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Everything posted by jwwbowe

  1. Bit of a thread revive, I sold the car back in 2017 with about 10k on the clock, completely standard with no mods, it’s now back up for sale with 53k. Amazing how the market has changed, I recall purchasing it with 6k mileage still with a year of manufactures warranty for £20k something in that region, yet here it is 7yrs later with 53k and some mods and it’s only £4k less! World has gone nuts since 2020 but 370z residuals certainly aren’t bad. Would love to put it back to OEM maybe keeping the exhaust but it’s not the right time for me. Glad to see RJ64HGL lives and hasn’t been written off though, great fun car in an awesome colour. https://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202407312359655?sort=relevance&advertising-location=at_cars&colour=Blue&make=Nissan&model=370 Z&postcode=Po119su&fromsra
  2. Hi All, Just cleaned the car today after standing sometime and noticed some tree sap on the 370z. A decent cover is now on my immediate shopping list, any recommendations? Stormforce looks like the one, anyone had any experience with these? Thanks Josh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hi All, Just bought a 370Z GT and thought I had better join the forum! It’s a 64 reg, in Midnight Blue with 6k on the clock, I’ve never had a car this new and I keep making excuses to take it for a drive! I have come from an E46 M3 and while it was a great car the 370Z feels a lot more special. I had a S2000 before the M3 which was also a great bit of kit but I think the Z might just pip it. I did test drive a new facelift Nismo, but I would have struggled to justify it and I think for the money the draw of a GTR or a V8 Vantage would have been too much. Once the manufacture warrantee is out I am going to be looking at upgrading the induction and exhaust as my one criticism is it could be a bit louder. Any suggestions? I am looking at a Sea Sucker to put the bike on it, has anyone had any experience with this kind of bike rack on a Z? Based on the south coast, any local meets going on this summer? Thanks, Josh
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