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Everything posted by Willsy1980

  1. Just to add, it is probably knackered now. It was in Skelmersdale, well known up here for being rough as sandpaper, it will have been thrashed non stop by a drug dealing smackhead. The current ad also says Preston, the pics are still in Skem, I can tell with the road its parked on He has probably signed it over to a mate to sell on to avoid the questions on ebay etc Sorry to say Payco, your baby has probably passed her prime.
  2. Who fitted it ? If you can get a industry leader in body glass (Autoglass etc) to confirm the refit was sub standard then you have grounds for a claim. If it was Autoglass who did it, don't say anything until they have inspected it. They should be able to tell if the correct procedure was adhered to. I used to work for the RAC doing glass, so skipping all the pre removal/install check bits. Once the glass is out and the bond has been cut back, if there are any areas where bare metal shows it MUST be etch primed, then primed with the pre bond primer. Skipping either of those and you neck was on the line. If they didn't prime correctly it will rust and the bond fails. If there was an issue after you did the work and it was proven you didn't follow the process you were liable for damages if it went to court. Most are settled before it gets there (I never had one btw) I'd say it's certainly worth looking into if it saves you the best part of £2000 in repairs.
  3. By the sounds of it they have been cutting corners mate, i'd approach them to pay for the damage. It will only get worse and will crack the glass soon. Sounds like they have gone through the paint when removing the old screen and not followed the industry guidelines when re-fitting. You potentially have a claim on legal grounds too, the bonded screen is crucial in design for structure and for directing the passenger airbag. The mistakes 'could' cause death. 100% worth fixing
  4. Has it had a windscreen fitted in the last couple of years by any chance ?
  5. Well I was quoted £269 at Nissan dealer for - Diff oil replace - Engine oil replace - Oil filter replace - Coolant replace - Brake fluid replace - Spark plug replace- Plugs at extra charge - Gearbox oil replace - Air filter replace So id say your price is very cheap
  6. Will give this a whirl on the mrs's Ka (daily beater )
  7. I knew Z's were quite big and heavy, but they make that Tank look small
  8. You could always ask you paint supplier for a Satin finish top coat/lacquer. Most will be able to mix one and can it for you. It will make it a little more durable too.
  9. Very nice, hope there aren't too many corners or roundabouts near where you live
  10. Anything like this fit the Roadster ?
  11. Probably pre sold to one of those Kardashian creatures across the pond....
  12. I'll still have a set in Black either way, DM your payment details over and the price they will be without the discount
  13. Hope you took Bambi home with you in the boot ! Free meat is always good On a serious note, Plastic and bits can be replaced, main thing is you're ok
  14. A decent High build filler primer over the etch should cope with 1mm. If you can find the smaller version of this https://www.globalfinish.com/featured-products-on-homepage/top-stop-gold-polyester-stopper-1-1l.html it's perfect for fine stuff over/after your filler primer.
  15. Looks like its just worked loose, Nissan doused them in lock tight (due to the vibrations) and they are usually a nightmare to get off. The leather is attached to the knob with a zip tie so it will move with it. Pop the surround off, remove the 4 screws on the under side, remove knob and apply some fresh lock tight or a few rubber O-ring washers to the shaft and re-fit
  16. What was the wear rate like on the V12's ? Had them on the Focus ST and they seemed good. Just need to decide if I want them on the Z or to go with the Rainsports ?
  17. If you want to claim for the glass and not mention a break in, just say the wind grabbed it when opening it. Swung back hit your gate post or something Used to work for the RAC on the glass side, all are covered usually and excesses range from 50 to 80. A bonded heated rear will stand you about £250 cash fitted.
  18. Eco mode is basically stall mode. Pop it in eco and try to drive away from the lights normally.... SP7 is the sweet spot Here's mine by the vent:
  19. Seeing as im so late, Happy Birthday for next year, hope it's better than the one you just had
  20. Try being a scumbag, loads of good women end up with idiots, lowlifes, scumbags and thugs. Try playing up for a few weeks with a 'bad boy' image and when you don't punch them or something it will be a nice surprise for them I know your not a Jewish female living in Philly but this may help...
  21. As has been said before, the price is more or less bang on for a good example. The advert wasn't miss leading in anyway specs were right and the photo's were pretty comprehensive. Another point on here raised many times is buy on condition not age/miles etc. Looks like you have done that, so i'm sure you will forget about the reg plate once spring hits and that top is down
  22. Yeah too cheap to start with, and the 02 plate may throw a few off. Thinking either it's actually a 2002 miss advertised or it's got issues. Make a more detailed advert, pop it on ebay at 7500-8500 and it will be gone in weeks I bet. Or i'll do you a straight swap for my 05 if you want you'll get 6200 for that
  23. I've got the roadster, I can't fit anything in the boot. Struggles for height with a few beer bottles... Wine ? Forget it, you have to lay it down.
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