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Everything posted by Midmonster

  1. Showing my age now but i use brasso then wax and a tin of brasso will last forever lol
  2. it will only let me load this pic but i do have another 6 tats tiger, dragon, samurai warrior, koi,geisha girl plus unfinished skull devil mask to go with the one in the pic
  3. Would just like to say thanks to the crew at Tdi north for sorting the rattle problem out free of charge on my zed today. Thanks guys
  4. Might have been me? Dark grey Wheels? never noticed your wheels i was in the orange one
  5. Hi Payco sorry for my late reply iv been bizzy driving , im from the ch66 area but i have run into a problem tonight with the car and have know idea what it is yet. The car started to make a strange rattle but i feel that its not coming from the engine, i will see what i can find tomorrow myself for now thats all i can do and go from there.
  6. White 370 coming of bidston roundabout on to the M53 today about 8ish.
  7. Then i will get matching ones when i need to replace the backs Mr Gm.
  8. So would i be best getting front and back in them ?.
  9. Rubber ones lol dont know whats on front just got out the shower lol.
  10. My fronts are ok but i will need back ones soon. lol dont now how to edit it.
  11. My fronts are ok but i will need back ones soon.
  12. Midmonster


    Falken Azenis FK453 275/35 ZR19 (100Y) XL with rim protection (MFS) £109.00 from £198.00 are they any good ? Mytyres.co.uk
  13. i Its my first zed Mr DDD i passed by in a orange zed today was it you ?.
  14. orange zed on M56 going towards chester, ellesmere port about 11ish.
  15. Try skyinsurance.co.uk
  16. TH Thanks GM but think it suits her, maybe one day if i start to change things but skint at mo lol
  17. Silver zed going towards Bromborough, Birkenhead on A41 about 9ish tonight
  18. Hi All Its time for me to let everyone know that i am now the new proud owner of The Pumpkin. I would just like to say a big thankyou to Aaron for going out of his way to make this happen for me and delivering the car to me THANK YOU Aaron. Grinning Factor time from 0 to10 is, well mine is 11 thats all i can say :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: I only got her insured today and my face hurts from grinning and for some reason so is my right heel LOL. I went out tonight just as the sun was setting to take a pick or two, found a nice spot and would you believe it my phone was broken but never mind i think most of you know what she looks like. Once again would like to thank the club and members for all the advice, THANKS ALL.
  19. Sorry to see what has happen to your baby hope you dont get ripped to bad by the insurance.
  20. can you deliver :-D ? lol, very nice zed indeed
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