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J Harris

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  1. Still cannot resolve...I've got the tb reset dialed but each time I start the engine following the peddle dance it continues to idle at 750rpm then drop to 500rpm for only about 5 seconds then back up. Ocassionly it will stall after a few revs. Might be a stealership job as I'm running out of options! Any recommendations?
  2. Will try TB relearn first then ecu relearn. Unless someone warns me otherwise!
  3. So it's not likely to be something mechanical busted by moving the butterfly. Just throws the sensor out? What relearn is best to try first?
  4. Had the 350z garaged over winter, need to get it back out now the suns come out. Come to service it this weekend with new plugs, engine/gearbox/diff oil, clutch fluid etc Started up OK with a charge to the battery but now the idle drops every 30 seconds or so almost to a stall... I've tried searching to find a reason and think it may be due to cleaning the throttle body whilst I had the air filter all off. Im pretty sure i moved the butterfly valve manually but since seen this is a no no. Can manually moving the butterfly valve cause this issue and how so?
  5. Can't not miss boost! Really enjoying the low end power of a lazy v6 though
  6. Thanks for the welcomes! The s14a was running 280bhp, with a 4:3 ratio skyline diff so was pretty nippy but no where near as smooth as the 350, loads of fun though
  7. Hoping it's going to be a bit easier to live with than my previous motor and not as expensive!
  8. Afternoon chaps, picked up a Jan 2006 350z last week. Fun Lil car whilst the sun is out then I plan to take it off the road winter time to give a bit of tlc. Plan to change the clutch and give it a major service as it's got a few miles under its belt! What's the best way of adding photos?
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