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Everything posted by Willsy1980

  1. You have to read the small print on GAP, some only cover from 6 months after the purchase. So anything at the 3 month mark and you SOL.
  2. Yes mate i have these, what a nightmare. Pm'd Yeah my own fault, was blasting at an angle and got under the edge. Salvaged it a bit but it's all creased, can't live with it like that. PM replied
  3. Do you still have the DE ones in stock ? I ruined my passenger side one with the jet wash last night blasting bug remains off :/
  4. The whole world seems to revolve around blaming someone else for every little thing that turns to sh!t, just another example of the compensation culture that has driven the growth of the leeches that are the no win no fee, PPI etc etc. And as for those morons running around with their crappy banners on a 'Day of Rage' blaming the Tories for the fire ? Seriously ? im starting to think 75% of the population are backwards. Don't get me wrong, what happened in the fire was horrific, probably the worst way to go in my opinion, but there is no single person to blame it was a series of screw ups by many people. The important thing is they learn from the mistakes and put them right before any more disasters happen.
  5. Yeah I used brasso and a scouring pad, let the brasso soak in first the scrub like hell. It's a filthy job so wear gloves, unless you don't want to be able to touch your mrs for a month
  6. We had a day several years ago in Sharm El Sheikh when it hit a ridiculous 55c. We were lucky to be in the Cleopatra water park at the time, the heat from the floor came through the flip flops. Word to the wise do not go in July The weird thing is, 28 in the UK is worse than 40's and 50's in Egypt, too humid over here so you just sweat and are stuck in the office....
  7. Your best bet, to save buying loads of stuff. Pop down to your local accident repair place and have a chat with them about you popping in to do it yourself or them doing it but you helping do all the masking up/brew making etc etc, did a few in my time £30 a pop plus any perks they wanted to leave (few beers etc) All it needs is a little love with some 3M Finesse and a wax sealant. The time consuming part is the masking up. Whereabouts in Manchester are you ?
  8. You need 2, pop one in each pipe and fire it up. See which type of cat get the best mpg
  9. For 5k you could shift it private quite quick tbh, depends how fast you need rid of it. If you can afford to wait a few weeks advertise it here with a good description and photos, pop it on ebay with a link to this site/the thread can only help with the sale. If you need it gone soon then take the 4.5k and move on. GLWTS
  10. Thanks for the hard work behind the scenes guys. Additionally, any members who have sent me their paypal account details etc for purchases, I have deleted the PM's containing them.
  11. Good stuff on cutting the blue wire, any idea what the blue wire is for ? Bet you were sweating like a bomb disposal operative, blue ? are you sure, what about the red ? Glad it saved you several hours of unbolting, testing, head scratching and swearing Edit: Seems your bad luck has now officially ended, told you they come in 3's
  12. For me the only 'progression' would be a 911, F-Type or R35 but that is ££££ so unless I hit a big Acca on the horses it's not likely to happen soon. At which point, im sure something else will catch the eye.
  13. Sounds like the resistance is way down on what it needs to be, they should have a resistor built into the bulbs to stop this occurring but it seems these don't have. Were they cheap and from shall we say a well known mass producing country of electrical goods ? You have 2 options really, use load resistors or swap the indicator bulbs for filament bulbs.
  14. Just a thought, are the bulbs LED ? Sometimes they can cause weird things due to the lower resistance.
  15. Justice prevails, doubt she will see 20 years but should get at least 15 but out in 10 at a guess.
  16. Well they say it comes in 3's so looks like your streak is over Fingers crossed next month is full of good.....
  17. Great minds... We are doing loop over to Huddersfield back down the twistys past the reservoirs over towards Rochdale/Littleborough etc and then loop back over the top towards Denshaw and back towards Huddersfield for some food Have fun on your drive
  18. Ah right, so at least they have not been out hooning it. Could just be coincidence that the gasket has dried out/failed don't think its a big job to replace but if it's leaking enough to drip and cause smoke then it needs attention asap. May as well do both sides and full oil change while your stripping it. Fingers crossed it's just the gasket for you, the covers are pretty pricey.
  19. If oil is dripping on to the manifold, yeah it will smoke. Was there a leak before you took it in is the question ? Does your mileage etc checkout ?
  20. This site has all sorts of stuff, 4k and above, should give good clarity at A1 sizes https://wallpaperscraft.com/
  21. 2.5 ton car doing 30mph spun around 180 degrees, add in the fulcrum effect initial energy of impact of the wheel against the kerb would have been massive. Any other SUV would have flipped, instead the X just gouged a hole in the concrete!! True, need to remember those batteries have a bit of mass behind them.. Just surprised it was a total failure and not just a severe twist or deformation, I suppose it depends on the % of each component in the alloy.
  22. Let me guess, you bailed yourself of jail in Ohio ? Or had a shopping spree in Kansas ? Those were the 2 I had, CC company paid it back though thankfully.
  23. Will any of these be ready for the end of the month ? Starting my payday treat list
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