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  1. If you go to a Nissan dealership they have a box with all the keys in. Take your car in, they will test each key until one works so they know the code and you can order a replacement through them. I paid £25 for a new key last week. Then buy some normal ones and get rid of the lockers
  2. All sorted. Can close now. Thanks zmanalex
  3. He was next on my list. Just wanting to give everyone else a chance too
  4. As the title says. After a drivers side Brembo caliper for a DE model. Mines got no threads on it for the brake pipe to thread into the back of it. Bit urgent so let me know what you've got. Thanks
  5. Was the surround part of the original xtrons or did you get that separate? I have the previous gen xtrons 7" but didn't get a surround with it and couldn't find one which fitted as neatly as yours does. For anyone else reading this: The xtrons are a really nice headunit I recommend them. I have a 3g dongle in mine and so it auto updates my spotify playlists. GPS using HERE maps. anything else you want to do using android.
  6. Sorted now. I did end up just cutting the plugs and using bullet connectors then shrink wrapping them. Now I have nice clean 350z wings
  7. I'm after the connectors for the side repeaters off a 370z from the inside of the wings (See attached). Both Sides. Cut off with some cable on the end so I can join to existing wire would be great. But if someone knows where I can just buy the proper connectors that will also do. Cheers
  8. Has anyone got a template for the hole the 370z side repeaters go in. Or can someone take a high res picture with a few measurements for me please. Basically I'm wanting to fit the 370z repeaters on a 350z wing but I'd rather have a proper template or know what your existing ones look like before I just start cutting randomly.
  9. I'm still waiting for a reply since the 12th. He's not been on the forum since the 11th though.
  10. Ah ha! Perfect. Ordered. Thanks Had to stop myself many times from clicking add to basket for everything in the special bit bottom right while ordering.
  11. I'm after the full assembly for both sides. Getting new wings for my 350z and they don't have side repeater holes only the z emblem. So I figure I'll make the 370z ones fit in the emblem location.
  12. PM sent. Just what I needed.
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