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Everything posted by Erni902

  1. Would these be massive overkill for a 350Z 04 DE with plenum spacer, Nismo exhaust, decats, cai and an uprev? Reason I ask is that I think I have a stuck/sticking injector and will be looking to replace them all anyway. If I can replace with uprated ones that are also good for now and the future then all the better. In the future I am planning Cams and headers and then maybe somewhere down the line a FI install (but this will be years of yet). Also are these plug an play? Regardless of them being overkill I might go for these if they are direct plug and play and will work with no adverse effects on an N/A motor. Apologies for the newb type questions I just havent really looked into injectors on the Zed yet.
  2. Aha spoke too soon Alex So it feels like the low end torque is back (although could be a placebo) which is good, didnt really go full throttle much but doesnt seem to be any issues in 1st, 2nd, 3rd gear. In 4th when accelerating (not quite full throttle) she misfires, just the once then carries on. Same thing happened in 5th a little later. Then cruising at 80mph in 6th gear at around 2750rpm (no fluctuation in revs or speed and was level straight road) she misfired again! Just once then carried on as normal. This happened once more about 30 minutes later. Not sure if this is related to the original issue of advanced timing or maybe something else. A coil pack starting to break down maybe?? I will try and get hold of some datalogging gear so I can confirm if the timing is still an issue or if that is sorted. Any recommendations? I have an Evoscan license so just need an Openport cable I spose. Oh and just to add, all pressures and dials look fine and there is no CEL on. I am thinking several things to check are: -MAF -Injector(s) -Coil Packs Replaced the plugs a few weeks back and it made the issue slightly better (Was undriveable before but now driveable).
  3. Car is back. Timing chain and all associated parts have been replaced. Picked her up this afternoon and by god does it feel good to have her back. As far as a difference in the return of the torque etc I cant comment yet. Just about to embark on a long journey now so will see if I feel any difference. I have evoscan so just need to source a cable and I can start datalogging to see if the timing issue returns or has disappeared for good. Once confirmed good I shall book her in for an Abbey UpRev. Fingers crossed she is all good.
  4. Unable to make this one Im afraid guys. As always I hope you have a good evening
  5. I should be able to make this one: 1. Z370Z 2. ShortPaul 3. garygranite 4. AbiiPow 5. buster 6. Erni902
  6. Ill take these mate. PM me your payment details and Ill send it over.
  7. As above, spotted a silver 350Z coupe on the A5 between Little Brickhill and Hockliffe. You were heading southbound approaching the Flying Fox roundabout. I was in the Cayenne heading northbound but didnt see you until late so didnt manage a flash or a wave. This was about 1140am today.
  8. As above spotted a ginger 350Z around 1813hrs in Houghton Regis. You were leaving the Houghton heading down Bedford Road toward The Red Lion. I was heading uphill toward Houghton.
  9. As above spotted a black 350Z roadster on the A43 today around Brackley. Was about 1700hrs and was being driven by a female, I was on the opposite carriageway and someone had just swerved in front of me so didnt get a chance to flash etc.
  10. As above I spotted a lovely and clean looking blue 370Z on the M40 at about 1634hrs today. You were heading Northbound in the outside lane and just slowing down to sit in traffic. Was around Jct 11-12 I believe, I was heading Southbound in the Porsche so you more than likely didnt notice me flash and wave.
  11. All dropped off at the garage with all parts and fluids required for the timing chain replacement. Work starts tomorrow, hopefully have her all back up and running sweet on Monday evening.
  12. Also keeping an eye on this thread as I am after one too.
  13. Spotted yet another Zed this weekend. This time it was a silver 350Z roadster. You were heading up Poynters Road out of Houghton Regis and I was in the Cayenne heading the opposite way. Was around 1630hrs this evening.
  14. As above I spotted a lovely looking 370Z just after 11am this morning. Was on Brackley Road in Towcester, at the traffic lights by the crossing. I was in the Cayenne and waved but you probably thought...'who is this loser' haha. Lovely looking 370Z
  15. As title suggests, spotted a black 350Z with reg DL10 heading into Houghton Regis along Bedford Road at around 1815hrs tonight. Was by the stupid new mini roundabouts, I was driving the Porsche Cayenne today so didnt flash or wave as you wouldve just thought I was mental haha. It was just as the motorbike overtook you in the traffic.
  16. I was going to say that with paint you very much get what you pay for. Generally speaking the cheaper it is the worse the job and this kind of thing is to be expected. However if this was through the insurance then I certainly would expect it to be alot better than that!! Did the insurance pick the garage or did you? Not sure how it works but you may be able to supply your insurance company with the pictures and explain to them that the paint is a completely different colour and see if they can arrange the correct shade or a more reputable bodyshop. Hope you get it sorted mate.
  17. So thats circa £100 per hour labour?!
  18. Yes its not going to be a cheap fix but hopefully as I will be changing everything once its done its done
  19. Ok mate no dramas. Only considering it as Ive seen the posts etc about the failed ones. After searching through threads the only thing I could make out were that all VQ's whether 35 or 37 were prone to the old gaskets failing on pre 2012 models so thats the only reason I thought about it to be honest. Couldn't really see a clear divide between the DE and the HR but if they aren't prone to going on the DE then I might leave it. Yes I have spoken to the Stealers round the corner and awaiting confirmation of price etc on the genuine chain so should be ordering tomorrow.
  20. Cheers Alex, so I assume they are different then. Could you PM me a price for a set delivered please?
  21. Evening guys, Looking at replacing my timing chain and thinking I may do the oil gallery gaskets aswell whilst everything is off. Now the only issue I'm having is that I have 2004 DE Zed. The only gaskets I can find are specifically for the HR motor. Are the 2 sets of gaskets the same between DE and HR motors and if not then does someone know where I can get the DE gaskets from in the UK? Even the H-Dev website links to the HR gaskets regardless of how you navigate to them. I have conducted searches both on here and via google but cant find a definitive answer. If they are the same then I can easily get hold of them at a very good price. Thanks in advance.
  22. Roger that, many thanks Mark. So really we are looking at stretched chain or potentially plastic cover on the guide has slipped down causing the tensioner to be at full stretch and thus not enough to keep the tension. Either way, I think if I am going to get the guys to check the chain it may be just aswell that it gets replaced at the same time seen as the covers will be off anyway as well as the labour cost involved (no point paying twice). Even if its not the chain then at least I will know she has a new one anyway. So when replacing the chain is there anything else that would be good to swap at the same time? Would it be an idea to change the oil gallery gaskets too whilst in there? List I have so far: - Timing chain kit including guides, sprockets, tensioner and all 3 chains - Water pump and gasket - New oil and filter - Oil gallery gaskets Is there anything else that is essential or recommended at this point? Are there any gaskets I need to replace for example the main cover gasket or will garage gasket sealant type stuff be sufficient? Thanks in advance
  23. To check for a stretched chain can I 1. Simply remove the cover over the water pump and feel the chain for slack? If so: 2. Will I need new gaskets to go back on the cover when I put it back on? 3. Is it just the slack I am looking for or some other tell tale signs? 4.If there is no slack at the water pump am I to assume the chain is good? 5. Should I also removed the cover over the tensioner and see what state that is in too? 6. Is this fairly easily done with everything attached or will I need to start removing bumpers and belts etc? TIA
  24. Right so I have just spent a few hours having a tinker, now this was mainly aimed at the misfiring rather than the timing issues. Just wanted to have a check that the coil packs and plugs etc were not degraded or failing. So visual inspections of the coil packs passed with no visible cracks/fractures etc. Tiny bit of oil on top of the cam cover but this could be due to the recent oil change she has had, as it was only on the passenger side, which is where the oil filler cap is located so could have just dribbled down. No oil in plug chambers 2,3,4,5 and very very minimal in chamber 1,6. We are talking a couple of very small dots of oil so confident that its not oil in the chamber causing a short and no major rush to replace the seals/covers. All plugs did seem a little loose for my liking when I removed them. I had a brand new set of plugs anyway so would've been rude not to replace them all. Put the car back together started her up and the CEL and TCL OFF lights both illuminated. Press of the go faster pedal and nothing happens at all. Hmmm, check over all my work and I had unplugged the connector on the side of the throttle body but forgot to re-connect DOH!!! Connected back up, reset the ECU and went for a spin. Car now drives ok and pulls ok at around 75-80% throttle up to 6k rpm (I purposely didnt rev any higher) in 2nd-5th gears. It was raining so didnt nail it in 1st and didnt quite get to the speeds required for testing the same in 6th gear. Full throttle however in any gear and after about 4-4.5k rpm she seems to stutter. It kind of feels a little like fuel cut as opposed to a misfire now. So could this be down to the cam timing or do I have to create a new thread with these symptoms as a completely different fault? How can I check for a stretched timing chain? Is this something I can diagnose myself with step by step instructions or is it best having a garage perform the check? If I can do it myself then I can do it over the weekend. If not then I will have to wait until mid week when she is booked in at a local garage for them to check.
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