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Everything posted by Willsy1980

  1. There is also this stuff, looks pretty good. Not 100% sure we can get it over here yet ?
  2. Glad to hear your all ok, cars can be fixed, family can't. Not impressed at how that wheel has failed so badly, that looks pretty brittle.
  3. Just got it for PC yesterday, not installed it yet but looking forward to trying this out with the wheel and pedals
  4. My wife gets day long headaches if she sleeps in too. Just thought you might like to know, you're not alone... You're the first time I've heard someone else say it. Yeah it's quite strange really, doctor couldn't explain why it happens either and everything checks out so im not worried. Guess it's my brain punishing me for wasting it by sleeping
  5. I'd take it as a sign. Buy a V8 and kill all the trees they live in. Bloody flying rats. Honestly don't think i've ever seen that much crap on a car before.
  6. Saw that one doing the rounds on Twitter earlier, wonder what they meant....
  7. I found the best way to fall asleep is by simply asking the Mrs how her day was or what her mates are up to on Facebook, works every time But im another 6 hours per night, if I go back to sleep on a Saturday for an extra hour, I just get a headache for the rest of the day. Guess 6 is my number.
  8. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2005-nissan-350z-jdm-import-breaking-for-parts-vq35de-67k-on-the-clock-/152564014276?hash=item2385861cc4:g:ph4AAOSwTM5Y6OE9 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-2003-2005-3-5L-V6-LEFT-SIDE-BARE-DOOR-BREAKING-PARTS-/172683698942?hash=item2834c022fe:g:9-oAAOSwVupTnwfY Pricey... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350-Z-2004-RADIO-CD-WITH-FULL-CENTRE-CONSOLE-28188-CD700-GENUINE-/222533799283?hash=item33d00c4d73:g:rooAAOSw~AVYuYO7 Barebones http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/04-05-nissan-350z-dashboard-instrument-panel-center-cluster-bezel-box-/201940832901?hash=item2f049c9285:g:tjEAAOSwcgNZLQY1
  9. Right, we didn't get the result we wanted. Lets March on London and chain ourselves to gates or invade a few airport runways and stamp our feet till they bleed..... Or we could suck it up and make the best of the mess we are now in. This has to be one of the worst election campaigns (and results) i've ever seen, I expect Brexit talks to be delayed and endless infighting for 3 months before a new GE is called for January. May really did drop the ball on this one, so far ahead in the approval ratings pre-campaign and rested on that to make her a certainty, her lack luster campaign and somewhat grey manifesto has really done for us all on this one.
  10. And I don't, I just accept things for how they are... I took the same approach to Brexit. I disagree with the uninformed and mislead public making a decision on something they are not qualified to make a decision on, which includes myself. All it takes is a few hours reading to get a little background on what it is your voting for
  11. Exactly, if she knew in advance he was vulnerable, then he was specifically targeted. This all seems to be very calculated and the end goal was clearly her own morbid gratification. Again as you said, choosing to stand in front of a judge was a predetermined, she had this all planned from day 1. That alone should be enough to see her guilty.
  12. This could technically be a proxy murder, typically they are 'Hitman' killings. Though in this case she used the victim to perform the hit on himself. She should get life (didn't read the whole article so no idea of the sentence) she forced her will of his death on him to be honest.
  13. the buster hack/ buster mod? Sorry I do not understand There was a link in the guide you used for the install, here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/58947-reduced-sound-out-put-after-replacing-oe-bose/
  14. With respect, TT never advocated anything you are talking about in the post you quoted True, was more an extreme variation of vigilante style retaliation. As we know things could very easily escalate into mayhem.
  15. Passion and pride would be a yes from me, but surely running round blowing up Mosques and feeding Jihadi's to pigs yada yada yada. We would be stooping to their level and degrade ourselves to be animals, we are better than that. We could say for everyone of ours we take 1,000,000 of yours and nuke Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc etc but we can't it's not right. All this would do is encourage more to join their 'crusade' we need to take them out swift and silent if that is the only way. Just to add, not having a go at you TT just a devils advocate type of post.
  16. Would be nice if we could get a key that would do the windows and fuel filler too, such simple things would please me greatly....
  17. Looks like a whole load of trouble. DELETE !
  18. well ive not started the car up today as of yet. Once im back from work im going to check the oil level again and start her up and see what the pressure does. When i checked it yesterday after a few hours the pressure was still pretty low. For peace of mind and £60-70 may as well just do an oil change and filter, can't do any harm
  19. I thought 15 psi was normal for the DE when warmed up and ticking over ? 30-45 psi when pootling around 45-60 psi motorway speeds in 5th/6th 90psi when revving to about 5k+ If not, now im worried
  20. The problem with that is, many of the smaller segments of the communities have their own Mosque's or prayer halls where the like minded congregate. So they are unlikely to push out if they have the same views. They are not necessarily known to the wider/integrated Muslim community who live in peace with their western neighbors. Probably 98% of the Muslim community are decent hardworking folks just like us, finding 2% is a very difficult task when they hide in plain sight.
  21. Honestly, with the farce May has been producing recently. I fear JC is a shoe in for the seat now...
  22. I thought i was just me that had to do this Anything for a quiet night, or save them up for a lads day session and rocking up at 7am the next day
  23. I fully agree that a big part of it is for the communities to out those who are 'a little nutty' shall we say, I know quite a few people in the Muslim community either by working with them or via other friends and they hold similar views as we do, this is not in their name yet I fear the longer this continues, our own idiots will begin to surface. I guess our other option is to ride it out, eventually they will have either blown themselves up or been shot after a stabbing. We do have to admire the response time from the Met after the London attack, 8 minutes from 1st call to neutralising the threat was pretty impressive.
  24. I get where you're coming from Coldel, but it just seems all the ones responsible are on 'the list' and are known to have traveled to the hot spots for these Daesh/ISIS strongholds and have familial links to extremism. If they are know to have any links in any way the must be questioned. Im not talking Gitmo torture etc but the need serious attention, this is like a guerrilla war on your own doorstep. Again yes, many arrested and released as not 'Connected' but what is to say they won't be connected to the next one ? It's a very fragile situation and any action in the wrong direction will only spark more attacks. Im interested to hear what you think would be an appropriate response or course of action to weed out those who pose a threat ?
  25. Yeah, you won't get information from them. We are at the point where we need snatch squads, anyone on the watch list needs their doors kicked in by the SAS and rounded up. Build a secure purpose built prison, offshore would be better, and then 'question' them there. Or a cheaper option, snatch them and make them disappear, most people wont agree with that but we are in a no win situation. We need drastic action and we need it now, if we upset a few snowflakes in the process so be it. The more we tiptoe around the more innocent victims they will claim. /rant
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