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  1. Hi, I’ll take the cover if it’s still available & you don’t mind posting it.Could you message me with payment details please. Thanks
  2. Hi, id just like to add my experience with the stoptech brake upgrade. After having the car for about 18 months I decided it was time to upgrade my brake set up. To say the set up that was on the car when I purchased it were less than adequate would be a massive understatement. I felt the brakes needed a serious up grade so after chatting with Adrian at torqen I decided to go for the full stoptech upgrade which consists of the slotted and drilled discs, street pads,braided brake lines and stoptech performance brake fluid. The results were a night and day difference from what ever was on the car before. The car now stops on a dime. The slotted and drilled discs look amaizing and the brake dust levels have dropped dramatically. This in its self was a much welcomed benefit as the old set up produced so much dust, very annoying when you have gloss black wheels that look filthy the first time you go for a drive after hours of cleaning. Thankfully this is no longer the case. Iv had slotted brakes before on previous cars and found them to be rather noisy under braking again this is not the case with the stoptech. so to conclude I am extremely happy with the upgrade and if you are looking for a new brake set up I would highly recommend the stoptech upgrade and talk to Adrian at torqen for a great deal.
  3. Where is this squires meet? I might come along if I get the car back in time
  4. I’m interested, love the trax show , Iv been the last few years. Is it a bit later than usual this year? I thought it was usually in September?
  5. Hi Martin ,I’ll take it off your hands if you still have it and you can find a suitable box to post it to Sheffield in.
  6. Oh dear, I only used tiger seal in the centre part but still slightly worried about removing it now
  7. Slightly worrying as I used tiger seal on my rt mines lip but I think I might be fancying a change at some point in the future lol
  8. Did you ever get this sold buddy? I’m very interested if you still have it! Thanks
  9. Hi creg, did you ever resolve the issue? I’m currently getting the same error code. Mine has cobra high flow cats fitted and uprev tune done at tdi north. Shortly after I got the p2a03 sensor1 Bank 2 code
  10. It was me that’s caused all this confusion I think,sorry. It just says not to arrive before 7am as they won’t let you in. Think I’m going to aim to arrive by about 8ish.im sure I’ll manage to get on the stand before the 9.30 cut off time.
  11. Bloodyhell that went quick, I’d have had that if I had seen it earlier. Instead I was busy been dragged round a wedding fair
  12. I believe we have. The missus rang me from work to let me know we had everything sorted
  13. Got my tickets now, the missus has printed them off at work. She say it says not to turn up at 7am as the gates won’t be open, she said something about them opening gates an hour later than previous years. She also said we are in zone 8T if anybody knows where that is
  14. We’ve just got our tickets and it says do not turn up at 7am. You won’t be getting in if you arrive at 7am. I think they are opening the gates an hour later than usual this year
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