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  1. I think I will take the discs off and re- measure maybe i got it slightly wrong. Hopefully!! Thanks for your answers guys.
  2. It was registered 2007 but 2006 DE model , it's a gt with brembo calipers and discs measured 330mm from one side to other diameter. I don't know if these are the original or not ! Not sure what the 100mm line is?
  3. Hi, Guys, can anyone help ? I need new front discs and pads , when checking all say 324mm however mine measure 330mm and on brembo calipers. Question is can I fit 324mm ? Regards George
  4. Can you email your full address and I will book hermes to collect. Can you parcel it up? Also do you have PayPal account? For payment. Grmagnum@aol.com Regards.
  5. Will £150 do it ? Cos will have to buy mid section @ around same price of £150
  6. What's your best price? Given no mid pipe, this would have to be bought separately. To allow box to join.
  7. Does kaiser still visit this site ? Not a lot of replies Lately!
  8. Hi, have you got the driver side front Wing? And if so what condition and how much.
  9. Hi, have you got the driver side front Wing? And if so what condition and how much.
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