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Everything posted by Willsy1980

  1. If you shoot one down, it wouldn't detonate and therefor pose no risk to anyone. However ICBM's can only be intercepted/shot down in their final stage, usually a few hundred miles from their target as most of the flight time is in low orbit. This is why the Starwars program was so high on the agenda to develop, an integrated satellite detection and interception system to pop them while in the upper atmosphere/low orbit range. Im pretty confident that the US and Russia have the capability to do this, however it may only be the US who have a functioning system.
  2. Meh, i'd rather make 20 trips in the Z Although, we do have a Kuga but I only use that to taxi the Mrs and her drunk mates to and from town
  3. Bit of old cloth (pillowcase etc) and grease works well. Cut strips of cloth and smear with grease, then pack them in like the bread trick.
  4. Another with the Tab pro 10.1 here and another with a failed battery after about 18 months. Was easy enough to replace and other than that never had an issue with it. Previously had the 7 inch version of the Galaxy tab, but that was only used in the car for connecting to the headunit for films and stuff to keep the mrs from moaning on long road trips
  5. White for the rubber inserts is fine
  6. 100% agree, a failure like that can be deadly
  7. Willsy1980


    The Teins are still £370+ vat on Demon Tweeks: http://www.demon-twe...-suspension-kit
  8. Yeah I would think it would use constant (but restricted flow) to maintain a consistent oil temp ? Otherwise you would have 2 different viscosity's of the same oil. Is it definitely thermostatic and not just a regulator valve, adjusted as desired ?
  9. Advert says 'believed' to be 1 of 2 built in 2002... Not sure if there is any way to check the authenticity of that claim, just thought it was an interesting find as there was mention of H-dev in there. If they can attest to it being legit, surely a bargain buy for a 1 of 2 car ?
  10. Suitably terrified to wash, polish and wax the car every 10 minutes after the previous wash, polish and wax. Just to be sure like....
  11. Spotted on Ebay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350z-Nismo-S-tune-Very-very-rare-low-mileage-stunning-JDM-classic-/292118325702?hash=item44039be9c6:g:X3sAAOSwdjNZGc3w
  12. No mate, was flicking through a breakers bits and that popped up. Was amazed at his valuation of it..
  13. Not sure how else you'd open the door As for closing, I usually just employ the self-closing feature of the Z doors - Get out, start walking off, doors self-close, lock it, don't even look back like a total badass... then obviously look back a few times cos it's a Z That whole looking back a few times because it's a Z. 100% spot on, I do it every time I walk away, a look of fondness for the ride she just gave me im sure there is a dash of, 'yeah it's mine' in there to...
  14. How much for one of those ? I'd buy one.
  15. In all honesty, if it's a trade deal and a £100Bn leaving bill or walk away with nothing. I'd take nothing and watch the whole pile of crap fall apart around their ears, they need us far more than we ever needed them, we are just a cash cow to them while they kick back and line their pockets. All these europhile politicians who are filling heads with doom, are only doing so to avoid loosing their hefty salary for doing naff all, granted we have some idiots over here trying to run the show. At least they are our idiots.
  16. I'll give you £10, a Mars bar and a bottle of Ouzo for Crete
  17. Spot on, the wording was woeful. It's also sort of in place, plus with the divestment of assets law preventing the simple signing over of property to avoid it.
  18. True, but I recently bought a new GPU from Scan only the first 12 months of the warranty is with the seller after that you must contact the manufacturer (needs to be registered too).
  19. Not sure if this is common, but last few weeks (since it warmed up) after driving and the engine is up to temp the rpm is getting a little erratic. So after cruising along at 30-40mph as you do when coming to a stop at lights or in a queue of traffic, when I depress the clutch to knock it out of gear for the last few feet, the revs drop to about 400 rpm before coming back up to about 750 is this normal or is it the start of an issue ?
  20. As long as its not an old item, just contact the manufacturer and tell them it was bought as a gift so you don't have the original receipt. If it's electrical, you can usually register the product on their website for a free/extended warranty, if its unopened you should be fine as there is normally a unique code on a sticker on the item. (reference to the graphics card mentioned) Most other things can be covered with household insurance, however not worth the claim in most cases. Paypal and credit cards should cover you on smaller items and act of proof of purchase too if needed.
  21. Willsy1980

    'My world'

    That was pretty bloody good, just crying out for a little hoonin' after the fire up before the rest of the arty shots. gotta give it an 9.5/10 Would have been 10 but no tyre smoke Stunning car that.
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