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Everything posted by Erni902

  1. Cheers Mark, just tried to make a journey home and the car is misfiring like mad at anything above either 2.5krpm or anythong more than around 50% throttle. Car is also idling a little rough, fluctuating between around 400-750rpm but very slowly. Any ideas as to whether any of the above 2 options could cause this. The previous owner said the car had a new clutch and flywheel fitted around a year ago, would it take this long for the ECU to realise it was fitted incorrectly? Oh and just to add the car has no CEL illuminated at the moment. Only drove about 1 mile with the car like this before she was parked back up.
  2. So solenoids all in, car starts, idles and runs. Oil pressure fine. Didnt really get a decent run out tonight and I couldnt really tell if there was a difference. I think I was thinking about it too much and trying to find a difference, at some points it felt different and at other it still felt a bit flat. True test will be on my run home on Friday when I get to drive it the usual route with the usual traffic and will put enough miles on it to trigger the CEL if the fault is not resolved. Case of hurry up and wait now me thinks.
  3. Thanks to ZmanAlex for the fast delivery of the solenoids. All fitted and codes cleared using the pedal dance. Car starts and idles perfectly so thats always good haha. Will take it for a spin shortly and test her out, got a few jobs I need to get done on the Porsche before it gets too dark so will have to be later on. Will update when i get back. On a side note does anyone know if the pedal dance actually clears the code and the history from the ECU or does it purely turn the CEL off? My bluetooth reader seems to work with every manufacturer other than Nissan lol. If it only turns the light off and doesnt clear the code from the ECU then Ill visit the tuner down the road and use their reader.
  4. Cheers for the PM and advice mate, hopefully the solenoids do the trick. I suppose the plus point to all of this is that my fuel economy has risen because Ive not driven it like a loon since Ive felt the flat spot.
  5. Thanks for the reply Alex. Ive got some electrical contact cleaner so will give the MAF a clean when I get back tomorrow. Mark removed the codes and on the way home after about 60 miles the CEL came back on. I cant guarantee what codes have been logged at this point until I get them read in the week (Im assuming he didnt disable the decat codes yet). I suppose one key fact I left out was that on the dyno the car was showing as -16 degrees on both banks at idle. I deliberately didnt mention that Mark also mentioned perhaps stretched chains just to see if anyone else thought this a possibility. How much do you charge for the solenoids should I need them? Thanks again for the reply
  6. Took my car (2004 UK DE 350Z) to Abbey yesterday for an uprev. When running the car on the dyno in stock guise Mark noticed that the car had some timing issues and was logging P0011 and P0021 as the fault codes. These relate to valve timing control solenoids on both bank 1 and bank 2. As it was 1500hrs on a Friday afternoon it was not quite the best time for either of us to have them check it out there and then. Not being local to Abbey means leaving the car with them was not an option either. Now I have a few garages including a tuner near to me that I will getting the car into for them to investigate but in the meantime I thought I would post up here to see if anyone has experienced the same symptoms. So everything has been fine. Then I fitted a set of decats a month or so ago. After around 50-100miles or so the engine management light came on. My bluetooth reader would not read the Zed codes but I just assumed this was the O2 sensors complaining that the gases had not been cleaned by the cat. Car still ran fine so wasnt worried, especially knowing that the uprev was coming. The next thing of note was that last weekend I took off my short ram pop charger kit and replaced it with a cold air intake kit that sits behind the bumper. After I fired the car up and took it for a drive I noticed that she seemed a little flat at the lower revs and picked up around 4k rpm. I thought this may be a characteristic of the CAI and that it could maybe be tuned during the uprev so again wasnt really bothered much. Now other than the flat spot down low the car drives fine, no stuttering, no rough idle and the oil pressure sits at around 25psi when hot (which has been the same for the past 8k miles since Ive owned the car). Does anyone think that the fitting of the CAI could cause this kind of behavior (flat spot) or if this is just a wild coincidence. Bearing in mind it was immediately after fitting and not a delayed. I cant refit the short ram kit to prove as I have now sold it! I am also not sure at what point the above codes were logged. It could have been at the same time as the decat codes or it could have been after the intake install or anywhere in between. Some threads say the oil gallery gaskets cure these codes but Ive not had any drop in oil pressure. Other threads say this is cured by replacing the actual solenoids associated with each code but the symptoms of these failing seem to be rough idling among others. Any ideas from any of you guys would be much appreciated. As I say I will get this in to be looked at hopefully this week but thought Id post here in the mean time to pick your brains. Hope everything makes sense and thanks in advance. RESOLUTION MISALIGNED FLYWHEEL
  7. Are the engines exactly as they left the car or does the price include any new parts such as belts, gaskets, plugs, seals etc?
  8. I would like to agree with this but the fact he has actually listed them as Brembo calipers suggests otherwise!
  9. Just got back, had a good night and I shall post up pics and vids once the episode goes live
  10. Cheers buddy, hopefully I should be able to get the afternoon off work
  11. Assuming we dont need to register/apply for this now then and if we want to turn up we just turn up?
  12. Yeah I saw the post in your thread and I thought either this one was made proper and the one in your thread was a cheap copy or yours must weigh a tonne haha. This one I felt was quite heavy and is the same weight as the Blox one Ive just purchased so can only imagine what yours feels like.
  13. Hey guys, up for grabs this time is a brand new, never used, blue breather filter. This is the sort of filter you would find on a PCV vlave or catch can install. Only selling as it came with a kit but the blue doesnt go with my theme. After £5 delivered. Any dramas give me a shout
  14. Hey guys, up for grabs is my silver gear knob. Just replaced it with a gloss black one as it more fits the theme Im going for on the interior. As such this one is now surplus to requirements. Not entirely sure what brand it is or where its from but has a really good weight to it and shifts feel really good and smooth. Looking for £35 delivered. Any questions give me a shout.
  15. Haha yeah they dont come up often at all. Ive been meaning to fit my new induction kit since Christmas but just havent got round to it until today, so couldnt list this before haha. Glad you picked up yesterdays one and didnt miss them both.
  16. Up for sale is an EVO-R carbon intake tube complete with couplers and jubilee clips. Also included is a pop charger with fixing bracket. I think the pop charger is a JWT one but not 100% sure. The intake tube is in great condition, however one of the couplers looks to be starting ti crack on the outisde. The inside however is perfectly fine and no sign of cracking. The pop charger is used and will benefit from a clean/oil etc before fitting but is still in great condition. Anyway, a picture paints a thousand words: Im looking for £75 +postage. I will package it up shortly and measure/weigh it and hopefully get a shipping quote too. Any questions give me a shout.
  17. Excellent many thanks guys
  18. Definitely interested in this. I was thinking I was going to have to send it off to the US to get done and cost me a fortune.
  19. Cheers mate, yeah I left it as I was intending to fit the new induction kit today but it bl00dy snowed haha. Haha, I didnt steal the brace just the idea Haha this is indeed my exact plans! The only reason I havent done the throttle body yet is that Im torn as to whether to do it black or orange! My new induction kit has all black piping and orange silicone couplers, got a slam panel in the mix too but same dilema.
  20. Hey guys, done a bit of searching but cant seem to find the answer. I am wondering if anyone knows off the top of their head what the Inner Diameter is of the breather hose that comes off the passenger side rocker cover and feeds back into the intake tube? Need to order a bunch of fittings and this is the only hose Im struggling to find the size for. Thanks in advance.
  21. Lol, you had me thinking about it for a minute, visualising sitting in the car the getting out and walking to the front haha.
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