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Everything posted by Willsy1980

  1. It's certainly a marmite kit, personally I think Ken needs to go back and restyle it
  2. Yeah, that is quite possibly the worst looking 'thing' i've ever seen. But £6k ???
  3. Trying to be a 911 ? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2004-Nissan-350-Z-3-5-V6-GT-Pack-Manual-JDM-FRESH-IMPORT-2dr/282708813165?hash=item41d2c2256d:g:utwAAOSwhpZZ8clI
  4. How long before Richard Hammond puts that on it's roof ?
  5. I recently put this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1x-Exide-Premium-72Ah-720CCA-12v-Type-096-Car-Battery-4-Year-Warranty-EA722/191981783629?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 one on and has never missed a beat since. Bit of a squeeze getting it in, but still retains original clamps etc
  6. In all honesty, nothing on that list is worthy of getting rid of the car for. Alex probably has boxes containing every bit you need for a fraction of the price, most of them are consumables drop links etc included. What i'd be doing is dropping Alex a PM for prices on all the bits you deem critical, then give it a full fluid service come June giving you time to squirrel a few quid to one side to cover it. Or you could bite the bullet and buy an 05 Ford Ka for £200 and spend £600 on welding come MOT time and never overtake another car even if its parked
  7. 2 presses for unlocking the passenger door is normal, not sure if there is a Beep for setting it either, mine doesn't.
  8. Left mine sat for 3 weeks and battery was buggered, probably on its way out before the break. I'd just buy one of these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1x-Exide-Premium-72Ah-720CCA-12v-Type-096-Car-Battery-4-Year-Warranty-EA722/191981783629?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 and upgrade when you are ready to use again.
  9. Ah the almighty bang, the sound of broken things....
  10. Add another to the list, not run my car for 2 weeks and the battery has given up the ghost, popped the jumpers on ran it for 30 minutes. Turned it off and wont fire, the volt meter just dropped from 12 to about 6 in a second from turning key. Is the Yuasa HSB096 still a good option ? DE 2005 ? Thanks In advance folks
  11. For me, I see only 2 options (well for me anyway) the 370 or a 911 both just seem the perfect natural progression. However, the F type.... The 370, you know what you are going to get servicing and running will be more or less the same as the 350. The 911 more performance than both but a more rounded car overall. The service costs and parts hmmm could be a deal breaker even more so if you get a bad one. F-Type, much bigger investment but the looks are unrivaled.
  12. You will need to send him a Private message for pricing etc, hover over his name and click message
  13. Alex is probably taking it apart as we speak
  14. Smoking and EML, i'd offer him half the asking price at best, your buying a shell with seats. There is a 4-5k rebuild waiting for you on that one. " We are just a 2 minute walk from Banbury Train Station & a 5 minute walk from Banbury Bus Station." Quite handy, as that's about as far as it'll drive tbh.
  15. Decline a refund, sold as not working. Your not a pc/laptop expert so any advice given was a guess. If you actually knew how to fix it you would have done
  16. Can't believe that is still in one piece, those welds were dodgy :O
  17. I just got this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161660075681 not tried it yet but looks similar to Payco's, plus for those who have the Mac washers from b+q this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/162063310646 works perfect to fit Karcher accessories.
  18. I hate you ! That was bloody terrible, but addictive
  19. I had a similar issue with mine, bottom was fine but the top was slack (Roadster) So I made a small cut in the fabric at the top, halfway between the hooks, pulled the elastic through and tied a knot in it to tighten it. Works a treat
  20. Couple of you guys popped up on the Gaskings youtube video from Trax
  21. 100% love seeing the work go into any and all cars.
  22. Willsy1980


    I don't think they are too bad. End of the day it's your car, if you like it then all is good
  23. I'd reconnect the D1 and try to recreate the problem, see if it throws the error again, at least you have a reader to clear it if it does.
  24. Dear god, why? That is one ugly little critter.
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