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Everything posted by Willsy1980

  1. They were doing £40 off if you buy 4 of the same too, so if you have a mate needing tyres the same size One order 4 fronts the other 4 rears
  2. Yeah they look to be in mint condition too those, price reflects that obviously
  3. Not noticed one up so might be worth collecting a list of finds Halfords doing the 175pc Advanced ratchet/socket/spanner set £150 - Usually £255, The 200pc for £231 - Usually £330 5 pc Lifting kit 2 tonne £59.50 - Usually £85 Loads of others, but those are the picks Auto Finesse doing buy one get one free on a selection of 1L and 5L pre wash, decontamination and protection. Some huge complete bundles (circa £200 to £400) Please feel free to add any bargains that pop up
  4. White LMGT4 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293669093381?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3Da0d4ff3fcf8b4cf79ec89565ceeb6271%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D15%26sd%3D183596310796%26itm%3D293669093381%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380057&_trksid=p2380057.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3A6efdc900-4a1f-11ec-89e7-228d8229501c|parentrq%3A3e31090f17d0aaf5e1a1a2cefffd9bd2|iid%3A1
  5. Yeah it's how I did mine, started with 800's wet and worked down to 2000's a grade at a time. Working in alternate directions with each step to eliminate the previous marks. Then on the 2000's rub in small overlapping circles. Once done remove masking, dry, clean with panel wipe and remask for clear coat. 2x 50% coats and a final 'wet' one. Results were perfect. Mine was an 05 and 12years old when I did them, reflectors seemed in perfect condition and light output was good. Before: During: Results:
  6. Managed to find some black hardware, now just to go through the rest of the ones im confident I can swap
  7. One thing to save you a good few quid, chances are you can sand down (wet n dry) the headlights and then spray with clearcoat. Brings them up like new and lasts years not weeks like those 'restoration' kits you can buy. But sounds like a well loved Z
  8. Sweet jesus. As funny as that is, I just hope appropriate actions were taken before the worst happened....
  9. Noticed you in Manchester, not far from me. How urgent do you need these ? PM me your budget, if you're serious about them I may have a workable option.
  10. Does it make the noise if you are holding the shifter knob ? Could be the trim rattling in the clips or the wire clip under it for the reverse sensor thing
  11. Hi Beauvue, If ive miss understood please forgive me, but are you trying to swap in the 370 console to a 350 or vice versa ?
  12. If you got some stands, get the arse off the ground and try the same. May help pin point the noise too. Added bonus, you won't crush whoever is under there looking just in case it does decide it can move again
  13. As title says really, the Nismo is in need of new rubber. Finding anything in the current 245/40/19 and 285/35/19 is proving somewhat of a challenge unless its MPS4 on the front and MPSS or MP4S on the rear. Im not a fan of mixing tyres front to rear even though similar. So is the following config acceptable ? and hows the price look ?
  14. As title, im looking for spring clamps and worm/jubilee clamps in Red or Black to fit all the pipes in the engine bay (visible ones) So for Intakes, coolant hoses, breathers etc To replace the silver/Grey in the photo. Does anyone know all the required sizes or a source to buy from ? Cheers
  15. Not sure pal, worth asking if its an easier trip for you. Just know they used to do it, was in conjunction with Abbey iirc
  16. Yeah if coming into Liverpool, TDi North are in Warrington, about 30/40 minutes away. Just down the M62
  17. Been a while since I did anything but finally got around to installing the Z1. Youtube said about an hour, more like 2 with the only assistant being the wife Plus bonus Peekaboo photo
  18. So sorry this has happened to you, utter rats. Sounds like the police are not much better either.... What gets me now, is how your insurance are classing this as an At Fault claim ? Surely theft would be a non fault claim, you didn't hand them the damn keys.
  19. I'd have been having serious words with Mr (or Mrs) Instructor.....
  20. What can you do on the prices of the Nismo carbon bits ? Looking at: Mirror cover (interior) Sill Guards (Scuff/Kickplates) Additionally: Evo-R Carbon rear strut bar cover Real Japan Steering wheel - red and black ultra Suede Shall we say 1k for the lot ?
  21. Only thing I never liked about those was the front arches, just way too much gap. Had they done a lower cut on it then it would be perfection in a retro shell. Clio V6 meets Nans car meets Testarossa. Madness
  22. Is no one at the shop older than you able to get 1 day insurance on it and pick it up ?
  23. Sounds about right, I knew it was peanuts
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