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Everything posted by Willsy1980

  1. Probably best bet are Tarmac Sports and Torqen
  2. No got the Evo r ones, they need a bit of work to make them right. Not that happy with them to be honest. Driverside is bang on, passenger side is too big. Going to get a bit for the Dremmel and have at it If still not right, then i'll shell the extra and get the Nismo ones.
  3. Welcome 8K will get you a nice rev up model, its a little shy of the HR but should be a good selection to choose from in that price range. Might be worth checking out the buyers guide if you have not already done so and have a look through some of the ones sold on here as a guide as to what is out there, happy hunting and look forward to seeing what you get
  4. Few more Carbon goodies added, next for Carbon will be kick guards, rear view mirror and strut brace cover. I did have a Z1 intake arrive, sadly they sent the wrong one (took a damn month) so that has been returned and now awaiting the correct one. Treated her to a new set of wipers, £81.72 Its gotta be Nismo or Nissan, ain't no Amazon for this baby
  5. Thats why we have to touch up with a cocktail stick and not a brush anymore
  6. Hahaha it was pretty similar to Temper, probably was. Just looked a little flatter if you know what I mean. Either way, similar colour to the Sainsburys sign near it
  7. If you search his name, posts pop up mentioning condensation in the DRL's and the clutch going on it Edit to add:
  8. White is 100% the best colour, not biased in anyway Honestly though, photos don't do it justice looks great in the sunlight and even better at dusk
  9. Parked on the carpark near the bypass in Leigh, modified and nice aftermarket wheels. Was about 4/5pm ish
  10. I would say its a genuine Nismo, looks like they have spent a good few quid on personalising it too. As said before, may have been a front ender or they simply wanted a different look and modified it. Be aware the wheels have been painted and to put them back to stock a diamond cut will set you back at least £160 per wheel plus and paint colour/work you choose.
  11. Does he do them for the 370 too ?
  12. Im a simple kinda guy, I like cars and lasers. This provides both in copious amounts, the build is an art form I can admire but never achieve, superb stuff
  13. The rear of the 370 roadster roof looks so much more squatted and inset than the 350, always thought mine looked plonked on. Far nicer behind the seats. Lovely car 👍
  14. Appropriate license plate, it certainly was a hak job
  15. Hahaha Only reason I know, I was pissing around with the buttons and triggered loads of alerts to change tyres and oil filter Came in handy though, once the service was done I was able to set it to the 9k (well I did 8k, rather be early than late)
  16. These messages are generated as a reminder. You can set a mileage to expiration under the maintenance section on the dash pods. You can set them in multiples of 100 iirc. Think you can do: Tyres Oil Filter Other If you have a service record check when it was last done, you may have had a tech that set it up for you. Or it may have been set to 9000 done after 8000 and never changed leaving 1000 miles till the pop up message
  17. Willsy1980

    Tick Over

    As long as its not hunting or lumpy at idle, no splutter or miss fires on pick up then all is fine
  18. Willsy1980

    Tick Over

    800 is bang on, can be as low as 600ish with the aircon off
  19. Well that's one hell of a motor to return with, welcome back and the added doggo pic is always good
  20. Spotted a nice looking 370 on the Premier inn carpark at Treaddur Bay yesterday, Private Plate A6 *** Nice looking carbon handles, mirrors, and B-Pillars on it. Lovely looking car Would have parked the Nismo by you but bays were full, left it in view so when you left you would see it
  21. Dry day, so popped these on Many thanks for the cracking deal
  22. Fitted the B-Pillar garnish. Waiting on the Z1 intake to arrive from Torqen. Next on the list, carbon door handles and mirrors
  23. I always look at these things with the, Do you value the car, do you want it done right ? If you answer either of those with a yes, don't buy a crap turbo kit off Ebay. If it means waiting a few more months to save the extra, get a reputable company to fit a known and trusted set up. If it ain't done right, best case scenario is it will be low numbers. Worst case, it self destructs at the first sign of a dyno pull.
  24. Willsy1980

    Wheel Spacers

    Well Malwarebytes doesn't like that link, so probably a gimmick with added malware
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