exact correct tools for the job. Surely they will make more money out of jacking the car up and stealing the wheels. If they have gone to the lengths of finding the correct jack it would be a piece of cake to find a locking wheel nut key if you have lockers. Not discounting it, just seems a bit much of an effort just for some bolts, surely they wouldve robbed the Y-pipe, cats, rest of the system etc.
  8. I honestly didnt think this would get a reply haha. Good to see you mate and lovely GTR. I find myself waving at pretty much every GTR I pass/see but nobody ever waves back To be fair I give a wave to most modified or high performance cars. Im sure many of them think Im insane. I do love the Cotswolds some great roads. I was heading back to work and there are some brilliant roads the other side the M40.
  9. Mods if Ive posted the wrong place feel free to move. Right guys just wondering if there is anyone in the Hereford/Gloucester area that would be able to help me out at all? I have just gone to fit some decats to the Zed but I dont have any ramps etc and working outside. Now I cant get the car high enough in the air to be able to safley get underneath with space to move to undo the bolts from the bottom of the car. I dont really want to pay a garage to do it as its a simple enough job. So does anyone in the Hereford/Worcester even Gloucester areas hae any ramps I could come over and borrow to be able to get these fitted. Looking at as soon as possible as was wanting them fitted for the breakfast meet next Sunday lol. Plus its very rare that I get time to do anything on the car myself these days. If there is anyone out there it would be much appreciated and of course beer tokens will be involved Spoke to a few garages local to see about prices and because its decats they wont touch it
  10. Thanks to davey_83 for posting on the 'Spotted on Ebay' thread my JDM window switches arrived today. Fitted them in less than 5 minutes, completely plug and play absolutely no need for the window reset procedure. The best bit is that with the JDM switches they are still active when you remove the key from the ignition. Again something very small but something that tends to annoy me if I have to put the key back in the ignition to wind the windows up.
  11. Ok so this isnt a Zed of any sort but I thought I would post here because as I passed a red GTR on the A421 today the driver raised his hand in a friendly manor at me. I courteously waved back. Not sure if it was an ex Zed owner that had moved on up to the GTR and still has some love for the Zed or maybe they still frequent the forums. Anyway thought I would post on the off chance that the owner is on here. This happened at around 1440hrs today (Sunday). I was heading toward Buckingham and the GTR was heading the opposite way.
  12. Cheers for the replies guys. Not had my mole grips with me but once I do I shall give them ago. Nice to know that I have something that doesnt exist anymore haha. Im looking to replace most of the hoses anyway so will grab a ton of new clips at the same time.
  13. Evening guys, I have a quick question: Does anyone have any idea what the below hose clamps are called?? I have never seen these before until I bought my Zed and someone has installed these instead of jubilee clips/mikalor clamps etc. Reason I ask is that I have no idea how the hell they come off. The hose coming off the PCV valve simply slides off with no effort really needed. But the ones on my top radiator hose do not seem to come off. (Well better that than the other way round I spose) It seems from the above picture they must unscrew using the relevant tools but my car never came with any such tools for these clamps. I am therefore buggered if I need to change any of the hoses, which I am wanting to do. Issue being there are quite alot of hoses in my engine bay with these clamps If someone can shed some light as to the right name for these damned things then at least I know what to search for when looking for the tools. At the moment Im searching blind and coming up with nothing but this picture Thanks in advance
  14. Good question. Give me a sec.... The edge closest to the window is curved to pretty much the same extremity/shape as the bottom of the window
  15. Just wondering if the date above is correct mate? Not nit-picking just aware we have entered a new year and I for one will still be writing 2016 for at least 6 months haha. Lovely car by the way and looks even more superior in that colour. Good luck with the sale
  16. Right so.... - From dead centre of the rear window from the lower edge of the weatherstrip at the bottom of the window to the edge of MY Blitz spoiler is 28.5cm (285mm) - From dead centre of the spoiler underneath (where it attaches to the car) to the edge of the bottom of the bootlid is 11cm (110mm) Hope this helps. I was going to take pics but its bloody cold and I was in my dressing gown and left my phone indoors. If you need me to take some pics to better explain then let me know.
  17. I dont think its replaceable. To get to it you have to remove the glovebox! Its a right PITA to get to. I was going to replace mine with a coloured LED but found that it seems to be a sealed unit. I didnt like the dull orange colour of the bulb so just cut the wires taped them up and left it. (My glove box door is permanently open as I have my amp mounted in there.
  18. Erni902

    Who will win???

    Cant argue with the lap times, same driver, same track, same conditions etc. The thing that I dont agree with is the more fun part. Sure the Renault may be more fun to throw around but you are never going to drive the car like that! You will never have that kind of space on public roads so wont be able to drive it like that and if you do you will end up in a ditch! The only place that has enough space to throw it about is a track but then on a regular old trackday you will get marched off the venue for this sort of behaviour. The only time I can think that this driving would be acceptable wpuld be on a drift circuit but your not going to bring a FWD hot hatch to a drift circuit. So really the 370Z has to be the more fun car to drive. As I say lap times are lap times so that was a little surprising but given the eight conditions the Z could be favourite
  19. My Zed is the daily. Dont like the idea of locking cars away, they are designed to be driven and used and so thats what I shall do. The exception being a TVR Cerbera, these things should only come out when it is 100% dry and warm out! Once the VR4 is back on the road that will be my go to car for the icy/snowy winter days due to the AWD and AYC but the Zed will still get used for the shorter journeys.
  20. Very interested in doing this at some point so will keep an eye out for your threads regarding these. Could you supply more info about the kit please? Where they are from and at what cost etc. Cheers buddy
  21. I will take some measurements in the morning for you
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