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Everything posted by Willsy1980

  1. Sorry, lost track of this one. Not had any experience with what they have suggested, surely that is a claim from your own insurance though ? Who advised you raise it with the insurance under "Reasonable care/Skill" ? As that is the grounds for the original fitter to cover the costs. That is the primary cause of your issue.
  2. and mums gone there too I'd rather my skin peeled off than bump into Kerry Katona or Jason Donovan
  3. Not sure if you guys noticed, this is Leigh near Wigan in the northwest not the Leigh On Sea down south But if im ever down that way i'll look out for ya
  4. I was pretty good at CoD Zombies, surely that counts towards something ? If not, I can cook anything you can kill
  5. Will do, it will be June ish when getting it done. Want to wait for the warmer months to give it the best chance to settle in the heat.
  6. Ah we will be fine, Korea can barely reach Japan and South Korea with their nukes. The Russians are all bravado and propaganda, a high percentage of their war machine is outdated and rusted, fair enough even 10 nukes hitting us is total devastation. London, Portsmouth, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Newcastle, Exeter, Cardiff, Liverpool and Ipswich pretty much covers England, (sorry Cardiff your a casualty of war in this one) if they had 12 then Glasgow and Edinburgh would be on the list too. Most places between those cities would survive the blast and shockwaves, but the slow painful radiation death is in the post. I honestly think the US has already got a 'Starwars' defence system up there and active, they are 50-60 years ahead of what we see. Any long range WMD's would be taken out long before they reach us or the US, it's the short range sea and air threat you need to consider. Look at Russians main air platform for nukes, the Bear.... It wouldn't get close in the event of a war. Or I could be way off the mark and were all doomed, either way been a pleasure spending time on here and owning the Z. See you all on the otherside
  7. I had one of those on the Focus few years back, day after 4 new lumps of rubber fitted. Bicycle puncture repair glue did it
  8. Thanks for that, mine is due to be done. So I think i'll get over to them
  9. I'd have to say a good steak, nice and rare with a side of Cheese nachos topped with naga chilies and a few beers to wash it all down.
  10. There is a video guide to doing the swap on youtube. Seems a complete nightmare to do, lots of drilling and riveting needs 2 people ideally. I'd spend the extra £100 or so and get them to do the fitting too, at least you will have comeback on them if there are issues. More than worth the drive down if needed rather than get something wrong and damage the mech and the new skin.
  11. Jon@Emperor did have one a bit back it was a collection only part, probably worth asking if he still has it.
  12. But only then the nose is slightly up Or your leg is hanging out or your fingers are in there wiping the door shuts
  13. Rouge has a little more cut to it than Cerium, the video was more a demo of the technique as its the same process.
  14. Jewelers Rouge: http://www.ebay.co.u...07291931&crdt=0 Use it with water and a high speed drill (not cordless too slow) you will need a buffing wheel like this: http://www.ebay.co.u...3YAAOSwmLlYBw2T Mask the side of your car and surrounding panels, plastics etc, it gets everywhere. Go easy at it, and work a bigger area than the scratch. This will cut into the glass and cause a ripple if you focus too small. You can take more off but ya can't put it back Here's a demo: EDIT: Noticed you have a Roadster, do not get the Rouge on the roof skin ! It will wash off paint but not fabrics or plastics.
  15. I'd just leave the guy be now, we can only hope potential buyers do some research and wind up here before they splurge any cash on it. Sad state to see an ex forum car subjected to such punishment, this is the reason I never try to keep tracks of a car once i've let it go, things like this happen and it's a shame but there is nothing we can do.
  16. Everything is more fun with fire Disclaimer: The above statement may not be true, I accept no responsibility for loss of life, limb, belongings or any subsequent arrests.
  17. That would be the hydrochloric acid He did say at the end do not use on chrome, may have been better to mention that along with the small mention of the acid near the 2:20 mark. Also, probably best not to use it on the Plenum
  18. For minimum effort that is a pretty good result, hit that with a buffer and some metal polish then seal it. Would look like new.
  19. Im just not a fan of automated cars, never have been and doubt I ever will. The only way they can ever work is if every other vehicle on the road is automated and they interact. Life will be bloody dull the day it happens, just hope im not around to see it.
  20. Do these even help reduce the oil consumption ? Heard so many conflicting views on if the work, if you just fit on the pcv side or run to both. I'll follow with interest
  21. Yeah lovely place, has Europe's biggest roundabout too......
  22. Willsy1980

    2019 911

    Not sure about the white kit they fitted in the last pics
  23. Im in a Gunmetal Roadster in Hindley Green. Im often in Leigh and daily through Westhoughton. Spotted a Black 350 a few times did give a thumbs up last time,not sure if it was any of you guys ? I was waiting to turn right towards Sainsburys. Think I may have seen you too Easty on Atherleigh way a few months back ? I was heading towards the Asda.
  24. In the UK you have 6 years https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/somethings-gone-wrong-with-a-purchase/complain-about-a-service/
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